Who ruined the culture of Astellas?

Wow - post removed again? How is it that certain Astellas people can't stand to see their names listed here and get them removed by cafepharma BUT the names of others stay in this thread and other threads?

You can try to whitewash everything, but the truth remains. You are not a high performer and you didn't bring in high performers. The only difference you made was to create a negative culture that became very political -- where people hide problems, instead of fixing them and if that doesn't work they blame others, who ironically are the high performers.

Glad I left G&A IT. There was a nearly a 90% turn-over. I can think of 1 director, and 2 managers that have been there longer than the current VP. Maybe I am naive, I think leaders should be able to bring in a few people, but true leadership is able to inspire others to follow.

Just curious -- Do you think people are real "leaders" if everyone has to be replaced to follow them?

So So True. Additionally- I would have to say the quantity of RSM's who are completely gutless and unwilling to speak up and help drive this sales forc from the field up. I have never met more yes/men and woman in my life. All scared for their jobs and nutless- unwilling to be seen as the one who stands in a gap. As a Leader, how do you look at yourself in the mirror when you will not nut-up and put your voice forward on things you know are killing your sales force and rendering them toothless in the roles. Cowards!

This is also a symptom--not the cause. The cause is naked ambition and greed in the VP levels. No longer do they have a strong professional identity and leadership. Now they are afraid and playing musical management chairs - so it rolls thru the organization. And all their talk is BS and all their plans are lies and lipstick --- Can we have just one true leader in Sales...JUST ONE!

This is also a symptom--not the cause. The cause is naked ambition and greed in the VP levels. No longer do they have a strong professional identity and leadership. Now they are afraid and playing musical management chairs - so it rolls thru the organization. And all their talk is BS and all their plans are lies and lipstick --- Can we have just one true leader in Sales...JUST ONE!

The ones we had @ hq have all been fired... sorry, chosen to move on. There are a few RSMs who fit the bill but they were all neutered yrs ago. No authority to change anything. A true leader? I'd settle for just one.

The growth of "do nothing" middle management positions filled by an endless parade of big pharma retreads. All wind up with the same genius biz plan "lets make a tracker!". All knee-jerk reacting to the weekly number instead of seeing the broader picture. This job is a marathon not a sprint. We are here to own our markets not to chase the weekly numbers rabbit. What were the Japanese thinking? This was once a great place to work. Now it's just a pathetic shell of its former self. With a better job market, turnover would be >50% by now. This used to be the best job I'd ever had.