Bio 5-Year Probation

You didn’t miss anything. The company is expanding and working towards 15% US market share. Great time to get on board.
Oh yeah, '23 will be the year for sure to hit 15%. Ryan consulted the magic 8-ball at the start of the year and after 12 shakes with unnaceptable replies, he finally got the response he was looking for... "without a doubt". Meanwhile Ramon, conjuring the power of his spirit ancestors, can't get anything but "goodbye" from the ouija board.

Oh yeah, '23 will be the year for sure to hit 15%. Ryan consulted the magic 8-ball at the start of the year and after 12 shakes with unnaceptable replies, he finally got the response he was looking for... "without a doubt". Meanwhile Ramon, conjuring the power of his spirit ancestors, can't get anything but "goodbye" from the ouija board.
Huh, I was always told that ah-tool was the high preist in charge of BIOsuccess spells.

Oh yeah, '23 will be the year for sure to hit 15%. Ryan consulted the magic 8-ball at the start of the year and after 12 shakes with unnaceptable replies, he finally got the response he was looking for... "without a doubt". Meanwhile Ramon, conjuring the power of his spirit ancestors, can't get anything but "goodbye" from the ouija board.

Joke is on the haters. Ramon is a moron who has ascended to lead the country with absolutely zero sales skills and/or qualifications.

More years of bonus famine for those that are eligable. Hopefully they find a way to keep the paychecks coming but even that seems far from a sure bet given what's happenig with expenses.

More years of bonus famine for those that are eligable. Hopefully they find a way to keep the paychecks coming but even that seems far from a sure bet given what's happenig with expenses.

The field team is getting a little sick of in house whiners. You don’t take call, have a quota you can affect or have to give up family activities for work ones. Boo Hoo on your bonuses. The field sales team makes less and less every year.

???Just read post that Newt was asked to run Sales. LMAO, not true. Real rumor is he is closer to the end of his tenure. RC was asked to run Sales for a reason. He is future, Fig Newton is the past.

why are people still writing so much about PN he was solid in his days style is not relevant anymore. and he is polarizing. I heard from BIO colleague the company is focusing more on marketing less on the PN empire. Heard new head of marketing won over management and Berlin.

why are people still writing so much about PN he was solid in his days style is not relevant anymore. and he is polarizing. I heard from BIO colleague the company is focusing more on marketing less on the PN empire. Heard new head of marketing won over management and Berlin.

There really isn’t much written about him… Project much? Pat is still a pacing God and Classic never goes out of style. That being said there are rumors TC was asked to run things for half off. Rumors

why are people still writing so much about PN he was solid in his days style is not relevant anymore. and he is polarizing. I heard from BIO colleague the company is focusing more on marketing less on the PN empire. Heard new head of marketing won over management and Berlin.
That'll be the day! BIO has NEVER respcted the power of marketing nor invested in it. As compared to MDT, BSX or ABT our % of sales that goes into marketing is a pittance and getting slimmer every year. I have no clue how enamored the Berlin leadership is with the newest flavor of BINC marketing leadership but I can tell you as a 10+ year veteran who's seen no fewer than 5 people lead marketing in my tenure (Rex, Carol, Wolf, Katerina and the latest seat filler), the company (and Max specifically) does not beleive in the power of marketing. Heck, I vividly recall Jake in his time calling it "hocus pocus." BIO still beleives that great products will sell themselves. That is total BS and if you are in the field you know this well. If it was true, why do customers still prefer MDTs crap 10:1? Hint: it has something to do with marketing!

That'll be the day! BIO has NEVER respcted the power of marketing nor invested in it. As compared to MDT, BSX or ABT our % of sales that goes into marketing is a pittance and getting slimmer every year. I have no clue how enamored the Berlin leadership is with the newest flavor of BINC marketing leadership but I can tell you as a 10+ year veteran who's seen no fewer than 5 people lead marketing in my tenure (Rex, Carol, Wolf, Katerina and the latest seat filler), the company (and Max specifically) does not beleive in the power of marketing. Heck, I vividly recall Jake in his time calling it "hocus pocus." BIO still beleives that great products will sell themselves. That is total BS and if you are in the field you know this well. If it was true, why do customers still prefer MDTs crap 10:1? Hint: it has something to do with marketing!

Bio isn’t wrong. There are very few accounts that decide on crm products based on the latest algorithm or marketing bell and whistle. The rep doesn’t even matter in most circumstances anymore. If you are wondering why MDT still has the lions share it’s because of the tipping point and the fact Bio never hit it.

Bio isn’t wrong. There are very few accounts that decide on crm products based on the latest algorithm or marketing bell and whistle. The rep doesn’t even matter in most circumstances anymore. If you are wondering why MDT still has the lions share it’s because of the tipping point and the fact Bio never hit it.
I don't disagree at all with the "tipping factor" point. But how did they get there? MDT spent more in marketing and less in R&D - putting a lot of gloss on somewhat technically inferior products. They invest in innovation that is marketable... and if it has a clinical benefit, that's a bonus. And they accept a rate of product failure that would make any Schaldach's blood boil. As a company, MDT is okay with producing "good enough" products. BIO on the other hand still strives for perfection when the market is clearly telling us that "good enough" is perfectly acceptable. Doctors are not "immune" to marketing. How many times have you heard a customer parrot MDT marketing messaging in your face? I certainly have. I don't know if BIO investing heavily into marketing at this point would move the needle at all - the CRM oligopolies control 95% of the U.S. market and BIO simply does not have enough might to breaktrough that barrier.

I don't disagree at all with the "tipping factor" point. But how did they get there? MDT spent more in marketing and less in R&D - putting a lot of gloss on somewhat technically inferior products. They invest in innovation that is marketable... and if it has a clinical benefit, that's a bonus. And they accept a rate of product failure that would make any Schaldach's blood boil. As a company, MDT is okay with producing "good enough" products. BIO on the other hand still strives for perfection when the market is clearly telling us that "good enough" is perfectly acceptable. Doctors are not "immune" to marketing. How many times have you heard a customer parrot MDT marketing messaging in your face? I certainly have. I don't know if BIO investing heavily into marketing at this point would move the needle at all - the CRM oligopolies control 95% of the U.S. market and BIO simply does not have enough might to breaktrough that barrier.
In addition to not moving the needle, I think Bio is kind of cornered here. If Bio shifted focus, became less risk adverse, reduced spending on innovation and quality and boosted spending on marketing there is significant risk that any recall, even a minor one, could be fatal. The industry somewhat excuses Medtronic's indescretions becuase they are considered too big to fail. That's not the case with Bio.

Bio is the place to be in the best device sector in all of cardiology. ASP’s dropped over the last 15 years but that pricing pressure has come to an end. Docs are continuing to put patient needs above their own and basing device selections on technology. If you can’t thrive in this environment you should resign and Bio will backfill you promptly.

Bio is the place to be in the best device sector in all of cardiology. ASP’s dropped over the last 15 years but that pricing pressure has come to an end. Docs are continuing to put patient needs above their own and basing device selections on technology. If you can’t thrive in this environment you should resign and Bio will backfill you promptly.
Thinking about the former, doubtful on the latter. There's no backfilling at Bio, only more intense flogging of the survivors to pick up the slack.

Thinking about the former, doubtful on the latter. There's no backfilling at Bio, only more intense flogging of the survivors to pick up the slack.
And the flogging is about to grow more intense as a result of the first quarter. I don't think it will be long before we are informed of another round of belt tightening.

And the flogging is about to grow more intense as a result of the first quarter. I don't think it will be long before we are informed of another round of belt tightening.

This is the place to be in Med device sales I have been told. I wish I was there (need a few more years of successful device experience)

I have heard the company is extremely profitable and Max is more than pleased.
There are trolls on here who will say different but look no further than the investment Bio has made in R&D to tell the tale

I have heard the company is extremely profitable and Max is more than pleased.
There are trolls on here who will say different but look no further than the investment Bio has made in R&D to tell the tale

Agreed. Why would they operate in the US if not profitable?! You must just be in a geography that doesn’t use Bio. Bio owns some states.

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