Unlike CSRs, PSTs, etc. and even RTs Sales Reps and LCMs ARE NOT hourly employees! They are salaried which is very different legally. If you have half a brain do a little research about the difference(google) and you will understand why things are structured accordingly. Unless Rotech wants Sales Reps and LCMs to not be able to be abused delivering portables to hospitals in the middle of the night or to patients homes or pulse oxes for pickup or drop off AFTER HOURS FOR ZERO additional compensation I highly doubt any changes will happen with GPS or any other measures. When was the last time a PST or CSR had their job on the line for not enough business for a couple months? Exactly......Sales Reps and LCMs or LSMs whatever either way if they do not produce enough or run a tight enough ship ops wise on the LCM or LSM side THEY WILL BE FIRED! PERIOD! Its called responsibility for things! What about this do you people not get with this difference....crazy the posts on here. A bad sales rep/lcm/lsm=fired....period. You do not need GPS for this system to work because it has a fail safe built in....its called sales points and ebitda! Oh, and lets not forget our old friend held item!