Best way to get fired

No company ever buys another in this business for the equipment. They buy companies for the revenue that those patients bring, market coverage, contracts that can be assigned etc. Then they hope to let as many of the new employees go as possible. So the last thing they are thinking aobut is equipment that can be bought used everywhere on the cheap.
In the very short term this works for rotech. They gain some minor temporary rvenue.
THEN when they shoot themselves in the foot pissing off referral sources, they close the failed location and then wander off to scavenge another carcass.

Rotechs failing due to mismanagement and the lack of loyalty to their employees... Not because unhappy people are venting on this forum.. Ass!
Actually you are half right.. They are loyal to those who do the least amount of work.. If you actually work for Rotech you can expect meager pay raises if any at all. The good news is you can catch the next company wide email broadcasting the bonuses for the lazy sales reps and its your privileged to act enthusiastic about "thier compensation" for the work that YOU performed

And collect unemployment.
Tired of running the whole operation and getting paid crap. Tired of 24/7 on call.
What's the best way to get out of this madhouse and still collect?
Don't worry, soon they will hire a fat nasty CSR that doesn't know shit to help you. To add insult to injury they will pay this waste of space more than you but still expect you to hold the location together. It's the Rotech way.

Actually you are half right.. They are loyal to those who do the least amount of work.. If you actually work for Rotech you can expect meager pay raises if any at all. The good news is you can catch the next company wide email broadcasting the bonuses for the lazy sales reps and its your privileged to act enthusiastic about "thier compensation" for the work that YOU performed

Without the referral you wouldn't have the patient. You should thank your sales rep for generating business to keep you employed. Without your sales rep you wouldn't have work to do loser.

Without the referral you wouldn't have the patient. You should thank your sales rep for generating business to keep you employed. Without your sales rep you wouldn't have work to do loser.
Thats entirely bullshit because most referrals are insurance carrier driven, meaning that unless there is a serious history of botched discharges, they HAVE to choose us.
But dont let that sto you from unzipping your middle eastern md during that private luncheon.

Without the referral you wouldn't have the patient. You should thank your sales rep for generating business to keep you employed. Without your sales rep you wouldn't have work to do loser.
Funny, we don't have a sales rep and we have all the business we can handle. We meet our goals all the time because we have a manager that actually does his job by establishing relationships with his referral sources by providing great service.. That's done by the CSR's and PST's that your ilk have so much disdain for. You lazy POS. Anyone can can carry some company pens and a box of donuts to the same referral sources over and over again. Now go take a nap

Thats entirely bullshit because most referrals are insurance carrier driven, meaning that unless there is a serious history of botched discharges, they HAVE to choose us.
But dont let that sto you from unzipping your middle eastern md during that private luncheon.
LOL That's just some waste of money donut whore trying to stay relevant. If you listen to thier bloviating you would think they really had to beat the bushes to stir up business. The truth is most if not all locations could do without that drain on thier bottom line. Rotech needs to wake up and realize they are throwing money away on these losers. The last SR we had spent all her time at home and the casino until she was let go.. Are numbers went up after she left not to mention our EBITDA

Without the referral you wouldn't have the patient. You should thank your sales rep for generating business to keep you employed. Without your sales rep you wouldn't have work to do loser.
Lmao what a load of bull! The referral sources keep ALL of us employed. We don't need YOU to solicit THIER referrals by handing out free post it pads and pens ( or performing fellatio ) for a referral that was coming our way regardless of your parasitical relationship with this company.

Without the referral you wouldn't have the patient. You should thank your sales rep for generating business to keep you employed. Without your sales rep you wouldn't have work to do loser.
Oh is that a fact? Then instead of going home at 5:00 for the day.. You haul your worthless ass out later that evening to set the patient up yourself you overpaid lazy piece of shit! Without CSR's and PST's your so called sales would dry up in a hurry because we didn't do our jobs. So thank the location where you are siphoning resources from that YOU are still employed.

Oh is that a fact? Then instead of going home at 5:00 for the day.. You haul your worthless ass out later that evening to set the patient up yourself you overpaid lazy piece of shit! Without CSR's and PST's your so called sales would dry up in a hurry because we didn't do our jobs. So thank the location where you are siphoning resources from that YOU are still employed.
Sales reps are parasites.. They feed off of the efforts of others. Get rid of all of them and make the location managers responsible for referrals... LSM's
Then pay CSR' and PST's a decent wage and offer enough to recruit and keep the good ones.

Lmao what a load of bull! The referral sources keep ALL of us employed. We don't need YOU to solicit THIER referrals by handing out free post it pads and pens ( or performing fellatio ) for a referral that was coming our way regardless of your parasitical relationship with this company.
Quite obvious that location personal are simply jealous of an attractive sales rep - as compared to the fat, mouth breathers that like to talk behind our backs.
Complain all you want but at the end of the day, you have to go home, get up the next morning, and see yourself in the mirror.
You are locked in an office or driving a van because you will NEVER be fit to represent a business to professionals in person.

Quite obvious that location personal are simply jealous of an attractive sales rep - as compared to the fat, mouth breathers that like to talk behind our backs.
Complain all you want but at the end of the day, you have to go home, get up the next morning, and see yourself in the mirror.
You are locked in an office or driving a van because you will NEVER be fit to represent a business to professionals in person.
May I add that taking a shower in the morning is not necessarily what some of you often do.

Quite obvious that location personal are simply jealous of an attractive sales rep - as compared to the fat, mouth breathers that like to talk behind our backs.
Complain all you want but at the end of the day, you have to go home, get up the next morning, and see yourself in the mirror.
You are locked in an office or driving a van because you will NEVER be fit to represent a business to professionals in person.
Wow! Defensive much? I assume you think you are superior to your coworkers because you do so little to earn your pay Lol not so, but tell yourself whatever it takes to make yourself feel better.. Our sales rep looked like she dressed at goodwill and was always covered in dog hair. Don't get me started on her teeth.. ( fortunately she is gone now )
As usual for your ilk you prefer self aggrandizement to illumination. You are no better than the people who actually work to get your points for you but your condescending remarks suggests that your hubris will never allow you to understand that.
FTR some of us have already had careers in other walks of life ( in my case military ) and work to stay busy or supplement our retirement income..
I have no problem with what I see in the mirror when I get up in the morning.. Maybe you should worry more about self reflection than sinking to the level of those who you think you are superior to with pejoratives and ad hominem attacks. You are not making the case for yourself by responding to anonymous remarks on the internet. A successful salesperson who is happy wouldn't even care or know about this board.

Quite obvious that location personal are simply jealous of an attractive sales rep - as compared to the fat, mouth breathers that like to talk behind our backs.
Complain all you want but at the end of the day, you have to go home, get up the next morning, and see yourself in the mirror.
You are locked in an office or driving a van because you will NEVER be fit to represent a business to professionals in person.
Lol this person really struck a nerve with you didn't they? Why else would you resort to personal insults? If you are so professional and superior why sink to the level of what you call the fat, ugly, mouth breathers? What's the matter? Not making your numbers this month? What a loser you must be....

Quite obvious that location personal are simply jealous of an attractive sales rep - as compared to the fat, mouth breathers that like to talk behind our backs.
Complain all you want but at the end of the day, you have to go home, get up the next morning, and see yourself in the mirror.
You are locked in an office or driving a van because you will NEVER be fit to represent a business to professionals in person.
Hahaha omg that's hilarious! Attractive sales rep? I have yet to see one.. As for talking behind your back.. Post your number and name I will be glad to tell a bottom feeder like you what I think. Ass