Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

I felt like I was nothing more than a seat filler. It didn’t matter that I met all the job requirements including start up experience as well as launch, the DM even said I interviewed extremely well.
Guess what they gave the job to another female rep who looked like a street walker. I guess that’s what they like, completely unprofessional. So what does that say.

I felt like I was nothing more than a seat filler. It didn’t matter that I met all the job requirements including start up experience as well as launch, the DM even said I interviewed extremely well.
Guess what they gave the job to another female rep who looked like a street walker. I guess that’s what they like, completely unprofessional. So what does that say.
It says that you're a loser, and that you could not beat out a street walker for a position.

I felt like I was nothing more than a seat filler. It didn’t matter that I met all the job requirements including start up experience as well as launch, the DM even said I interviewed extremely well.
Guess what they gave the job to another female rep who looked like a street walker. I guess that’s what they like, completely unprofessional. So what does that say.
That's he industry now. all the companies are corrupt. past performance is meaningless. If you are over 45 years or 50 you can forget even if you won hall of honor last two years in a row. I have never seen such BLANTENT DISCRIMATION IN THE industry, (don't know about this company bec I did not apply) but I saw the post and I had to comment. My CEO at my company said that his goal is to promote "women into leadership. "Ok, so I f you are a dude you don't have a prayer at any promotions! its legal discrimination.
a young lady was fired at our company last year, she sent to a medical device company the next month at a Higher salary. probably makes more than the DM who fired her.

That's he industry now. all the companies are corrupt. past performance is meaningless. If you are over 45 years or 50 you can forget even if you won hall of honor last two years in a row. I have never seen such BLANTENT DISCRIMATION IN THE industry, (don't know about this company bec I did not apply) but I saw the post and I had to comment. My CEO at my company said that his goal is to promote "women into leadership. "Ok, so I f you are a dude you don't have a prayer at any promotions! its legal discrimination.
a young lady was fired at our company last year, she sent to a medical device company the next month at a Higher salary. probably makes more than the DM who fired her.
I agree that ageism is a very real problem in this industry but was not the case in Newark. I think I saw only one person who appeared to be under 40. I was pleasantly surprised by this.

That's he industry now. all the companies are corrupt. past performance is meaningless. If you are over 45 years or 50 you can forget even if you won hall of honor last two years in a row. I have never seen such BLANTENT DISCRIMATION IN THE industry, (don't know about this company bec I did not apply) but I saw the post and I had to comment. My CEO at my company said that his goal is to promote "women into leadership. "Ok, so I f you are a dude you don't have a prayer at any promotions! its legal discrimination.
a young lady was fired at our company last year, she sent to a medical device company the next month at a Higher salary. probably makes more than the DM who fired her.
I agree that ageism is a very real problem in this industry but was not the case in Newark. I think I saw only one person who appeared to be under 40. I was pleasantly surprised by this.

I was getting anxious because I hadn’t heard anything but the manager I interviewed with told me to sit tight I think HR is a little overwhelmed

You have to realize that this is a management team filled with backups and never have beens. As a result, they will hire in their image, average to below average

Honestly I wish it did. I interviewed in Newark and definitely over 40. ( and no I don’t look my age, from what I hear all the time.) I didn’t think their was any age issues from what I saw. It’s just a tough industry and sometimes it’s who you know, but I was really looking forward to moving on with the company. When your told you are exceptionally qualified and interviewed very well, yes it’s a let down and then you see the person who got the offer and you know them. I’m all for the right person getting the job, but this situation threw me for a loop. Definitely time to move on, Hoping something better comes along.

Honestly I wish it did. I interviewed in Newark and definitely over 40. ( and no I don’t look my age, from what I hear all the time.) I didn’t think their was any age issues from what I saw. It’s just a tough industry and sometimes it’s who you know, but I was really looking forward to moving on with the company. When your told you are exceptionally qualified and interviewed very well, yes it’s a let down and then you see the person who got the offer and you know them. I’m all for the right person getting the job, but this situation threw me for a loop. Definitely time to move on, Hoping something better comes along.

This industry is brutal. You simply cannot take it personally.

Honestly I wish it did. I interviewed in Newark and definitely over 40. ( and no I don’t look my age, from what I hear all the time.) I didn’t think their was any age issues from what I saw. It’s just a tough industry and sometimes it’s who you know, but I was really looking forward to moving on with the company. When your told you are exceptionally qualified and interviewed very well, yes it’s a let down and then you see the person who got the offer and you know them. I’m all for the right person getting the job, but this situation threw me for a loop. Definitely time to move on, Hoping something better comes along.
A few things-

1) Newark had a wide array of folks across many diverse backgrounds.
2) Many of the folks interviewing KNEW the DBM they were interviewing with from before.
3) You can have a resume that is KILLER but it comes down to FIT and FEEL in the interview. Do some have biases? Absolutely, everyone there is human.
4) I have been where each and everyone of you have been. Keep your head up, keep pushing forward, you will find something that you really want to go to.

Wish you the best.