Bard Access Interview...good move?

You'd have to be a 1st class jack hole to only make $85k.

Company isn't perfect and upper mgt needs an enema, but there are plenty of good DM's who do not mimic the micromanagement that is crammed down their throats. There is money to be made, but there are also lots of people that got dry jobbed this year.

Overall it's a good place and worth looking into, but do your research and make sure it's a good fit.

True. Do some research on the territory you are looking at. Unfortunately this position is all about the state/history/ and regional buying trends of your territory. There are great reps at the bottom of the rankings, and some real morons that squeeze into the top 1/3 based only on being in the right place at the right time. Its also very very difficult to sustain success here for very long. Its a typical yo-yo comp plan. Up one year, down the next. (unless you are lucky enough switch territories)

It might be a tough year, but the top guy is going to make $300K, not counting Optimum. Where else do you see that?
Ethicon - downsizing this month, Covidien - downsizing this month, Hologic downsized recently, Navilyst?, now Angio.

Grass is not always greener, however feel free to go somewhere else if you are not happy!

Next year what does the top guy make? Does he collect on Optimum? Where is the future of BAS? Not a whole lot of new products flying off the shelf? Growth for Bard US Markets negative 1% from the earnings report. Growth in commissions - negative what %?

Tape, cheap ultrasounds and $250 PICCs -real game changers

Good luck

Worked at Bard for four years, bad culture, lousy hours and was over sold I the interview process in the amount of money I would make. Managers are all clones following their bad leadership. If you take the job, you should know that turnover is well over 30 percent. So take the gig if you want a new job in a year!

Looking for some honest information. Made it to the 2nd round interview with Bard Access. Hiring manager says he is looking for a true hunter. I'm coming from the postal equipment industry where we cold call and only get paid what you sell. In this role it seems like Bard already has the business and the reps make appointments to make sure the customer is ok.

What are you selling? Please don't be offended but it seems more like "order taking/account management" vs sales.

Worked at Bard for four years, bad culture, lousy hours and was over sold I the interview process in the amount of money I would make. Managers are all clones following their bad leadership. If you take the job, you should know that turnover is well over 30 percent. So take the gig if you want a new job in a year!

You probably lasted 2 years too long if you couldnt figure out how to make money in 4 years. Turnover is less than 10%, but 30% sounds like a good number to throw out on a message board.

Please keep sharing your broad generalized statements without any backup, we're all riveted.

Bottom line is there are d bags in mgt and there are also great mgrs...Just like sales reps, just like marketing, etc. From experience, it's not much different than any other company in those regards. Money is there for performers and hard workers.

Looking for some honest information. Made it to the 2nd round interview with Bard Access. Hiring manager says he is looking for a true hunter. I'm coming from the postal equipment industry where we cold call and only get paid what you sell. In this role it seems like Bard already has the business and the reps make appointments to make sure the customer is ok.

What are you selling? Please don't be offended but it seems more like "order taking/account management" vs sales.

I do not work for Bard, but that sounds like any commoditized product that is used in the hospital and yes, Bard Access products being treated like a commodity in many hospitals. A lot of it will depend on what GPO the hospital is with (I presume Bard has contracts with all of them) and whether or not their Value Analysis team has decided your use your stuff exclusively or is cherry picking. The fact is that cold calling in the hospital is generally frowned upon and they want you to schedule appts, use Rep Trax etc.etc. before going anywhere in the hospital. Not saying you can't cold call or just show up, but some hospitals may go as far as cutting you off and require you to plead your case for reinstatement if you are cold calling and piss someone off.

With that said, I am sure it is a relatively easy job and the pay is decent. I doubt you will clean up year after year, but I could be wrong. Worse case, you take the job quickly identify your territory is just about maxed out and management is all over you to increase sales at which point you realize that is exactly why the last rep left and start looking for another job.