Best way to get fired

They need to give GPS enabled tablets to SRs to see how much they actually follow their bullshit planners. The resulting RIFS and cost savings would be epic. Pharma figured that out 5 years ago.

" I bring home the bacon "
No, you are a parasite that sponges off the hard work of others in your location. There is no need for bottom feeders like you eating away at a locations bottom line. How hard can it really be to convince a doctor to order something his patient needs in an insurance carrier driven industry. Besides performing fellatio on some slob doctor for an order your location would have received without your carnal efforts.. What do you really offer? Let me guess, you carry stale donuts and some pens to their offices hoping the receptionist and others wont call you a skank behind your back? The sooner Rotech figures out you are not needed the better ( LCM's should ALL be LSM's and cut dead weight like you loose )
Carrying stale doughnuts and cheap pens is just a front to get past the fat useless Dr office staff (who could easily qualify for a CSR position).
Quid pro quo only applies to items of cash value.
What I do with the Dr behind closed doors (or even in his own mind) is what keeps you employed.
I just happen to look good enough to pull it off.

First time reader and first time poster. You can bet your ass I'm only marketing poc's from this point on. pST is not a necessary job with this company, all you guys are is drivers.

First time reader and first time poster. You can bet your ass I'm only marketing poc's from this point on. pST is not a necessary job with this company, all you guys are is drivers.
No PST's, okay, Then set up your own equipment you lazy fuq. Don't make any plans tonight. Stand by for that call around 9pm tonight for that set up.
Lol you act as if YOU are the reason a doctor sends an order to the location.. Let's just ignore the FACT the sick patient has no choice and Insurance companies determine where the referral send the orders.. A LSM could establish that relationship but I bet your sorry ass that LSM does NOT want to set it up at 9pm tonight.. YOU are irrelevant but there is ALWAYS a need for someone to actually do the work. The sooner Rotech figures that out the better financial shape this company will be in. Then you will be forced to get a job that actually requires real sales accumen and ability.

What does a rotten egg smelly driver know about pharma? Ha
LOL Probably just as much as you since you obviously lack the skills to sell anything that someone doesn't need to save their life and in an environment with very limited competition.. Is it disingenuous to claim you are actually " selling" under those circumstances?

Carrying stale doughnuts and cheap pens is just a front to get past the fat useless Dr office staff (who could easily qualify for a CSR position).
Quid pro quo only applies to items of cash value.
What I do with the Dr behind closed doors (or even in his own mind) is what keeps you employed.
I just happen to look good enough to pull it off.
I see you prefer self aggrandizement to illumination. You do NOT keep anyone employed except yourself.
1. The patient NEEDS the DME
2. The referral sources have limited choices of where the order is sent.
3. Insurance companies determine in many cases due to contracts which DME company gets the order.
Well, you get the idea.. Why are you needed again? It seems that circumstances in the industry have already done most of the work for you.. Oh wait! You need to get that Doctor to sign that order or CMN.. Hmmmm seems you are a Nothing but an overpaid CSR.

It is extreme to think that we don't need good sales representatives to grow the business. There is still competition. Rotech somehow just hasn't figured out that they are paying out too much to reps for what they are getting in return. It is out of balance with the level of stress and responsibility they have placed on other positions. Like others have mentioned they get too much credit for business we will get anyway with insurance contracts and probably not enough credit in many understaffed places for pitching in to get shit done. I love the tablet idea with GPS tied in to the sales planners. Figure out who is working and pay them well. Dump the deadbeats. The data those tablets would return would be hilarious. Now where are my keys? I have to go swap a broken 17 year old concentrator out with a 14 year old model in my high mileage chariot.

It is extreme to think that we don't need good sales representatives to grow the business. There is still competition. Rotech somehow just hasn't figured out that they are paying out too much to reps for what they are getting in return. It is out of balance with the level of stress and responsibility they have placed on other positions. Like others have mentioned they get too much credit for business we will get anyway with insurance contracts and probably not enough credit in many understaffed places for pitching in to get shit done. I love the tablet idea with GPS tied in to the sales planners. Figure out who is working and pay them well. Dump the deadbeats. The data those tablets would return would be hilarious. Now where are my keys? I have to go swap a broken 17 year old concentrator out with a 14 year old model in my high mileage chariot.
It costs money for a sales rep to dress appropriately and paying a slave wage is the best way to wind up with "used car lot" quality sales reps.
Get a grip and get over your class warfare.

It costs money for a sales rep to dress appropriately and paying a slave wage is the best way to wind up with "used car lot" quality sales reps.
Get a grip and get over your class warfare.
Lmao class warfare? OMG get over yourself. Your hubris is comical and your feeble attempt to project yourself as an elitist douche is pathetic.
We cant see any difference between your ilk and a used car salesman other than he actually had to WORK to earn his check. Your are no different than " the little people " you hold so much contempt for only you lack the mental capacity to understand it.

It is extreme to think that we don't need good sales representatives to grow the business. There is still competition. Rotech somehow just hasn't figured out that they are paying out too much to reps for what they are getting in return. It is out of balance with the level of stress and responsibility they have placed on other positions. Like others have mentioned they get too much credit for business we will get anyway with insurance contracts and probably not enough credit in many understaffed places for pitching in to get shit done. I love the tablet idea with GPS tied in to the sales planners. Figure out who is working and pay them well. Dump the deadbeats. The data those tablets would return would be hilarious. Now where are my keys? I have to go swap a broken 17 year old concentrator out with a 14 year old model in my high mileage chariot.
The "deadbeat sales reps" will NOT like your position on this and are likely to respond with pejoratives and ad hominem attacks.
The deadbeat sales reps enjoy their free ride on the gravy train with biscuit wheels and do not want the likes of us " working slobs " getting wise to their scam.
THEY are the ones who get on this site vigorously defending their existence by trying to marginalize those of us who actually contribute MORE than we take from the company by trying to shame us into silence. Like roaches they resent the light that exposes them.

It costs money for a sales rep to dress appropriately and paying a slave wage is the best way to wind up with "used car lot" quality sales reps.
Get a grip and get over your class warfare.
Oh paleeeeezzz Stop being dramatic. A short dress and no panties couldnt cost that much.
I guess in your opinion it's okay for the people who actually do ALL the work to be paid a slave wage huh?

There are numerous doctors offices within 5 minutes from our store that haven't been called on in months and years and everybody knows it but upper management. Easy life repeatedly calling on the same 6 places already sending business.

There are numerous doctors offices within 5 minutes from our store that haven't been called on in months and years and everybody knows it but upper management. Easy life repeatedly calling on the same 6 places already sending business.
Who is to believe that maybe....just maybe....those nearby doctor offices refuse to use you because of the LOCATION personel?
Once your office burns these bridges, sometimes NO sales rep can repair them.

Who is to believe that maybe....just maybe....those nearby doctor offices refuse to use you because of the LOCATION personel?
Once your office burns these bridges, sometimes NO sales rep can repair them.
Oh of course, because of all the exposer and intiment proximity doctors have with the CSR and PST's at the location.. Dumbass