Back to work!

Hey douchebags in HQ! Would you like to see how great it is to call on some offices that have been notified that COVID positive reps have recently called on them? I would too, but they’re closed off now so I can’t tell you. Is there anyone with common sense up there? Just carry on. Nothing to see here. Asshats!

Spot on. If it’s not us, it’s the competitors and then the clinic is closed off UFN or even flipping forever. So let’s jeopardize everything now just to make our needed calls per day for “productivity”. Oh, and let’s also give quotas out while comparing to con-Covid prescriptions and dangle the carrot even farther for the field reps!

Home office, so glad you’re staying safe!!!

Of course sales numbers are more important. The CEOs wife wants another Birkin bag she can flash all over social media. During a pandemic, while people are losing jobs and kids can't go to school. Not very classy!
She needs a new Bently also. She's tired of the white one and would like a pink one like PH. Work harder for her!

Not a wise move on Duffys part to stress how strict and safe HQ is and ignore the risks to the field. We know where we stand now for sure.

Do they really think we can stay 6 feet away during a lunch? And still sending DMs out to really piss off the offices is short sighted

Nice to know the home office is being so cautious. Field reps... go out and expose yourself, patients and Dr's!

when I heard Duffy say home office is one week on premise one week home .. I was thinking WTF? You have field reps going into offices daily that are far more susceptible to
Getting Covid than someone working at Hq. it just goes to show that making money is more important than your field sales
Health. Oh well ....

when I heard Duffy say home office is one week on premise one week home .. I was thinking WTF? You have field reps going into offices daily that are far more susceptible to
Getting Covid than someone working at Hq. it just goes to show that making money is more important than your field sales
Health. Oh well ....

nothing makes sense. Do what you can, where you can.

Not a wise move on Duffys part to stress how strict and safe HQ is and ignore the risks to the field. We know where we stand now for sure.

Do they really think we can stay 6 feet away during a lunch? And still sending DMs out to really piss off the offices is short sighted

Right?! You can't eat lunch with your DM at a restaurant, but no problem with the DM cramming in with you at in a break room lunch. Not like they're paying us to being exposed considering the increase in goals with the markets being down 30%. OK.

Do the right thing. Pull us from the field. Your indifference towards employees could not be more apparent.

Indifference toward field reps you mean. Not HQ obviously. You know that death of rep(s) from Covid was discussed with the legal dept. and it was an acceptable risk. Come on now... AbbVie deemed Synthroid reps as essential workers? All we do is sample drop.

I have overnight field travel in my territory. My DM told me I cant sleep over at a hotel due to COVID. He said I'd have to sleep in my car in the freezing Temps. No regard for my safety at all! This company is insane!

It will be interesting what response will be Jan 4th with the yearly "push hard" call. Start out the gate strong, etc. Unfortunately there will be a post holiday surge in Covid. If senior leadership ignores it again and exhorts us to make more calls than pre-covid they will lose respect forever.

Just be realistic and acknowledge access has diminished. And transparency? That's gone out the window.

It will be interesting what response will be Jan 4th with the yearly "push hard" call. Start out the gate strong, etc. Unfortunately there will be a post holiday surge in Covid. If senior leadership ignores it again and exhorts us to make more calls than pre-covid they will lose respect forever.

Just be realistic and acknowledge access has diminished. And transparency? That's gone out the window.

Super reasonable ask there. Maybe not forget about the field reps this time around.

Is it true that a negative test is needed to return to work? Don’t some positive people test that way for a couple months?
No its not true. This company doesn't care about us or our families. If sales reps die so be it. They will just post youre job and replace you. And yes we will be last in line to get the vaccine. By then many of us and our families will be dead!

Unless you’re in an at risk group, you have a 99% chance of survival. Which is better odds than the flu, and the chance of you getting in a harmful car accident yet... you got in the car every day prior to covid-19 and didn’t complain about your safety. Turn off the tv and stop living in fear. All the reps I know complaining about their “safety” are the ones that barely worked and faked calls prior to covid. Ya’ll just looking for a reason to get out of the field and not be responsible for your poor performance. If you don’t wanna work just quit already. Stop complaining and do your job.