Best way to get fired

Lol this person really struck a nerve with you didn't they? Why else would you resort to personal insults? If you are so professional and superior why sink to the level of what you call the fat, ugly, mouth breathers? What's the matter? Not making your numbers this month? What a loser you must be....
It is you non-professionals who have taken over this board, and now whine when getting a little of your own medicine.
My numbers are just fine thanks. Turns out I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier instead of trying to stir up trouble on a gossip board.

It is you non-professionals who have taken over this board, and now whine when getting a little of your own medicine.
My numbers are just fine thanks. Turns out I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier instead of trying to stir up trouble on a gossip board.
Medicine? Seems you are delusional. Just because you blow doctors does not make you one. You throw the word "professional" around as if you had the moral high ground. You are just a loser who was not professional enough to sell real estate or pharmaceuticals or even cars.. You are no better than the WORKING folks you hold so much contempt for.. Smh

Thats entirely bullshit because most referrals are insurance carrier driven, meaning that unless there is a serious history of botched discharges, they HAVE to choose us.
But dont let that sto you from unzipping your middle eastern md during that private luncheon.
Careful now.. Don't let that dirty little secret out that most referrals are insurance carrier driven because there will be alot of sales reps let go and you will have to troll the used car dealerships to find them

It is you non-professionals who have taken over this board, and now whine when getting a little of your own medicine.
My numbers are just fine thanks. Turns out I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier instead of trying to stir up trouble on a gossip board.
" I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier" ahem, you mean THEY do ALL the WORK for you... Right? Your numbers are just fine because THEY do THIER jobs.. Right? But you sales bitches get on here and talk shit about CSR's and PST's... Set up your own equipment and process your own paperwork.. See how far you get without our help...

It is you non-professionals who have taken over this board, and now whine when getting a little of your own medicine.
My numbers are just fine thanks. Turns out I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier instead of trying to stir up trouble on a gossip board.
Whaaaaaaaa these "non-professionals" won't stay off our board. Booo hooo it's not fair they have no respect for me. Sniff Sniff whaaaaaaaa

It is you non-professionals who have taken over this board, and now whine when getting a little of your own medicine.
My numbers are just fine thanks. Turns out I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier instead of trying to stir up trouble on a gossip board.
You are professional? Arguing with these clowns doesn't make you look like you are.. You know they are pushing your buttons just to show how easy it is.
Just saying....

You are professional? Arguing with these clowns doesn't make you look like you are.. You know they are pushing your buttons just to show how easy it is.
Just saying....
Not pushing MY buttons. It's the other way around.
Myself and many others are laughing at the disgruntled nonesense that appears here.
Let them blow off their steam here, because they will NEVER say it to your face.

Not pushing MY buttons. It's the other way around.
Myself and many others are laughing at the disgruntled nonesense that appears here.
Let them blow off their steam here, because they will NEVER say it to your face.
Post your name and number... Tough guy
Lol you have to be a former driver or something... " professionals" don't act like you do.

" I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier" ahem, you mean THEY do ALL the WORK for you... Right? Your numbers are just fine because THEY do THIER jobs.. Right? But you sales bitches get on here and talk shit about CSR's and PST's... Set up your own equipment and process your own paperwork.. See how far you get without our help...
They can't! They are too stupid to be a CSR and too weak to be a PST.. Total waste of a locations resources.
Sales rep needed ( not ) No need to submit a resume.. No need to fill out the application just answer one question.. Do you spit or swallow?

" I have a dedicated staff who makes my job easier" ahem, you mean THEY do ALL the WORK for you... Right? Your numbers are just fine because THEY do THIER jobs.. Right? But you sales bitches get on here and talk shit about CSR's and PST's... Set up your own equipment and process your own paperwork.. See how far you get without our help...
Shhhhhhh don't let out the dirty little secret. Sales reps are a total waste of money. How hard can it be to sell equipment that patients have to have in a market with very few competitors and Insurance companies determining who can supply the referral?

I have to agree with that. My background is a little different than yours though. I worked for linde. We actually ran you out of North Dakota and Minnesota mostly on my watch. I have moved on but if you want to know how to get fired why don't you go visit the grand forks or Fargo lincare locations and observe.

A good way to get fired is to keep blowing up the van.
First blow the engine by holding the gas pedal to the floor in neutral.
After that is fixed, keep the transmission in low at highway speeds...takes awhile but works swell.

A good way to get fired is to keep blowing up the van.
First blow the engine by holding the gas pedal to the floor in neutral.
After that is fixed, keep the transmission in low at highway speeds...takes awhile but works swell.
A better way is to just chuck it into park while your going at highway speed....the transmission gets so mangled that theyll never figure out what happened,they just assume it was from lack of tranny fluid changes.or just open the petcock and let all the antifreeze out,motor will be toast in under 5 miles.

A better way is to just chuck it into park while your going at highway speed....the transmission gets so mangled that theyll never figure out what happened,they just assume it was from lack of tranny fluid changes.or just open the petcock and let all the antifreeze out,motor will be toast in under 5 miles.

I smoke in the van and let all the hot ashes hit the 02 tanks. HAsnt blown on me yet

They can't! They are too stupid to be a CSR and too weak to be a PST.. Total waste of a locations resources.
Sales rep needed ( not ) No need to submit a resume.. No need to fill out the application just answer one question.. Do you spit or swallow?
I'm a sales rep and I only swallow for O2 referrals. I spit for everything else.
Most doctors are nevertheless happy with me. I bring home the bacon.

I'm a sales rep and I only swallow for O2 referrals. I spit for everything else.
Most doctors are nevertheless happy with me. I bring home the bacon.
" I bring home the bacon "
No, you are a parasite that sponges off the hard work of others in your location. There is no need for bottom feeders like you eating away at a locations bottom line. How hard can it really be to convince a doctor to order something his patient needs in an insurance carrier driven industry. Besides performing fellatio on some slob doctor for an order your location would have received without your carnal efforts.. What do you really offer? Let me guess, you carry stale donuts and some pens to their offices hoping the receptionist and others wont call you a skank behind your back? The sooner Rotech figures out you are not needed the better ( LCM's should ALL be LSM's and cut dead weight like you loose )