BDSI - addiction contract

Missing the point. Whether we launch in Oct, Nov or Dec, we WILL launch. The BIG takeaway from the call yesterday was when Sr mgmt. told the audience that the physician cap will be lifted "by"2015 and the patient limit will go from 100 to 250 patients/Dr. If this is true the market will more than double and this will become a $3 billion category. But even more importantly, patients will be able to get the treatment they deserve instead of being placed on waiting lists. Let's hope this is the case.

I listened to the call and feel "SR Mgmt" was full of BS to satisfy investors. Why? IF and I do mean IF the cap is lifted it will only be on docs board certified in addiction. Very few docs have this - really will not be that significant. Most that have it teach or work in research. Maybe 5% of certified docs have it. Ask around when you are making calls and see for yourself. This coupled with the 5500 docs prescribing that was stated - another wrong statistic - it is less than half that. That number might be the number certified but definitely not the number prescribing. That call erased any credibility SR mgmt had. In addition, failed to mention the two lawsuits and breezed over the review by patent office.

I listened to the call and feel "SR Mgmt" was full of BS to satisfy investors. Why? IF and I do mean IF the cap is lifted it will only be on docs board certified in addiction. Very few docs have this - really will not be that significant. Most that have it teach or work in research. Maybe 5% of certified docs have it. Ask around when you are making calls and see for yourself. This coupled with the 5500 docs prescribing that was stated - another wrong statistic - it is less than half that. That number might be the number certified but definitely not the number prescribing. That call erased any credibility SR mgmt had. In addition, failed to mention the two lawsuits and breezed over the review by patent office.

And you my friend, hit the nail on the head. BDSI shouldn't be calling themselves "addiction specialists" when they can't even get the number of physicians prescribing and information on the patient limit increase right.

You can't get time with Suboxone docs? Every Suboxone doctor has given me time and will try at least cash pay? What kind of background do you have? I'm getting 5 min intro that lasts 30 mins...Orexo and Reckitt know we have a good product... Only 3 players in this space! If you can't sell here we hired the wrong rep...Reckitt TA's agree we have a is 25 pcnt of the market.. Low fruit...

You can't get time with Suboxone docs? Every Suboxone doctor has given me time and will try at least cash pay? What kind of background do you have? I'm getting 5 min intro that lasts 30 mins...Orexo and Reckitt know we have a good product... Only 3 players in this space! If you can't sell here we hired the wrong rep...Reckitt TA's agree we have a is 25 pcnt of the market.. Low fruit...

Why does Orexo only have 3% market share at 1 year? Are their people just stupid? Must be more to this...

You can't get time with Suboxone docs? Every Suboxone doctor has given me time and will try at least cash pay? What kind of background do you have? I'm getting 5 min intro that lasts 30 mins...Orexo and Reckitt know we have a good product... Only 3 players in this space! If you can't sell here we hired the wrong rep...Reckitt TA's agree we have a is 25 pcnt of the market.. Low fruit...

You think one free month and $100 off monthly is going to get 25% of the market? I doubt it! We don't even have a product!! One of my docs tried the demo, it didn't stay in place and got stuck on his teeth.

We would be very happy with 5% of a 1.7 billion dollar market... Generic for OD has DEA all over those accounts.... That's the sale! Keep the mono product off the streets...Save lives and stop diversion.. Become part of the solution !

Cash patients go on generic, the 4th player. It's all about managed care.

And with several generics already available expect price to drop and managed care to become more of an obstacle. Yea we will be Tier 3 with Step edits on plans that control their formulary. Even Suboxone is having issues with reimbursements from the Plans as my Dr told me that he receives about 2 or 3 letters per month from Health Plans saying Suboxone will no longer be available on such and such date. Good luck to all.

I doubt anyone would admit to this, but I have to believe there's 5 kinds of people on this board:

1. RB reps - motivation: troll some FUD
2. RB long investors / BDSI short investors - motivation: troll some FUD
3. BDSI long investors / RB short investors - motivation: curiosity / entertainment
4. Reps not actually part of this contract - motivation: ?? - shouldn't you be looking for work?
5. BDSI reps - motivation: ?? - perhaps curiosity or a desire to fight trolls. More likely the real reps are too busy doing their *jobs* than to visit here.

I doubt anyone would admit to this, but I have to believe there's 5 kinds of people on this board:

1. RB reps - motivation: troll some FUD
2. RB long investors / BDSI short investors - motivation: troll some FUD
3. BDSI long investors / RB short investors - motivation: curiosity / entertainment
4. Reps not actually part of this contract - motivation: ?? - shouldn't you be looking for work?
5. BDSI reps - motivation: ?? - perhaps curiosity or a desire to fight trolls. More likely the real reps are too busy doing their *jobs* than to visit here.

This board is mostly investors and reps. Given the downgrade today it appears the investment community is not as positive as our senior mgmt.

Heard today from one of our folks that BDSI won't be able to launch until early next year. They might have
Approvals before then but with Holidays would rather wait so they don't have any disruptions. What ever happened to our Sept launch???

I believe it as Drs no longer want to see BDSI reps until product is stocked. We have been selling the corporate message any day now but it just makes us look clueless. Heard they were going ton push back launch until end of 1st qtr as they feel good it will have the necessary approvals from govt

This board is mostly investors and reps. Given the downgrade today it appears the investment community is not as positive as our senior mgmt.

please do not believe these boards are most frequented by investors. Do not give the trolls for competitors that much credit. Actually trolls taking cash from competitors are outside firms that lie to pretend they are investors in order to get anyone to feel less corrupt. Additional they prefer to con people into speaking for free. Greedy bastards like 100% profit off of their lame work.

please do not believe these boards are most frequented by investors. Do not give the trolls for competitors that much credit. Actually trolls taking cash from competitors are outside firms that lie to pretend they are investors in order to get anyone to feel less corrupt. Additional they prefer to con people into speaking for free. Greedy bastards like 100% profit off of their

Whatever the reason there is still no product available and it is almost November. What happened to our Sept launch? Would it not be nice idea if mgmt told the truth about the delay.