Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

You must be on of the great new hires who sold copiers before and know it all now. The fallacy of believing that growth equals profit is laughable. I'm embarrassed to even respond to such moronic post. Have fun waiting on new "tools" and I hope you kill it and sell a whole 1 million someday? Wow that will be impressive and maybe you will move up to RM in this great growth division! Or when you get laid off with less than 2 years of shitty experience and get a new job because you were with the fastest growing division at Storz. That ought to be a great line in your next interview with your new payroll or copier gig.

Ok great one how many millions of dollars have you sold in airway. Probably haven't done it that is why we are here. If you would have done a good job we would not be needed. Keep being bitter a uro rep will be in your territory next and give you something else to cry about .

This division is a joke and it comes from the top (ML). There's a 3 year rollout and look at the numbers. Were not even close to hitting qouta and even further from being profitable. How long will the company continue to alienate the core reps and keep all these newbies who have no previous experience? not long. Everyone should keep the resumes handy and please don't tell recruiters you sell capital equipment and have a qouta well under 500K or you will look like a fool. I hope everyone finds something better and best luck to all who were misled and even those who are still drinking the koolaid.

From talking to my fellow Airway Team Members, everyone sees the writing on the wall. Rumors are flying and I personally know of 20 current representatives looking for something else.

You must be on of the great new hires who sold copiers before and know it all now. The fallacy of believing that growth equals profit is laughable. I'm embarrassed to even respond to such moronic post. Have fun waiting on new "tools" and I hope you kill it and sell a whole 1 million someday? Wow that will be impressive and maybe you will move up to RM in this great growth division! Or when you get laid off with less than 2 years of shitty experience and get a new job because you were with the fastest growing division at Storz. That ought to be a great line in your next interview with your new payroll or copier gig.

Also remember that once you make you turn your territory into a million dollar sales volume, your salary will be taken away....Didnt you know that?? The company's goal is to make all reps into commission only....Wake Up!

Also remember that once you make you turn your territory into a million dollar sales volume, your salary will be taken away....Didnt you know that?? The company's goal is to make all reps into commission only....Wake Up!

Hey Dude/Dudette, be professional and use proper grammar/spelling before you post. I understand what you are saying, but the format of the message is just as important as the content.

I can concur with author here. I was told during my Foundations Orientation Class that the goal of the company is to get these Emerging Markets Territories(Airway /Head & Neck) going full steam by generating over a million in sales. Once that occurs, salaries will be taken away.

Personally, I don't see this happening especially with the way our Marketing Department is supporting the Sales Force. Other than updates from my Region Manager when we talk, what is the Airway Marketing People working on? It would be nice to hear something from ML,MW,PD, LP or SD. If we got rid of some of these people, maybe we could use the available funds to develope more needed advertising!

If you actually believe that Airway territories are going to reach a million dollars!!! I have a nice amount of sand at the beach that I can sell you?? So after your superstar year and saturating the market with CMAC's you still think you can sustain that growth with no new products. And none of your products are reimbursable or bring in any revenue to the hospitals and lasts for decades. How can any person of normal intelligence not see that management is blowing smoke up your inexperienced ass to keep VP jobs for themselves. Wake up and realize this division cannot be sustained. Airway is going to be rolled into another segment. It can't have some people with 250K qoutas and costing the company 120K for salary, training, and benefits. It was a dog from the start and expected huge growth to support keeping it around until it becomes profitable. It's not even close and is a huge red flag at corporate. The good reps will be asked to roll into new positions and the small areas and lesser reps will be let go.
I'm just trying to be helpful to the people that are new and need to realize they need a backup plan. As for the moron who keeps regurgitating shit he learned in training, good luck with your attitude and maybe you can be an FST after the layoffs.

Hey Dude/Dudette, be professional and use proper grammar/spelling before you post. I understand what you are saying, but the format of the message is just as important as the content.

I can concur with author here. I was told during my Foundations Orientation Class that the goal of the company is to get these Emerging Markets Territories(Airway /Head & Neck) going full steam by generating over a million in sales. Once that occurs, salaries will be taken away.

Personally, I don't see this happening especially with the way our Marketing Department is supporting the Sales Force. Other than updates from my Region Manager when we talk, what is the Airway Marketing People working on? It would be nice to hear something from ML,MW,PD, LP or SD. If we got rid of some of these people, maybe we could use the available funds to develope more needed advertising!

Finally an answer - I vote 100% to get rid of Sue D & Linda P. All they do is put their two cents at training meetings and handle conventions. Totally worthless and are probably over paid. ML is trying to keep this division going. As for MW & PD, since getting promoted the salesforce never hears from them. Are they even working or just sun bathing on the California beach????

If you actually believe that Airway territories are going to reach a million dollars!!! I have a nice amount of sand at the beach that I can sell you?? So after your superstar year and saturating the market with CMAC's you still think you can sustain that growth with no new products. And none of your products are reimbursable or bring in any revenue to the hospitals and lasts for decades. How can any person of normal intelligence not see that management is blowing smoke up your inexperienced ass to keep VP jobs for themselves. Wake up and realize this division cannot be sustained. Airway is going to be rolled into another segment. It can't have some people with 250K qoutas and costing the company 120K for salary, training, and benefits. It was a dog from the start and expected huge growth to support keeping it around until it becomes profitable. It's not even close and is a huge red flag at corporate. The good reps will be asked to roll into new positions and the small areas and lesser reps will be let go.
I'm just trying to be helpful to the people that are new and need to realize they need a backup plan. As for the moron who keeps regurgitating shit he learned in training, good luck with your attitude and maybe you can be an FST after the layoffs.

Finally I hear something intelligent. Firings should start immediately for entire executive committee for selling this bone head idea of emerging markets. We all know this was being pushed by corporate office because this led to many promotions in house for many who have never carried the bag....

Finally I hear something intelligent. Firings should start immediately for entire executive committee for selling this bone head idea of emerging markets. We all know this was being pushed by corporate office because this led to many promotions in house for many who have never carried the bag....

Amen, however, please remember that ML is just another executive puppet whose strings are controlled by Mrs. Storz in Germany. When will this company understand that US Marketing & Sales differ from International Marketing & Sales???????

Amen, however, please remember that ML is just another executive puppet whose strings are controlled by Mrs. Storz in Germany. When will this company understand that US Marketing & Sales differ from International Marketing & Sales???????

Good Morning to another crappy day in the world of Karl Storz Airway Management - No pipeline, no annuity from disposables, crappy management & even worst - no marketing.

I wonder what's posted on monster, indeed, career builder and medzilla today??????

If you actually believe that Airway territories are going to reach a million dollars!!! I have a nice amount of sand at the beach that I can sell you?? So after your superstar year and saturating the market with CMAC's you still think you can sustain that growth with no new products. And none of your products are reimbursable or bring in any revenue to the hospitals and lasts for decades. How can any person of normal intelligence not see that management is blowing smoke up your inexperienced ass to keep VP jobs for themselves. Wake up and realize this division cannot be sustained. Airway is going to be rolled into another segment. It can't have some people with 250K qoutas and costing the company 120K for salary, training, and benefits. It was a dog from the start and expected huge growth to support keeping it around until it becomes profitable. It's not even close and is a huge red flag at corporate. The good reps will be asked to roll into new positions and the small areas and lesser reps will be let go.
I'm just trying to be helpful to the people that are new and need to realize they need a backup plan. As for the moron who keeps regurgitating shit he learned in training, good luck with your attitude and maybe you can be an FST after the layoffs.

This is very true. I believe that the company went by the "you have to spend money to make money" strategy. Back to the 'ol drawing board.

This is very true. I believe that the company went by the "you have to spend money to make money" strategy. Back to the 'ol drawing board.

I am a fairly new rep to the airway team and I have had some success in my territory, however after reading these posts and taking into account that 50% are from bitter reps, it does put a lot of doubt about the future of this division. I think my region manager & Mike L sold me on a lot of BS.

For the record, my Core Rep is a selfish idiot who wouldn't call me if his next commission check depended on it. I really don't care. What I do care about is that a lot of these postings bring up truthful points about the Airway Marketing Team:

- No Communication except for an occassional email
- No Advertising in major trade journals/publications unlike our competition
- ML leads a four person team - MW,PD,SD & LP. What are they actually doing for us?

There's alot of writing on the wall and I am really thinking I made a bad decision joining KS.
After talking to several of my colleagues, they are also worried about their future here and are concerned about the same issues I am.

If management reads this board, we need to have an all airway townhall conference call to get a "state of the division" update us on market trends,products updates,success stories and maybe a little motivation from the top.

I am a fairly new rep to the airway team and I have had some success in my territory, however after reading these posts and taking into account that 50% are from bitter reps, it does put a lot of doubt about the future of this division. I think my region manager & Mike L sold me on a lot of BS.

For the record, my Core Rep is a selfish idiot who wouldn't call me if his next commission check depended on it. I really don't care. What I do care about is that a lot of these postings bring up truthful points about the Airway Marketing Team:

- No Communication except for an occassional email
- No Advertising in major trade journals/publications unlike our competition
- ML leads a four person team - MW,PD,SD & LP. What are they actually doing for us?

There's alot of writing on the wall and I am really thinking I made a bad decision joining KS.
After talking to several of my colleagues, they are also worried about their future here and are concerned about the same issues I am.

If management reads this board, we need to have an all airway townhall conference call to get a "state of the division" update us on market trends,products updates,success stories and maybe a little motivation from the top.

Other divisions have it tough too...Just read the Head/Neck Post. They are complaining about the same things Airway is........

Other divisions have it tough too...Just read the Head/Neck Post. They are complaining about the same things Airway is........

I think I am going to reach out to some of the AMAR Reps that left previously left the company and see if they have any connections/openings in their current companies. Aside from the Pharma company (not sure why any device rep would go Pharma), the other companies listed before (where the 1st wave went off to) are really great companies and I would love to be a part of of one of them... especially if they have steady annual commissions from BOTH disposable and cap. I need some kind of security for the years ahead of me and my family, because even if only SOME of these posts are true, it's very bad news for multiple divisions... not just us. And if other divisions might be in trouble, I think you'd be stupid to think that Airway WOULDN'T be the first cut. I've been around long enough to know that we are the bottom of the barrel in Storz... not too much secrecy there.

I think I am going to reach out to some of the AMAR Reps that left previously left the company and see if they have any connections/openings in their current companies. Aside from the Pharma company (not sure why any device rep would go Pharma), the other companies listed before (where the 1st wave went off to) are really great companies and I would love to be a part of of one of them... especially if they have steady annual commissions from BOTH disposable and cap. I need some kind of security for the years ahead of me and my family, because even if only SOME of these posts are true, it's very bad news for multiple divisions... not just us. And if other divisions might be in trouble, I think you'd be stupid to think that Airway WOULDN'T be the first cut. I've been around long enough to know that we are the bottom of the barrel in Storz... not too much secrecy there.

Agreed....Even little Mikey L cannot stop this division from sinking in the toliet. Charlie & Bill must be creating a new master plan for Storz to stop the bleeding before Mrs Storz come for their heads.......

Agreed....Even little Mikey L cannot stop this division from sinking in the toliet. Charlie & Bill must be creating a new master plan for Storz to stop the bleeding before Mrs Storz come for their heads.......

Just read the Head & Neck or the Surgical Sales/Uro Postings and you can see the writing on the wall is clear. Polish your resume and have a clear & concise story to tell recruiters & hiring managers why you are leaving Storz.

Mikey L & his crack team of marketing people have failed this division from day 1. I predict that after all the 2012 numbers are in, major changes ( layoffs) will occur in 2013. A company cannot keep bleeding red without some interventions by executive management. Good Ole Charlie & Billy will need to do something to protect their jobs to the queen(Mrs. Storz)

Just read the Head & Neck or the Surgical Sales/Uro Postings and you can see the writing on the wall is clear. Polish your resume and have a clear & concise story to tell recruiters & hiring managers why you are leaving Storz.

Mikey L & his crack team of marketing people have failed this division from day 1. I predict that after all the 2012 numbers are in, major changes ( layoffs) will occur in 2013. A company cannot keep bleeding red without some interventions by executive management. Good Ole Charlie & Billy will need to do something to protect their jobs to the queen(Mrs. Storz)

Enough of your future predictions.....If the Airway Team works hard enough we can turn this market around until new products & disposables come our way.

Mike L has worked hard as Director of Sales/Marketing and we see his efforts. What we don't see is what Melanie W, Pauline B, Sue D and Linda P have done to help the Airway Sales Team. Almost non-existence emails from them and when you try to contact them via the phone or email, it takes several days to get a response back. To anyone in a sales organization, this is a huge failure on them. If the salesforce needs something from the home office, we need to be a priority.

Enough of your future predictions.....If the Airway Team works hard enough we can turn this market around until new products & disposables come our way.

Mike L has worked hard as Director of Sales/Marketing and we see his efforts. What we don't see is what Melanie W, Pauline B, Sue D and Linda P have done to help the Airway Sales Team. Almost non-existence emails from them and when you try to contact them via the phone or email, it takes several days to get a response back. To anyone in a sales organization, this is a huge failure on them. If the salesforce needs something from the home office, we need to be a priority.

We all work our butts off EVERY day. Until we provide a product that our customers REALLY want and hold real value to, our efforts are in vain. Bottom line. If we don't start rolling with trends we are toast, which I personally believe we already are. We have been late to the game with EVERY product we have in our bag and are nothing more than a mere "me too" division. The only difference is that we have no marketing so people have no friggin idea who we are! GS, McGrath, etc, have NO problem on that end. What's worse is that this isn't going to change, because Germany "doesn't believe in advertising" or posting products on the Internet. This is BS and I'm believing the other reps... This gig is done, whether we leave or corp ends US!

We all work our butts off EVERY day. Until we provide a product that our customers REALLY want and hold real value to, our efforts are in vain. Bottom line. If we don't start rolling with trends we are toast, which I personally believe we already are. We have been late to the game with EVERY product we have in our bag and are nothing more than a mere "me too" division. The only difference is that we have no marketing so people have no friggin idea who we are! GS, McGrath, etc, have NO problem on that end. What's worse is that this isn't going to change, because Germany "doesn't believe in advertising" or posting products on the Internet. This is BS and I'm believing the other reps... This gig is done, whether we leave or corp ends US!

KARL STORZ is a prolific company with a prolific brand. I see many complaints about marketing here; and I view them through a prism of wisdom that many of you are "immediate gratification and entitlement now" type personalities. Does marketing suck? Perhaps. Is the brand still solid since 1945? ABSOLUTELY. The bottom line is this--you Airway Reps are ENTRUSTED and EMPOWERED with the available products. Get out there and sell them and quit making lame excuses. It's totally understandable with Glidescopes 85% "automatic" market share that some cold call fatigue will set in....but wasting time on the DRAMA of a cafepharma thread only proves that your mind is in exactly the wrong place. If you are reading this message as a KARL STORZ airway rep and having emotions--you are 100% completely wasting your time. You would be better served in google searching the competition, learning their strengths and deriving your own talking points about how your products are better than theirs. This thread is sophomoric....go back to HIGH SCHOOL or use FACEBOOK to whine & complain & be dramatic. Karl Storz kicks ass in this industry--it has for 65+ years and will continue to kick ass. If you can't carry the water and seek to blame office people for your failures then you simply just SUCK.

KARL STORZ is a prolific company with a prolific brand. I see many complaints about marketing here; and I view them through a prism of wisdom that many of you are "immediate gratification and entitlement now" type personalities. Does marketing suck? Perhaps. Is the brand still solid since 1945? ABSOLUTELY. The bottom line is this--you Airway Reps are ENTRUSTED and EMPOWERED with the available products. Get out there and sell them and quit making lame excuses. It's totally understandable with Glidescopes 85% "automatic" market share that some cold call fatigue will set in....but wasting time on the DRAMA of a cafepharma thread only proves that your mind is in exactly the wrong place. If you are reading this message as a KARL STORZ airway rep and having emotions--you are 100% completely wasting your time. You would be better served in google searching the competition, learning their strengths and deriving your own talking points about how your products are better than theirs. This thread is sophomoric....go back to HIGH SCHOOL or use FACEBOOK to whine & complain & be dramatic. Karl Storz kicks ass in this industry--it has for 65+ years and will continue to kick ass. If you can't carry the water and seek to blame office people for your failures then you simply just SUCK.

So, based on what YOU just said, WE should be researching the competition, learning their strengths, and deriving talking points about how our products are better. Am I missing something? Isn't that something marketing should be doing? And here's a little tip, if a person can't cut it in sales, don't hire them in marketing!!!!