
Everyone is held to a high standard of perfection, efficiency, speed which often feels untenable. There are a lot of bottlenecks, and accelerated timelines caused because of the hubs lack of expertise and sense of purpose. argenx keeps inserting inexperienced people that are causing delays and ineffectiveness. The hub was supposed to be transforming, getting to a higher level of reimbursement skill and all they did was move and promote people who have no clue.

I have personally experienced bullying, incivility, and yelling between leaders in meetings. I have had leaders treat me and people in our meetings as children. Why does the company continue to hire new leaders that don't embrace the culture and are a sucky fit. Leaders that have no accountability??

Supposedly a "Patient First" mindset, but in meetings management (RM) makes it very clear that "Dollars First" is the real mindset. Such BS WOW from Leslie is rainbows BS with people at UBC hub management just spinning BS. Just a lot of fingerpointing when the hub f's off and lets enrollments spin for months. UCB will eat us up. RM hired more fake experts. Controlled communication with the HUB, no clear path of who is doing what. people leave and no one communicates. The people running the hub are just trying to hide behind their BS. No one can asnwer a simple straightforward question, they just send it to someone else and blame them.

Just so you know if you are emailing the hub and not getting answers, it is probably because they quit. I have been emailing for 10 days to find out the person is gone and un til today no one working the cases. These are snakeoil salesman running the communication about the hub. RM wake up and get someone who knows how to get this done.

WTF??? Management for the hub says if you are (what ever role) you can only communicate with this person?? great who is that person?? I emailed them 6 times no response. Find out they are not the person and didn't respond to tell me. Emailed someone else they said you can't email me because you are not a nurse. WTAF, who the F is in charge here? Karen, I want to speakd the to actual manager who gives a F

Could we actually send a benefits summary that makes sense? One that is for the patients actually benefits? They keep say the arev fixing it, what is IT and when? RM these folks are just blowing BS and practices are getting titred of it.. They fax offices sorry yor enrollment is incoplete when they attached Medical reciordsb with all the info. Maybe hire someone that graduated highnschool.

Unless Karen &/or Tim take the blinders off and realize RM, BR, CB etc are the problem, things will never get better. Senior leadership is composed of two faced liars who will never change. Everyone being brought in is a reject or unqualified person from their former places of employment. It's all just so nauseating.

So the Hub is so F'd up I called today to check on an enrollment form, they never asked who I was. The person told me when asked about the infusion site that the patient can only get it at the HCP per their managment. The suprviosr told them to contact their direct manager and they weren't getting on any call.
When I referenced the billing guide they said that I was wrong. What the hell is wrong with our hub? Who is responsible for this BS???? Maybe RM? BR? Karen??
Dysfunction junction, UCB is going to end up with these patients. I asked someone supposed over the hub and they just defered to being NEW??? New to HUB??? Who is watching the damn hen house? No one. She was useless as tits on a Bull. You all can talk a good game amongst yourselves, but who the hell is held accountable for performance?
Who handles the HIPPA violation?? They never asked who I was,

Just so you all know if anyone cares the HUB is telling offices that they are the only ones that can inject patients. They are ignoring infusion site requests a. What did nd sending patients back to HCP's, this is a shitshow. The manager at Dallas meeting showed the hand at anyone when asked any questions what and who are these people and what are they doing? Who is training these people? Has anyone talked to the HUB?
When is this going to be fixed? My POD said they have to work weekends because all of this stuff effects them and the argenx mamangement is not listening to their needs
Just so you all know my Nurse told me they are not allowed to send emails or talk to anyone but the Access Manager. How are we resolving these issues RM or BR??????

Just so you all know if anyone cares the HUB is telling offices that they are the only ones that can inject patients. They are ignoring infusion site requests a. What did nd sending patients back to HCP's, this is a shitshow. The manager at Dallas meeting showed the hand at anyone when asked any questions what and who are these people and what are they doing? Who is training these people? Has anyone talked to the HUB?
When is this going to be fixed? My POD said they have to work weekends because all of this stuff effects them and the argenx mamangement is not listening to their needs
Just so you all know my Nurse told me they are not allowed to send emails or talk to anyone but the Access Manager. How are we resolving these issues RM or BR??????

Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah! How about you do your part. Teach your offices how to complete a form, submit it properly, answer the dam phone when the NCM
Or FRM follows up and see what happens. Otherwise, GTFO new don’t want you!