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Astellas Culture in one word


How would you describe the work environment

I know that’s overused, but it’s true right now. I’ve been here for 12+ years - PCP, hospital, ONC - and this is just not a good environment.

It was trending that way, but Mike P has done everything in his power to accelerate it. My team is looking at me wondering what is going on, and honestly I have run out of things to say. In his defense, I can’t tell how much is deliberate on his part and how much is just him being way under qualified for the job. Ten minutes of conversation with him and it’s blatantly apparent he has just memorized a few things and repeats those.

Probably a bit of both

Two words - Mike P.

I knew him at GSK, and what you are seeing so far is what he does. Says everything has to change mostly because he doesn’t know how to be positive and he’s frankly rather dim. I had a recent 10 min conversation with him and he said about 20 inaccurate things about our products and current trends.

It’s about to get so much worse.

Two words - Mike P.

I knew him at GSK, and what you are seeing so far is what he does. Says everything has to change mostly because he doesn’t know how to be positive and he’s frankly rather dim. I had a recent 10 min conversation with him and he said about 20 inaccurate things about our products and current trends.

It’s about to get so much worse.
You forgot to mention the pip ur on due to HCP compliance including impregnating an Office Cow!


People see things going in the wrong direction and they don't do anything about it. They don't want to tackle issues and have tough conversations.. it's just "look the other way" until someone from global decides it's worth fixing, then they'll come up with yet another stupid acronym for it..and it'll be another 3 years until they talk about it again.

Two words - Mike P.

I knew him at GSK, and what you are seeing so far is what he does. Says everything has to change mostly because he doesn’t know how to be positive and he’s frankly rather dim. I had a recent 10 min conversation with him and he said about 20 inaccurate things about our products and current trends.

It’s about to get so much worse.
Mike P was brought in to thin the herd. He’s all about metrics and is obsessed w reach and frequency. My boss is wearing us out about how much money we’ve spent on the new data collection that is spitting out our Q2 call plan. He says “we’ve got to hit our reach and frequency goals because we’ve spent so much money on the data. I know you all have questioned our past call plans but I’m telling you this target list is the one!!” Oh my God, make me puke and quit drinking the corporate koolaid. Just wait till the NSM and the smoke they’re going to blow up our ass! Oh btw…..we’re going to go thru a training workshop to learn the new and improved way of selling around the manage care issues our customers are experiencing!!!

Mike P was brought in to thin the herd. He’s all about metrics and is obsessed w reach and frequency. My boss is wearing us out about how much money we’ve spent on the new data collection that is spitting out our Q2 call plan. He says “we’ve got to hit our reach and frequency goals because we’ve spent so much money on the data. I know you all have questioned our past call plans but I’m telling you this target list is the one!!” Oh my God, make me puke and quit drinking the corporate koolaid. Just wait till the NSM and the smoke they’re going to blow up our ass! Oh btw…..we’re going to go thru a training workshop to learn the new and improved way of selling around the manage care issues our customers are experiencing!!!
Well thin the herd already. Put us out of our misery. He should at least start with the directors and managers in Manage Markets. What a horrible useless bunch of people those are!