BDSI - addiction contract

a) if you were a real rep you'd be doing your *job*, not posting here
b) week 2 sales better than week 2 Zubsolv sales, still far too early to really say much here
c) both last 2 posters if real reps (not!) - need to be fired immediately for bad attitude - please leave, no-one likes whiners

a) if you were a real rep you'd be doing your *job*, not posting here
b) week 2 sales better than week 2 Zubsolv sales, still far too early to really say much here
c) both last 2 posters if real reps (not!) - need to be fired immediately for bad attitude - please leave, no-one likes whiners

Why are you comparing us to zubsolv? Film is market leader but my issue is Bunavail has no managed care access where we can sell w/o being disadvantaged. What do we have besides Reps who are trying but finding no listeners? 30 scripts a week is not going to get it done.

I'd repeat: no-one likes whiners... why did you take the contact if you feel so disadvantaged? If I were your manager: FIRED! (assuming you have anything to do with actual sales)

I call BS on you. You're a troll.

Assuming the 2% chance you aren't, are you still there? If so, WHY? Get out, save the company the pain of your bad attitude, save yourself the pain of being somewhere you don't want to be... If you're trying to milk the system, you will be found out soon if not already, and you WILL be fired with good cause.

Who else is having second thoughts about signing up for this contract?

No one mentioned that generic competition would be as strong as it is - access is hurting big time in NE as Medicaid is BIG payer and we are not covered. So yes, not only second guessing but already looking and been told I am not only BDSI Rep looking.

No one mentioned that generic competition would be as strong as it is - access is hurting big time in NE as Medicaid is BIG payer and we are not covered. So yes, not only second guessing but already looking and been told I am not only BDSI Rep looking.

Access issues are killing our area! Gotta do something soon.