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Bayer Healthcare has gone down the toilet, what happened?

Tired of listening to the unrealistic kool-aid drinking loyalists here at this place. It is similar to watching a horse walk downtown with blinders, these folks are clueless and unrealistic. Anyone who wants to stay here and push through the mess is just clueless and hopeless. Time to wake up and move on to bigger and better things. Plenty of folks are looking and having luck, time to get up off your ass and start looking or sit back and rot. The leadership at this place is far from good, look where bhc is right now, they didn't get their by "great" leadership. Not trying to be negative at all, just realistic.


WHC is not paying out bonuses. Tired of this company giving the perception to its employees that the company isnt making any money so they dont pay out bonuses, definetly not the case.

WHC is not paying out bonuses? The only people not getting a bonus in WHC are those individuals, like yourself, complaining instead of selling. It isn't Bayer going down the toilet, but rather people like you getting flushed

the primary reason is it is not bayer anymore...but berlex.....a 3rd rate pharma company for ever,,,,,and it is their lack of vision that runs the company.......or should I say has run it into the ground.....not a good place......used to be a visionary organization with big ideas.....but today.....all you see is a black hole

the primary reason is it is not bayer anymore...but berlex.....a 3rd rate pharma company for ever,,,,,and it is their lack of vision that runs the company.......or should I say has run it into the ground.....not a good place......used to be a visionary organization with big ideas.....but today.....all you see is a black hole

Mark T runs the ship. He sure is visionary! Stephan too. Where is Bayer run by Berlex? Before the drsp mess, most of the top selling bayer brands were from the Berlex side.

Mark T runs the ship. He sure is visionary! Stephan too. Where is Bayer run by Berlex? Before the drsp mess, most of the top selling bayer brands were from the Berlex side.

On the hospital side it's DA, MC, and BK making many of the decisions (poor PM just isn't trusted since the leaked email thing). Of course, that is about to be remedied...

the primary reason is it is not bayer anymore...but berlex.....a 3rd rate pharma company for ever,,,,,and it is their lack of vision that runs the company.......or should I say has run it into the ground.....not a good place......used to be a visionary organization with big ideas.....but today.....all you see is a black hole

As Berlex we enjoyed year after year of exceeding objectives. When we needed to downsize, we did so by normal attrition and hiring freezes. People were respected, listened to, and made to feel valued. Once Bayer took over, the first layoff followed soon after; and we have had at least 1 every year. Need to get info from HR Direct? Fill out a form and wait for your automated lack of response on email by soemone you don't know and can't find because they only sign a first name. (Lack of accountability? Ignorance? Apathy?). The emphasis shifted from a balance of people and numbers to numbers only. People don't matter to Bayer. There is now a severe lack of morale, motivation and engagement because people are tired of being treated as disposable commodities. None of this existed under Berlex. It was jyst a matter of time before the morons Bayer put in power screwed up what we had at Berlex. Not a Berlex lack of vision...bayer's inability to provide quality leadership...unless you are stupid enough to see the likes of Mark T and Stephan U as leaders. (Something to think about while waiting to see if you will still have a job after the next layoff or if you will ever find out where the company will move.)

Welcome to Bayer. Politics rule and hard work will get you nowhere. Please drive through.

As Berlex we enjoyed year after year of exceeding objectives. When we needed to downsize, we did so by normal attrition and hiring freezes. People were respected, listened to, and made to feel valued. Once Bayer took over, the first layoff followed soon after; and we have had at least 1 every year. Need to get info from HR Direct? Fill out a form and wait for your automated lack of response on email by soemone you don't know and can't find because they only sign a first name. (Lack of accountability? Ignorance? Apathy?). The emphasis shifted from a balance of people and numbers to numbers only. People don't matter to Bayer. There is now a severe lack of morale, motivation and engagement because people are tired of being treated as disposable commodities. None of this existed under Berlex. It was jyst a matter of time before the morons Bayer put in power screwed up what we had at Berlex. Not a Berlex lack of vision...bayer's inability to provide quality leadership...unless you are stupid enough to see the likes of Mark T and Stephan U as leaders. (Something to think about while waiting to see if you will still have a job after the next layoff or if you will ever find out where the company will move.)

As Berlex we enjoyed year after year of exceeding objectives. When we needed to downsize, we did so by normal attrition and hiring freezes. People were respected, listened to, and made to feel valued. Once Bayer took over, the first layoff followed soon after; and we have had at least 1 every year. Need to get info from HR Direct? Fill out a form and wait for your automated lack of response on email by soemone you don't know and can't find because they only sign a first name. (Lack of accountability? Ignorance? Apathy?). The emphasis shifted from a balance of people and numbers to numbers only. People don't matter to Bayer. There is now a severe lack of morale, motivation and engagement because people are tired of being treated as disposable commodities. None of this existed under Berlex. It was jyst a matter of time before the morons Bayer put in power screwed up what we had at Berlex. Not a Berlex lack of vision...bayer's inability to provide quality leadership...unless you are stupid enough to see the likes of Mark T and Stephan U as leaders. (Something to think about while waiting to see if you will still have a job after the next layoff or if you will ever find out where the company will move.)

More Berlex delusional dribble. Here's a clue Cochise......when the bar is set so low, anyone can "exceed expectations." Berlex was and always will be a laughing stock of pharma.

More Berlex delusional dribble. Here's a clue Cochise......when the bar is set so low, anyone can "exceed expectations." Berlex was and always will be a laughing stock of pharma.

Delusional? I don't think so. Berlex was very profitable, we were well managed and layoffs were not a yearly event. If you had been part of Berlex you would know this. Do you always spout out your negative opinions with no knowledge to back them up?