Bard Access Interview...good move?

Looking for some honest information. Made it to the 2nd round interview with Bard Access. Hiring manager says he is looking for a true hunter. I'm coming from the postal equipment industry where we cold call and only get paid what you sell. In this role it seems like Bard already has the business and the reps make appointments to make sure the customer is ok.

What are you selling? Please don't be offended but it seems more like "order taking/account management" vs sales.

Don't take this the wrong way but you don't know shit about medical sales. There is a capital piece to this which is in no way order taking and requires a true hunter. If you are just taking orders you will never grow the business which means you will not get paid. It can be a very difficult sales process due to the clinical knowledge required and the multiple call points. When not looking for new business you will spend a lot time defending your business. Trust me it's not like selling stamps.

Was approached on an opening in the midwest area and was wondering if this would be a good move? I currently am doing OR sales. What kind of pay should I expect? Base? what is the management like? Contract issues with products? ect.?
I worked there for 8 years. In regards to pay I was there during the glory days when we took this division to all star status in the corporation. So I made a boatload of money. Here are my honest thoughts. If you are looking for your first break into medical device sales I would definitely consider Bard Access. If you are in the OR with a solid company it makes no sense to take the job. Most of the talented managers left and are now working for some of the top device companies in the industry. There was no manager development program and the talented managers wanted more career develoment.
Now for you hammerheads who work there and you think, or are told you work for the top device company in the industry, do your homework. You sell vascular access devices, polyurathane tubes. Not a highly clinical sale. I can see why reps get burned out. By the way there are some really good companies that would hire reps from access. You may not have the most clinical skills, but if you are successful at Access we know you can sell your ass off. And if you are successful we know you work you ass off.

You probably lasted 2 years too long if you couldnt figure out how to make money in 4 years. Turnover is less than 10%, but 30% sounds like a good number to throw out on a message board.

Please keep sharing your broad generalized statements without any backup, we're all riveted.

Bottom line is there are d bags in mgt and there are also great mgrs...Just like sales reps, just like marketing, etc. From experience, it's not much different than any other company in those regards. Money is there for performers and hard workers.

No turnover is 30 percent. Maybe higher

I do not work for Bard, but that sounds like any commoditized product that is used in the hospital and yes, Bard Access products being treated like a commodity in many hospitals. A lot of it will depend on what GPO the hospital is with (I presume Bard has contracts with all of them) and whether or not their Value Analysis team has decided your use your stuff exclusively or is cherry picking. The fact is that cold calling in the hospital is generally frowned upon and they want you to schedule appts, use Rep Trax etc.etc. before going anywhere in the hospital. Not saying you can't cold call or just show up, but some hospitals may go as far as cutting you off and require you to plead your case for reinstatement if you are cold calling and piss someone off.

With that said, I am sure it is a relatively easy job and the pay is decent. I doubt you will clean up year after year, but I could be wrong. Worse case, you take the job quickly identify your territory is just about maxed out and management is all over you to increase sales at which point you realize that is exactly why the last rep left and start looking for another job.

You go to bard to get into medical device. You stay at bard to cheat on your spouse with a younger hot ass female rep at red rock. That is the truth. Pay is ok management is clueless company is not an industry leader

Don't let these Jackholes on here tell you that you will make anything over $125k. It is possible, BUT only in a performing territory with competitive opportunities. If you are taking over a struggling territory with heavy bard saturation, you will make peanuts and be expected to produce like someone with a territory 2x the size of your own. Take the job if you want to break into medical but in this day and age, why would you want to?!

Don't let these Jackholes on here tell you that you will make anything over $125k. It is possible, BUT only in a performing territory with competitive opportunities. If you are taking over a struggling territory with heavy bard saturation, you will make peanuts and be expected to produce like someone with a territory 2x the size of your own. Take the job if you want to break into medical but in this day and age, why would you want to?!

If you are a winner who knows he/she can sell, you can make over $125k. If you are someone who wants to bring lunches, play paddy cake and think you can half ass this job, then you probably won't make squat. If you can close business, you will be paid.

If you love to in service bitchy nurses day and night shift, promote old products, put your future in the hands of a very expensive IV that has sucked in the initial launch, all while playing defense on all of your business so you can MAYBE grow your territory just enough to cover your maintenance, all while making $85-100k a year! This is the place for you! This isn't the money making machine it used to be. It is now a commodity and hospitals have legitimate choices and reasons to take their business else where!

If you love to in service bitchy nurses day and night shift, promote old products, put your future in the hands of a very expensive IV that has sucked in the initial launch, all while playing defense on all of your business so you can MAYBE grow your territory just enough to cover your maintenance, all while making $85-100k a year! This is the place for you! This isn't the money making machine it used to be. It is now a commodity and hospitals have legitimate choices and reasons to take their business else where!

Who is the lows cost leader in this space? Please advise.

Your Mom is a cost provider! Please advise on how to contact her, I lost her number

Awe. Seems like some one is a little upset because their product is nothing but a fucking commodity and no one gives a shit about any of the clinical mumbo jumbo that spews out of year mouth day after day. Have a nice life stroking materials off and haggling over pennies you douche bag.

Haha! Are you cyber bullying?! Let me guess, you are the best sales rep ever to walk the earth and you quit bard after making tons of cash because you and your grandpa invented the next best cock pump! You Sound like a winner!

Haha! Are you cyber bullying?! Let me guess, you are the best sales rep ever to walk the earth and you quit bard after making tons of cash because you and your grandpa invented the next best cock pump! You Sound like a winner!

I believe you were the one who ignored my original question and insulted my Mom. And no, I am not going to tell you I am the best rep or am making tons of $$. I was serious about my questions because so many products in hospitals are becoming commodities and in a number of cases the hospital will solicit feed back from clinical staff, however, final decisions will likely be made by a VAT committee w/ a heavy influence from MM and the actual price of the product vs. what the clinicians would rather have.

I have a large IDN in my territory who is basically no longer recognizing physician preference on ANY products and I'll guarantee this will not be the last anyone hears of it.

No. It is career suicide! But on the bright side, we just just get a new comp plan that pays us 30% LESS!! Ask your recruiter to spin that for you! Access will be lucky to have 50% of the territories filled by the end of Q2!