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Bayer Healthcare Morale Today and Tomorrow


BHP 2011 Vision

The challenges of 2010, seems to have caused a level of uncertainty, which continues to be projected into 2011. There are several pending issues that continue to fuel this uncertainty and they include:

-In spite of the WHC launches of the last six months, true success for a WHC brand
continues to elude us. Natazia, due to the lack of the FDA’s approval of the HMB
indication, has drastically underperformed. Although this might be considered to be
out of our control, it tends to compound the uncertainty.
-Even with the launch of Beyaz in late 2010 and Safyral in 2011, we are looking at the
potential for these new products to be a mere fraction of our successes with YAZ and
-Mid 1st quarter, Mirena, the WHC focal brand continues to underperform.
-The uncertainty of the true impact of the new competitive oral MS therapies to our
Betaseron business may throw our top neurology brand into a downward free fall in
2011 after over a decade of continued growth.
-Increased regulatory scrutiny may very well lead to increased marketing and
compliance challenges in 2011.

-Announcement of the up and coming change in our corporate business locations,
continue to magnify uncertainty at all levels.

Uncertainty about STI payout
-With the STI due within weeks, the lack of communication regarding whether there will
be a payout and if so the level of payment, continues to compound the overall

Job uncertainty
-The fact that there are a number of vacant positions for which re-staffing has been
delayed or the positions have been discontinued, fuels uncertainty.

-Will the consolidation of BHP at one location lead to a staffing consolidation?

-Will WHC’s market strategy of pay as you go forward assessing milestones along the
way lead to further job uncertainty?

Instead of continuing down this path of incertitude, let me short circuit our path towards the development of a 2011 Vision for our company. BHP needs a CHANGE in MOMENTUM. If we truly believe that we are on our way to becoming a leading Specialty Pharmaceutical Company, our current plans are not convincing enough to easily visualize oncoming success.

Being a veteran of our industry, I am not getting the feeling that this needed Change in Momentum is on the horizon, and to me this is the basic cause for the prevalent feelings of uncertainty that exists at BHP at the current time. Before we can see our way into leading the charge toward becoming one of the leading Specialty Pharmaceutical companies, the uncertainties that our staff is currently feeling must be managed better.

-Our existing pipeline, as continually presented to us is not impressive.
-The continued legal threats to our drosperinone containing oral contraceptive line of
products are unpredictable.
-The promise of continued growth for Mirena for me remains questionable.

Maintaining the current business aura is detrimental to morale and thus limits the implementation of the needed momentum change and will fuel a significant post STI staff turnover in the spring.

Is a turn of our fortunes possible? Without the beginnings of a concerted effort to stir up a needed Change in Momentum, BHP’s future is limited.


WTF ? So here's to you Mr. disgruntled motivational speech writer / wannabe author, take your head out of your online thesaurus and come to realize the industry you work in. Make yourself a valuable asset, keep your ear to the ground and learn to adapt to the changing environment else go the way of the dinosaurs.

BHP 2011 Vision

The challenges of 2010, seems to have caused a level of uncertainty, which continues to be projected into 2011. There are several pending issues that continue to fuel this uncertainty and they include:

-In spite of the WHC launches of the last six months, true success for a WHC brand
continues to elude us. Natazia, due to the lack of the FDA’s approval of the HMB
indication, has drastically underperformed. Although this might be considered to be
out of our control, it tends to compound the uncertainty.
-Even with the launch of Beyaz in late 2010 and Safyral in 2011, we are looking at the
potential for these new products to be a mere fraction of our successes with YAZ and
-Mid 1st quarter, Mirena, the WHC focal brand continues to underperform.
-The uncertainty of the true impact of the new competitive oral MS therapies to our
Betaseron business may throw our top neurology brand into a downward free fall in
2011 after over a decade of continued growth.
-Increased regulatory scrutiny may very well lead to increased marketing and
compliance challenges in 2011.

-Announcement of the up and coming change in our corporate business locations,
continue to magnify uncertainty at all levels.

Uncertainty about STI payout
-With the STI due within weeks, the lack of communication regarding whether there will
be a payout and if so the level of payment, continues to compound the overall

Job uncertainty
-The fact that there are a number of vacant positions for which re-staffing has been
delayed or the positions have been discontinued, fuels uncertainty.

-Will the consolidation of BHP at one location lead to a staffing consolidation?

-Will WHC’s market strategy of pay as you go forward assessing milestones along the
way lead to further job uncertainty?

Instead of continuing down this path of incertitude, let me short circuit our path towards the development of a 2011 Vision for our company. BHP needs a CHANGE in MOMENTUM. If we truly believe that we are on our way to becoming a leading Specialty Pharmaceutical Company, our current plans are not convincing enough to easily visualize oncoming success.

Being a veteran of our industry, I am not getting the feeling that this needed Change in Momentum is on the horizon, and to me this is the basic cause for the prevalent feelings of uncertainty that exists at BHP at the current time. Before we can see our way into leading the charge toward becoming one of the leading Specialty Pharmaceutical companies, the uncertainties that our staff is currently feeling must be managed better.

-Our existing pipeline, as continually presented to us is not impressive.
-The continued legal threats to our drosperinone containing oral contraceptive line of
products are unpredictable.
-The promise of continued growth for Mirena for me remains questionable.

Maintaining the current business aura is detrimental to morale and thus limits the implementation of the needed momentum change and will fuel a significant post STI staff turnover in the spring.

Is a turn of our fortunes possible? Without the beginnings of a concerted effort to stir up a needed Change in Momentum, BHP’s future is limited.

Well said, feel sorry for the folks that want to "weather the storm" here. Personally, I have been exploring other oppertunities in hopes to leave this place and move onto something better.

It is not rocket science

Relocation no problem... if you dont want to move there are plenty of people who will take a job in North Jersey.

Dump the WHC line....it is just a liability

Clean house of dead wood