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Bayer Healthcare has gone down the toilet, what happened?


I remember when Bayer was a great place to be part of and somewhere you were proud to say you worked. What has happened to this place? People seem very unhappy, people are leaving, and sales are drastically down. Senior management has a total lack of direction and strategy. Seems like the economy is not the only reason to explain this. What a shame....


I remember when Bayer was a great place to be part of and somewhere you were proud to say you worked. What has happened to this place? People seem very unhappy, people are leaving, and sales are drastically down. Senior management has a total lack of direction and strategy. Seems like the economy is not the only reason to explain this. What a shame....

This sums up what diabetes care is like to this day.

This sums up what diabetes care is like to this day.

Yep. Since the vast majority have realized there is not potential to hit bonus money(like last year) and that there will we no raises this year we all spend our days at home relaxing and looking for other jobs. Out of all the reps I know at BDC in the field....I'd say we all average about 2 or 3 half days of work a week. When I falsify my calls in IMPACT I really could care less considering now matter how hard I work I will not get bonus. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to enjoy my time at Bayer Diabetes but I will be moving on to greener pastures when the right opportunity presents itself. Thank you Bayer:)

Yep. Since the vast majority have realized there is not potential to hit bonus money(like last year) and that there will we no raises this year we all spend our days at home relaxing and looking for other jobs. Out of all the reps I know at BDC in the field....I'd say we all average about 2 or 3 half days of work a week. When I falsify my calls in IMPACT I really could care less considering now matter how hard I work I will not get bonus. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to enjoy my time at Bayer Diabetes but I will be moving on to greener pastures when the right opportunity presents itself. Thank you Bayer:)

Don't you get a salary? That should at least start the car in the am and get you in front of a customer. Isn't bonus for performance (relative to the country)? Not in Diabetes group so don't know the entire situation. Tough across the board (in all companies). I've been in this industry long enough to understand that we have become a bit jaded.....we have always been compensated pretty well when you consider the fate of some of our friends outside of industry. Good Luck....

Don't you get a salary? That should at least start the car in the am and get you in front of a customer. Isn't bonus for performance (relative to the country)? Not in Diabetes group so don't know the entire situation. Tough across the board (in all companies). I've been in this industry long enough to understand that we have become a bit jaded.....we have always been compensated pretty well when you consider the fate of some of our friends outside of industry. Good Luck....

Sorry pal but I agree with the poster above. Tired of hearing about companies screwing their employees over just because the economy. BDC is just not an enjoyable place to work anymore.

WHC is not paying out bonuses. Tired of this company giving the perception to its employees that the company isnt making any money so they dont pay out bonuses, definetly not the case.

I worked for Bayer for 8 years and the problem has always been that the core office workers were too far removed from the details of the field and sales levels. As a result there is no sense of "team" and most of the executives are even farther removed. I was always surprised that many executives had no clue as to proper marketing, product development and organizational structure. TOO much inbred pharma people......They need to get people from outside of the industry who know how to streamline and properly motivate both sales and internal staff......They won't because they have have the smarts to do something like that.....what a shame !!!

Sorry pal but I agree with the poster above. Tired of hearing about companies screwing their employees over just because the economy. BDC is just not an enjoyable place to work anymore.

Agreed! I'm so tired of hearing about all companies in this industry are in the same place. Why does the economy and where this industry is right now determine how employees and people are treated? Who is holding people accountable for setting realistic but achievable goals? No matter what is going on in the economy and this industry a company should set realistic stretch but achievable goals. The economy will turn around, and one thing is certain ALL companies will need good and talented people! The companies that have treated their employees well during the tough times, will be the ones that are at the top! All good talent that have been treated poorly, or have had such unrealistic goals that they could not make a decent bonus will be gone to other companies. Leadership should know and understand this.

Agreed! I'm so tired of hearing about all companies in this industry are in the same place. Why does the economy and where this industry is right now determine how employees and people are treated? Who is holding people accountable for setting realistic but achievable goals? No matter what is going on in the economy and this industry a company should set realistic stretch but achievable goals. The economy will turn around, and one thing is certain ALL companies will need good and talented people! The companies that have treated their employees well during the tough times, will be the ones that are at the top! All good talent that have been treated poorly, or have had such unrealistic goals that they could not make a decent bonus will be gone to other companies. Leadership should know and understand this.

Revenue = the number of employees a company will retain. All products have a revenue life cycle. The Field is a huge cost to a company, if the revenue can't support the size, a company either needs to down size or redeploy. Usually, some can bridge because another label indication or product is coming but sometimes not. All employees should be treated with respect. Unfortunately, this is not a Bayer or Pharma issues..it is a business issue.

Revenue = the number of employees a company will retain. All products have a revenue life cycle. The Field is a huge cost to a company, if the revenue can't support the size, a company either needs to down size or redeploy. Usually, some can bridge because another label indication or product is coming but sometimes not. All employees should be treated with respect. Unfortunately, this is not a Bayer or Pharma issues..it is a business issue.

You're right revenue must equal the number of employees a company will retain. I understand that we may need to trim down the number of people, however, that isn't just field force, this is marketing and home office as well. All the people here contribute to the cost, not just the field force. Never, the less, there should be accountability in place to ensure that sales goals are not only stretch, but achievable. The way employees are treated should not be reflective of making revenue number. People should be treated with respect and as adults. As, shared above, the companies who get this, and treat employees fairly will be the companies that prosper when the economy gets better. Bayer needs to understand that. You need to treat your talent well, or they will be the ones to find employment elsewhere and the only people left will be the ones that you don't want representing or have the inability to do so well. Good talent will always be valuable...The question is will companies be able to retain their good talent.

gawd, will you losers shut up?! just gotta come on here and spout out your infinite wisdom. hey, i had enough college profs telling me common sense. now, go do what your paid to do - losers.

Yep. Since the vast majority have realized there is not potential to hit bonus money(like last year) and that there will we no raises this year we all spend our days at home relaxing and looking for other jobs. Out of all the reps I know at BDC in the field....I'd say we all average about 2 or 3 half days of work a week. When I falsify my calls in IMPACT I really could care less considering now matter how hard I work I will not get bonus. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to enjoy my time at Bayer Diabetes but I will be moving on to greener pastures when the right opportunity presents itself. Thank you Bayer:)

Brillient! Trust me you are not the only one. I'm about to go get my nails done in 15 mins! Got to earn my $0 bonus at bayer! ha!

Who really gives a F anyway? Most of the talented reps. have already left. Since I left a while back to go to another company that actually pays out their reps, I'm looking forward to sitting back and watching this place slowly and quickly rot away. It's called Karma, and now it's our turn.

Who really gives a F anyway? Most of the talented reps. have already left. Since I left a while back to go to another company that actually pays out their reps, I'm looking forward to sitting back and watching this place slowly and quickly rot away. It's called Karma, and now it's our turn.

Geez, you must be crazy. With the great IC plan this year(that no one has yet to mention from mgnt) and with the new co pay card we should be able to win back all that market share we lost to abbott over the years. How could you ever leave this place? Bonus money will be everywhere!!!