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Anyone having issues with their Severance Calculation? Adjusted time vs Continuous time


I came across an issue with my severance and wanted to shout it out here and see if anyone else is running into it. I was severed in the past prior to this round of layoffs. Received my severance and returned after several months. When they sent the severance calculation sheet they did not use my "Adjusted" time for the calculation only the "Continuous" time.

Adjusted time = (start date) - (Time severered) = "Adjusted" start date
Continous time = Time in current role

For 401k, work anniversary they are using "adjusted" time.

Have severance document from 2019 and that used "Adjusted" time for the calculation.

It's a little petty, I know, but if everyone else is getting adjusted time for their severance I will continue to make a stink. I want to make sure I get all that I can get for a severance package.

Thanks so much for the info and maybe others are getting shorted out there as well!

Good luck to all!
