Bio honest?


Considering a position with Bio. I have great relationships in cardiology. Medtronic and st Jude currently have business with my friends. Bio says we will cut prices and get "creative" for business. Asking around, nobody seems to have a very good impression of Bio. EVERYONE I talk to says if Bio is being used, something is going on with the doctors that won't pass the smell test. Thoughts?

don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't

Bio brady products are as good as anything out there. Management cant be trusted any further than you can throw them. Shifty and slimy. Creative pricing equals giving product away means you dont make any money. On call 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, not worth it for the short change you will net after discounting.

You will ruin your great relationships that you have painstaking built over the years. Don't throw these away by joining Bio. Ask your true physician friends their opinion, and why they aren't using already.

Considering a position with Bio. I have great relationships in cardiology. Medtronic and st Jude currently have business with my friends. Bio says we will cut prices and get "creative" for business. Asking around, nobody seems to have a very good impression of Bio. EVERYONE I talk to says if Bio is being used, something is going on with the doctors that won't pass the smell test. Thoughts?

I worked at one of the Big 3 and now I am with BIO...just to establish where I am coming from. The reality is that the question you have is asked is impossible to answer without generalizing...a job opportunity with any company is good or bad based on the factors at play in the territory in question.

If this is your first job in CRM, I would tend to agree with everyone else: BIO is probably not the place to get your start. In my opinion, you need to be covering multiple cases a week for a year or two in order to build the technical competency required / expected of a rep. Your "friends in cardiology" may be forgiving everywhere else, but they need to be able to depend on you when the chips are down in a case.

As for all the other comments about BIO destroying your credibility and nefarious business practices....well...a good rep can make any company shine (or not). I am proud of the fact that I have turned perceptions around in my territory, and consider it a little more gratifying since it was as a BIO rep who was told "it will never happen."

Nefarious business practices? That's true everywhere, and is again a choice that individual reps and institutions enter in to together...not a company policy. Wherever you must be prepared to answer for headlines in the paper from time to time. I decided that addressing my former company's 15th recall was worse than explaining how 2 BIO Reps in a territory 1000's of miles away got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

As for our pricing strategies, well, the market will bear what the market will bear. There is a reason ASPs are declining across the market, and its not because BIO and its 11% market share is forcing it to...the fact is that the CRM heyday is over. The Big 3 are letting people go and pulling back on offering clinical support and services in an effort to offer pricing that will entice hospitals and GPOs to lock in to volume commitment contracts. Because we are small, we can offer those prices now.

For you, as I said above, I would get my start on a high volume team in my area (if possible). Learn the ropes and then seek your fortune in a few years wherever your heart and your head tells you makes the most sense.

Don't accept GENERALIZATIONS as the basis for assessing the quality of a SPECIFIC job opportunity.

Good luck.

There's been a few people I've heard of that have been messed around with Biotronik's promises of jobs - until you get that contract signed you've got absolutely nothing with them - regardless of what they tell you verbally.

Bear that in mind as the "being messed about" will occur regularly throughout your time there as well if you take a job with them.

Time-wasters is a phrase that comes to mind.

Seriously, only loser docs use bio. Stay away. You will be working with the bottom of the barrel. Bio reps are scum that couldn't make it with the big three. Usually spurned by the big three because the they are losers.

First the great days of CRM are over and it's more of a beat down than a job. Yes you can make a good living but the days of making a great living are really over. With ASP's down by 50% over the last 5 years and low voltage is loosing ground this is not the business to be in and to start with an underdog like Bio would be tough. As one of the guys said you have to do several cases a week to get your skills where they need to be and gain any credibility.

I speak from experience because I have been with both and you can be the nicest guy on the plant and you'll be looked down on with Bio. There management has been awful since TB took it over and it hasn't stopped.

All companies are slime balls these days but the bigger ones have deeper pockets and can pay off better. Also have more reps to hide behind.

Train with someone else.

In all seriousness: DON'T do it! Bio is a private company. Good news: they don't succumb to pressure from wall street which is the bad news as well. Do NOT do it unless you are one of the few who can TRULY flip biz overnight. Bad place to cut your teeth in CRM.

Honestly? It'll kill your career. I made the stupid mistake of moving out of the big three to "them" and after being screwed around with for over a year, I left out of frustration.
My advice is that if you truly value your career and future job prospects, stick with anyone in the big three regardless of how awful they are portrayed as being (they're not I promise you) and don't touch BioT with a bargepole, it'll get you no where.

Considering a position with Bio. I have great relationships in cardiology. Medtronic and st Jude currently have business with my friends. Bio says we will cut prices and get "creative" for business. Asking around, nobody seems to have a very good impression of Bio. EVERYONE I talk to says if Bio is being used, something is going on with the doctors that won't pass the smell test. Thoughts?

It's a good company. Don't know your area but "Everyone" you talk to does not know the product. The reason the "big guys" talk crap they are tired of losing cases.

Bad mouthing, Bitching, call it what you want, people are only going go give you an opinion based on their view or experience.

So yes, there are a lot of people out there, and its not through lack of cases that they're talking Bio the way they are.

I talk trash about Bio because I know them. And they pretend to be not what they are. Castoffs and malcontents who had nowhere else to go. Crooks. Slimey. Best friends with 60 yr old surgeons who would use them if they made the device in their garage. All they were before Pat Newton was above. Now they can reach starving new EP's and supplement their small practice.

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