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Why Tom Griffin has failed as a leader and failed Bayer Healthcare

this post was first written in 2010. Wow. Somebody HATES Tom Griffin.

It is 2023. I am going to assume this is his ex-wife looking up Tom Griffin posts from 13 years ago. There is a reason the saying is not, "Hell hath no furry like a MAN scorned".

Wow! That’s visceral, somebody got there feelings hurt.

You better believe it! DO is a nasty b!tch fired or undermined half a dozen good people in Oncology in the West.

Not me, but, I've watched her watched do bad things to good people. She says she’s learned and changed; she might really want to and might actually believe it.

Do NOT believe it, zebras can’t change their stripes! It’s her insecure manipulative nature.

You better believe it! DO is a nasty b!tch fired or undermined half a dozen good people in Oncology in the West.

Not me, but, I've watched her watched do bad things to good people. She says she’s learned and changed; she might really want to and might actually believe it.

Do NOT believe it, zebras can’t change their stripes! It’s her insecure manipulative nature.

Wow someone on CF has a hard on for DO. Not sure what crawled up your ass but seriously you have to share this on multiple posts? I am sure she is not great but really there are plenty of tough and hard managers here. Don't retaliate on CF bc she fired your ass.