Unless you’re in an at risk group, you have a 99% chance of survival. Which is better odds than the flu, and the chance of you getting in a harmful car accident yet... you got in the car every day prior to covid-19 and didn’t complain about your safety. Turn off the tv and stop living in fear. All the reps I know complaining about their “safety” are the ones that barely worked and faked calls prior to covid. Ya’ll just looking for a reason to get out of the field and not be responsible for your poor performance. If you don’t wanna work just quit already. Stop complaining and do your job.
You actually have 97% chance of survival which means when this is all over with approximately 1.8 million people will be dead. So let's do this. Instead of using percentages as some abstract figure, try human when you sell your product. It's called being patient focused, or maybe your training department needs to refresh your memory.