Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

As much as I would LIKE to laugh, I left my last job (where I sat at about $130k/yr) with the promise of $150k+ first year. My daughter just started private school. This was the goal for both me and my wife. We need to pull her from her school and think about Public now. I've been watching these posts, but this is my first post on here I've made. I was better off where I was at $130k. Making $100 is barely do-able. I feel so betrayed and I have absolutely NO LOYALTY to my manager and VP. I was told this was going to be a $200k yr 2 job. Sadly, I actually MAKING my numbers and this is where I am at. My daughter means everything. My wife is now looking to pick up another job. Nothing funny here.

There are many of us "making our numbers", however like yourself, we aren't making what we were promised. If I make my nut of $400K in sales ( $400,000 x.12 = 48,000) 55k + 48k=103k. I think there is a big difference in 150k versus 103k. Mike L and his RMs may not think so, but the proof is in the pudding and there is no guarantees that we will have any new products or disposables in 2013 to sustain my new quota( probably will be raised to 900k).... I am really worried about my future....................:-(

There are many of us "making our numbers", however like yourself, we aren't making what we were promised. If I make my nut of $400K in sales ( $400,000 x.12 = 48,000) 55k + 48k=103k. I think there is a big difference in 150k versus 103k. Mike L and his RMs may not think so, but the proof is in the pudding and there is no guarantees that we will have any new products or disposables in 2013 to sustain my new quota( probably will be raised to 900k).... I am really worried about my future....................:-(

I think selling Aflac insurance would be better than what I am doing at KS Airway!

Sad thing is, there are plenty of people out there that would love a car allowance, gas, benefits and 103k a year, not to mention the excellent health benifits and retirement. if you're not happy, and not hitting the numbers they will throw someone else in there that is dumb enough and eager enough to eat the same shit they fed, and you gobbled up last year, find your happy place.

And who is on here whining about having to pull their kid out of private school? This is a business, not a family. Management is not going to blink if you have to pull your kid out of private school, once they go soft and start caring about personal crap they are useless. That's what HR is for, take a wellness class if you feel sorry for yourself.

Bottom line, the new reps coming in on the heels of the upper and lower reps that built this company should be thankful for the opportunity, not on here dripping tears on thier new iPad. So it's 103k not 150k. Did you sign a contract that guaranteed 150? Doubtful. Did you bother to do any research and gather numbers to see if it was a realistic figure? Doubtful. How about they just fire your ass now and you go back to sweating out bills each month? If you thought you were going to get into this and live the same lifestyle as the reps that have been busting ass for 12-16 years, well you're just a complete idiot!!!!

And for those of you with ants in your pants waiting to respond and pop off that this post is from a manager, director or a lazy ass from marketing you're wrong....

Sad thing is, there are plenty of people out there that would love a car allowance, gas, benefits and 103k a year, not to mention the excellent health benifits and retirement. if you're not happy, and not hitting the numbers they will throw someone else in there that is dumb enough and eager enough to eat the same shit they fed, and you gobbled up last year, find your happy place.

And who is on here whining about having to pull their kid out of private school? This is a business, not a family. Management is not going to blink if you have to pull your kid out of private school, once they go soft and start caring about personal crap they are useless. That's what HR is for, take a wellness class if you feel sorry for yourself.

Bottom line, the new reps coming in on the heels of the upper and lower reps that built this company should be thankful for the opportunity, not on here dripping tears on thier new iPad. So it's 103k not 150k. Did you sign a contract that guaranteed 150? Doubtful. Did you bother to do any research and gather numbers to see if it was a realistic figure? Doubtful. How about they just fire your ass now and you go back to sweating out bills each month? If you thought you were going to get into this and live the same lifestyle as the reps that have been busting ass for 12-16 years, well you're just a complete idiot!!!!

And for those of you with ants in your pants waiting to respond and pop off that this post is from a manager, director or a lazy ass from marketing you're wrong....

No, you are either a brown nosing loser or a head & neck rep who wants to add airway to his/her bag.

Sad thing is, there are plenty of people out there that would love a car allowance, gas, benefits and 103k a year, not to mention the excellent health benifits and retirement. if you're not happy, and not hitting the numbers they will throw someone else in there that is dumb enough and eager enough to eat the same shit they fed, and you gobbled up last year, find your happy place.

And who is on here whining about having to pull their kid out of private school? This is a business, not a family. Management is not going to blink if you have to pull your kid out of private school, once they go soft and start caring about personal crap they are useless. That's what HR is for, take a wellness class if you feel sorry for yourself.

Bottom line, the new reps coming in on the heels of the upper and lower reps that built this company should be thankful for the opportunity, not on here dripping tears on thier new iPad. So it's 103k not 150k. Did you sign a contract that guaranteed 150? Doubtful. Did you bother to do any research and gather numbers to see if it was a realistic figure? Doubtful. How about they just fire your ass now and you go back to sweating out bills each month? If you thought you were going to get into this and live the same lifestyle as the reps that have been busting ass for 12-16 years, well you're just a complete idiot!!!!

And for those of you with ants in your pants waiting to respond and pop off that this post is from a manager, director or a lazy ass from marketing you're wrong....

Stop drinking the KS Koolaid. You're an idiot. Many of us did our homework on this company before accepting the position. But when you talk while in trainning you talk to your peers, you realize that you were all told the same bullshit.....150k - 180k the first year. The RMs & Mike L really sold us on the company during our interviews. You have to agree that we have no new products, no disposables and most upsetting, a marketing department that couldn't create anything to sell water to a thirsty man in the desert.

I understand that times are tough and having a job is better than no job, however there are some serious issues at this company and with the airway division. If you don't agree, god bless and I have a nice white house with great property to sell you in Washington DC for real cheap. The writing is on the wall.............

There are many of us "making our numbers", however like yourself, we aren't making what we were promised. If I make my nut of $400K in sales ( $400,000 x.12 = 48,000) 55k + 48k=103k. I think there is a big difference in 150k versus 103k. Mike L and his RMs may not think so, but the proof is in the pudding and there is no guarantees that we will have any new products or disposables in 2013 to sustain my new quota( probably will be raised to 900k).... I am really worried about my future....................:-(

I did my due diligence before I took this job and asked specifically about all products being paid at 12% and was told it was on EVERYTHING. When I was in training and found out that we only got 6% on trade in's I was upset because I knew that was going to be around 25% percent of my business and qouta. They also lied to me about how much the terrritory had produced in the year before me and I knew I was screwed when I found it had done less than 200K for the past 3 years combined. This job was a nightmare from the beginning and I hope everyone in airway realizes that management is full of BS and starts looking for new jobs.

I did my due diligence before I took this job and asked specifically about all products being paid at 12% and was told it was on EVERYTHING. When I was in training and found out that we only got 6% on trade in's I was upset because I knew that was going to be around 25% percent of my business and qouta. They also lied to me about how much the terrritory had produced in the year before me and I knew I was screwed when I found it had done less than 200K for the past 3 years combined. This job was a nightmare from the beginning and I hope everyone in airway realizes that management is full of BS and starts looking for new jobs.

Thank you for all the information. You will be shown the door soon.


Thank you for all the information. You will be shown the door soon.


Management on all levels(inluding marketing) should take a paycut anf those monies should be spread out to the Airway Sales Team as an appology for what they have done to this division. Even if is $10.00, it would be a great gesture.

Don't worry, I don't live in a dream world......It was a thought only.

Before you should your greatest asset (Salesforce), why not take a look in the mirror and just quit. This means you MW.

I did my due diligence before I took this job and asked specifically about all products being paid at 12% and was told it was on EVERYTHING. When I was in training and found out that we only got 6% on trade in's I was upset because I knew that was going to be around 25% percent of my business and qouta. They also lied to me about how much the terrritory had produced in the year before me and I knew I was screwed when I found it had done less than 200K for the past 3 years combined. This job was a nightmare from the beginning and I hope everyone in airway realizes that management is full of BS and starts looking for new jobs.

You really are stupid and do not deserve to work here. Let's figure out who you are.

You do not have an FST in your territory
You were hired in 2012
Less than 200k in 3 years (only one territory is going to fit the criteria)
Have fun being unemployed!!!!!

You really are stupid and do not deserve to work here. Let's figure out who you are.

You do not have an FST in your territory
You were hired in 2012
Less than 200k in 3 years (only one territory is going to fit the criteria)
Have fun being unemployed!!!!!

OoooooH is the big bad boogey man coming. If original author states the truth, they have a right to their first admendment rights.

Venting is good for the soul.........................................

You really are stupid and do not deserve to work here. Let's figure out who you are.

You do not have an FST in your territory
You were hired in 2012
Less than 200k in 3 years (only one territory is going to fit the criteria)
Have fun being unemployed!!!!!

And YOU, Karl Storz, have fun with a big messy Wrongful Termination suit to deal with. I know many lawyers who would jump at the chance to take THAT case ;)

You people are stupid. Here is how it works. Management will know who it is therefore they will be under intense scrutiny. Once they slip up or get caught in a lie they are done. Sales is an at will employment they can fire you for any reason . Someone with a poor attitude is not going to be busting their hump in the field and that can be proven. Gas usage, reprax reports , cell phone tracking are all available to management . Have fun with your 1st amendment rights while being unemployed. BTW I do not work for KS but have seen this tactic used at my company to get rid of people who don't fit the mold.

You people are stupid. Here is how it works. Management will know who it is therefore they will be under intense scrutiny. Once they slip up or get caught in a lie they are done. Sales is an at will employment they can fire you for any reason . Someone with a poor attitude is not going to be busting their hump in the field and that can be proven. Gas usage, reprax reports , cell phone tracking are all available to management . Have fun with your 1st amendment rights while being unemployed. BTW I do not work for KS but have seen this tactic used at my company to get rid of people who don't fit the mold.

At will, yes. But try proving that the actual person writing a post WAS, in fact, that person. Sanatorium happens all day long and here say on the net is as good as squat. Go spend some time with your own employer's site, chief.

From talking to my fellow Airway Team Members, everyone sees the writing on the wall. Rumors are flying and I personally know of 20 current representatives looking for something else.

Atleast two Airway Reps are gone.....Vinny left New Mexico and the Fresno, CA territory was posted as an openning on the net? Anyone know what happened to Neil?