You sound like a social worker rep ...
Starting to wonder if this was the right job, another delay, more studying and I am left wondering what kind of market this will become.
even 2% on 2B market = $800k/rep top line @ 50 rep (planned force, I believe, for BDSI). Zubsolv's sales are going the right direction, too.
As a sales rep, why not look at it as an opportunity to do what you do best: sell. Prove the doubters wrong. (But I realize you're likely a Suboxone rep, so I understand your position...)
Told us a few more weeks - no problem - be prepared
It may not. RB is suing BDSI for patent infringement...they tried a year ago, but the judge tossed it out bc they couldn't sue a product that wasn't FDA approved yet. Expect them to come at BDSI with a lot of legal backing. BDSI is definitely taking a risk by launching, but they must feel confident that their technology is just a bit different enough to avoid patent infringement.
Actually BDSI is suing RB. Doubt this will launch before the end of the year. I hope they keep us on payroll.
café makes $$ off ads. they would inflate views is my guess