Best way to get fired

What the hell are talking about?
I was wondering the same thing when I read that. Must be some reference to something or someone with a severe lack of maturity. I get the impression it was meant to be a overly dramatic response to something that was said.. idk.
Reminds me of some low brow behavior in a hip hop video that is meant to project to the average observer "hey look at me ", " hey I'm cool " whatever... lol

I was wondering the same thing when I read that. Must be some reference to something or someone with a severe lack of maturity. I get the impression it was meant to be a overly dramatic response to something that was said.. idk.
Reminds me of some low brow behavior in a hip hop video that is meant to project to the average observer "hey look at me ", " hey I'm cool " whatever... lol

Typical rotech behavior not up to date with the current events are you? Can't afford cable eh? Get with the times it was a reference to the POTUS!

Here's what I did the day i knew i was going to be fired.
I reached up high on a warehouse shelf for a wheelchair, and then faked a back injury.
I got 5 months off on disability....paid vacation.
It works! Just kep claiming pain.

Here's what I did the day i knew i was going to be fired.
I reached up high on a warehouse shelf for a wheelchair, and then faked a back injury.
I got 5 months off on disability....paid vacation.
It works! Just kep claiming pain.
Sounds like a plan... Sure I can think of a way to have an mm tank disable me lol