BDSI - addiction contract

With less than a 1% market share six months post approval and big turnover in reps it would hardly be considered a success. Will be lucky if we hit $15m in sales for the 1st year. Time to move on. Sorry.

I didn't think a company could fuck up a launch worse than Orexo did with Zubsolv, but you guys pulled it off! What a disaster. The saddest thing is, I respect your reps, bc you didn't come out of the gate slamming Suboxone like Orexo took the high road and didn't sling mud. I do think there is room in the market for your product, but my God your management screwed the pooch on the launch. Now my docs have all but forgotten about it. The only reason Zubsolv is getting ANY business is bc of their managed care "wins." Bunavail isn't even on their radar. Suboxone isn't going anywhere.

The worst part is that some of your reps are telling physicians that it's perfectly fine to cut Bunavail. That'll blowup in their face, number one it's off-label and number two you can't cut it, because the patient won't be able to use the other half.

The worst part is that some of your reps are telling physicians that it's perfectly fine to cut Bunavail. That'll blowup in their face, number one it's off-label and number two you can't cut it, because the patient won't be able to use the other half.

We have already lost two of our reps in our district since Jan. 1. Looks like most people looking to move on from this contract. What a disaster.