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Bayer Healthcare has gone down the toilet, what happened?

This sums up what diabetes care is like to this day.

This company is a joke! My RSM hardly ever rides with me! I know reps in other regions and they say the same thing. what do these managers do all day? Why should I be out there working when my RSM doesnt give a crap, and the company barely pays bonuses! Im not double dipping, but Im also not working very hard except for looking for another job!

Agreed! I'm so tired of hearing about all companies in this industry are in the same place. Why does the economy and where this industry is right now determine how employees and people are treated? Who is holding people accountable for setting realistic but achievable goals? No matter what is going on in the economy and this industry a company should set realistic stretch but achievable goals. The economy will turn around, and one thing is certain ALL companies will need good and talented people! The companies that have treated their employees well during the tough times, will be the ones that are at the top! All good talent that have been treated poorly, or have had such unrealistic goals that they could not make a decent bonus will be gone to other companies. Leadership should know and understand this.

Well said, if things continue the way they are currently no one will be left.

This company is a joke! My RSM hardly ever rides with me! I know reps in other regions and they say the same thing. what do these managers do all day? Why should I be out there working when my RSM doesnt give a crap, and the company barely pays bonuses! Im not double dipping, but Im also not working very hard except for looking for another job!

Im a little confused. Dont you guts get salaries?

Ehhh, say what you want good or bad but this place has been on a downward spiral for a while. Just a simple sad fact. Employees want to leave, things have changed and in most cases for the bad.


First, learn how to spell "guaranteed", second you obviously don't work here. Wal-mart does have a job board since you are most likely a cashier or janitor at Wal-mart.

Screw Bayer Diabetes Care, just got my offer letter this week....going to milk it as long as I can until next manager ride along then drop my two weeks notice. Bigger and better things out there ladies and gents.

Just got back from our national sales business meeting, and wow!!!!
we had our canadian country head tell us how he wants us to be at number 1, and wants us to really take a leadership position. That was until he said:

"We will be cutting the amount you are able to spend with each customer. You will not be able to spend more then $100 per customer. So we went from $250 to $100. So we are decreasing our spend and we want increased market share? uh?"

And then he said:
"We don't want to be regulated by RxD, so we will be adopting the same guidelines as RxD for what amount of funds we can entertain with." uh???? What was he drinking?

It almost appears that our country head (Ama. Neverlistens.) has never been a sales rep, or in marketing for that matter, ahhhh wait, he has never been in sales and marketing. That explains it. The blind leading the blind. Nice work. Tell this guy to go back to the US.

Don't worry cheerleader, I will when I find another job. Until then I will do very little work and just coast and collect my checks. But hey you have fun working hard and not earning bonus money with our new IC plan and trimesters, hahahaha.

Typically entitlement mentality that is bankrupting our once great nation.

Don't worry cheerleader, I will when I find another job. Until then I will do very little work and just coast and collect my checks. But hey you have fun working hard and not earning bonus money with our new IC plan and trimesters, hahahaha.

Sitting in Orlando at a meeting right now. This is just plain funny since a lot of reps here now have this mentality. Why bust your ass when you don't even have a realistic shot a bonus? I somewhat agree, I will do my 8-4 and try my best but forget going the extra mile when I'm finishing in the top half hardly making any extra money. What is the incentive???

If you are employed by Bayer right now and not looking for another job, then you must either be close to retirement or too lazy. Bayer.....Great Products.....Great Customers....Crappy Leadership.

Tired of listening to the unrealistic kool-aid drinking loyalists here at this place. It is similar to watching a horse walk downtown with blinders, these folks are clueless and unrealistic. Anyone who wants to stay here and push through the mess is just clueless and hopeless. Time to wake up and move on to bigger and better things. Plenty of folks are looking and having luck, time to get up off your ass and start looking or sit back and rot. The leadership at this place is far from good, look where bhc is right now, they didn't get their by "great" leadership. Not trying to be negative at all, just realistic.