Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

Core Reps want the Airway team to fail, so they can pick up the $$$$.....They only care about themselves and wouldn't understand the word - TEAM.

Stop posting on this board at 9:30am and get to work. Sales aren't going to drop from the sky. Hit the road buddy and don't tell me you're on the west coast posing on CP!

Mr. Author, you are incorrect. Core Reps did sell CMACs recently and failed. That is why a new wave of airway representatives were hired.

Actually, my Core rep bundled C-MACs into other deals as a free piece of equipment to the Anesthesia staff. They never wasted their time actually trying to sell it. Do you REALLY think a Core Rep is going to spend a couple days in a trial for a friggin CMAC??? They were just giving them away at the time. Now THAT is why they brought on the Airway team... So they could actually try and make SOME money off these things.

Actually, my Core rep bundled C-MACs into other deals as a free piece of equipment to the Anesthesia staff. They never wasted their time actually trying to sell it. Do you REALLY think a Core Rep is going to spend a couple days in a trial for a friggin CMAC??? They were just giving them away at the time. Now THAT is why they brought on the Airway team... So they could actually try and make SOME money off these things.

Hmmm...Core Reps on other postings on CP complain that their commissions have gone done from 300k to $150k -200K. They trial other pieces of equipment, so why not the CMAC if they are going to bring in some $$$, so overall, your logic is not so logical.

I have heard that some Core Reps do work with their Airway Reps, however, overall it is still to few partnerships across the USA.

Hmmm...Core Reps on other postings on CP complain that their commissions have gone done from 300k to $150k -200K. They trial other pieces of equipment, so why not the CMAC if they are going to bring in some $$$, so overall, your logic is not so logical.

I have heard that some Core Reps do work with their Airway Reps, however, overall it is still to few partnerships across the USA.

Because their commissions have just now started to come down to the addition of GYN reps. The addition of AMARs didn't put much of a dent in their income, with the exception of the residual repair business. Ask any Core rep what their time is worth and if it's worth it for them to spend time on CMAC trials... You'll see their logic. The market is saturated with GS (that's no secret) so they would bundle them into deals for free as a spiff for OR1 deals and the appeal for Anesthesia buy-in during OR1 trials. This is not speculation, this is what happened.

Because their commissions have just now started to come down to the addition of GYN reps. The addition of AMARs didn't put much of a dent in their income, with the exception of the residual repair business. Ask any Core rep what their time is worth and if it's worth it for them to spend time on CMAC trials... You'll see their logic. The market is saturated with GS (that's no secret) so they would bundle them into deals for free as a spiff for OR1 deals and the appeal for Anesthesia buy-in during OR1 trials. This is not speculation, this is what happened.

Thanks for the update

Excuses, Excuses.....Bottom line, if Karl Storz wants to succeed, we need to work together, not bullshit from the Core Reps. Teamwork needs to start in the field since there is very little support from El Segundo(Marketing & Executive Leadership)

Enough Already...Stop the back and forth bickering. We all know this division is on thin ice. Only we the sales force can make it successful even without great marketing. Let's move on and sell our portfolio by ourselves!

I think most of us feel this way. We had some great Reps leave us over the last year and there is definitely reasoning behind that. I've come to see that this position has been more of a launching point for something better. I'd like to be a full-line, but those positions never open up. Agreed that Marketing doesn't MARKET, nor do we EVER have more than 2 samples of a new product available across about 50 reps at any given time. Also agreed, of course, that we are in the red. We've been in the red since year 1 from what I hear (I'm 2nd wave). All I can say is that we keep selling this same old stuff as long as we can talk them out of buying GS.

I didnt get to know any of the first wave of AMAR reps. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what types of positions/companies they moved on to?

I didnt get to know any of the first wave of AMAR reps. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what types of positions/companies they moved on to?

I still talk to about 5 or 6 of them. One went to Pharma, but the others are killing it at other device companies (non-competitors). From talking to them they put in a year or two and landed gigs from there. I suspect we'll see a lot of 2-year bailouts. I'm still a number of months before my 2 year chip.

Leaving for the competition? No....

They went to Companies like allergan,, fukuda denshi, Medtronic, pharma, Hecht energy, IT b2b sales, given imaging, and heart valves. Why is this important?

To the previous posts. If you can't make at least $110k in airway you lack the skills or experience to get a $130k+ job. If you don't like $600 month car, gas card, iPhone, all expenses (including booze)....then good luck finding better.

If your core rep doesn't like working with you, then there is probably a good reason. Catch the's you! This is a good gig. Learn from the talented, experienced salesforce at Karl Storz and become worth something valuable to KS or future employer.

Leaving for the competition? No....

They went to Companies like allergan,, fukuda denshi, Medtronic, pharma, Hecht energy, IT b2b sales, given imaging, and heart valves. Why is this important?

To the previous posts. If you can't make at least $110k in airway you lack the skills or experience to get a $130k+ job. If you don't like $600 month car, gas card, iPhone, all expenses (including booze)....then good luck finding better.

If your core rep doesn't like working with you, then there is probably a good reason. Catch the's you! This is a good gig. Learn from the talented, experienced salesforce at Karl Storz and become worth something valuable to KS or future employer.

I was just curious to see where Airway launched them off to, that's all. Wasn't really important, just wanted to hear some success stories from people that started from the beginning. That's good to know, thanks!

Leaving for the competition? No....

They went to Companies like allergan,, fukuda denshi, Medtronic, pharma, Hecht energy, IT b2b sales, given imaging, and heart valves. Why is this important?

To the previous posts. If you can't make at least $110k in airway you lack the skills or experience to get a $130k+ job. If you don't like $600 month car, gas card, iPhone, all expenses (including booze)....then good luck finding better.

If your core rep doesn't like working with you, then there is probably a good reason. Catch the's you! This is a good gig. Learn from the talented, experienced salesforce at Karl Storz and become worth something valuable to KS or future employer.

Sounds like someone is overdosing on the KS Koolaid and brown nosing ML

CLUELESS - GOING TO COMPETITION..... GS HAS NOT LAUNCHED A NEW PRODUCT IN 3 YEARS, OLYMPUS IS IN FINANCIAL RUINS....SERIOUSLY YOU PEOPLE ON THIS CHAT ARE A JOKE!!!! If you are committed to a little hard work this company is one of the best in the industry. Try to have some long term vision, realize the opportunity you have and stop making excuses for your sorry selves. I am having a blast kickin' the you know what out of my competitors!!!!Glass empty or half full? You make of it whatever you want. but please leave soon so I can get referral fee for your replacements!!!

This division is a joke and it comes from the top (ML). There's a 3 year rollout and look at the numbers. Were not even close to hitting qouta and even further from being profitable. How long will the company continue to alienate the core reps and keep all these newbies who have no previous experience? not long. Everyone should keep the resumes handy and please don't tell recruiters you sell capital equipment and have a qouta well under 500K or you will look like a fool. I hope everyone finds something better and best luck to all who were misled and even those who are still drinking the koolaid.

Working for any company would be a step up from Karl Storz. I heard many went to the competition.

So silly, recently got back from training.
Half of the reps were from Stryker, Olympus and a couple dudes from Medtronic.

The grass is not greener...............

Storz is still a great place to work. You ll find out when you have left the company and are making 120 and are being micromanaged to death while you are staying home on a Monday morning inputing your data from the prior week when all you want to do is go out and sell.

Not criticizing, just telling you how it is.

This division is a joke and it comes from the top (ML). There's a 3 year rollout and look at the numbers. Were not even close to hitting qouta and even further from being profitable. How long will the company continue to alienate the core reps and keep all these newbies who have no previous experience? not long. Everyone should keep the resumes handy and please don't tell recruiters you sell capital equipment and have a qouta well under 500K or you will look like a fool. I hope everyone finds something better and best luck to all who were misled and even those who are still drinking the koolaid.

Your an IDIOT, give it to the CORE reps to sell lap, Uro and anethesia good call r*****!!!! Go have your pity party and feel sorry for yourself cause you suck. Emerging markets are here to stay get over it. Once we have all the tools in the toolbox this division will boom. Since you are in the know tell me what division/region had the most growth in the entire company last year? Thats what I thought

Your an IDIOT, give it to the CORE reps to sell lap, Uro and anethesia good call r*****!!!! Go have your pity party and feel sorry for yourself cause you suck. Emerging markets are here to stay get over it. Once we have all the tools in the toolbox this division will boom. Since you are in the know tell me what division/region had the most growth in the entire company last year? Thats what I thought

You must be on of the great new hires who sold copiers before and know it all now. The fallacy of believing that growth equals profit is laughable. I'm embarrassed to even respond to such moronic post. Have fun waiting on new "tools" and I hope you kill it and sell a whole 1 million someday? Wow that will be impressive and maybe you will move up to RM in this great growth division! Or when you get laid off with less than 2 years of shitty experience and get a new job because you were with the fastest growing division at Storz. That ought to be a great line in your next interview with your new payroll or copier gig.

You must be on of the great new hires who sold copiers before and know it all now. The fallacy of believing that growth equals profit is laughable. I'm embarrassed to even respond to such moronic post. Have fun waiting on new "tools" and I hope you kill it and sell a whole 1 million someday? Wow that will be impressive and maybe you will move up to RM in this great growth division! Or when you get laid off with less than 2 years of shitty experience and get a new job because you were with the fastest growing division at Storz. That ought to be a great line in your next interview with your new payroll or copier gig.

It sounds like someone is bitter. Are you upset that you have an airway rep now? All huffy and puffy because you can't collect the repair dollars from all 3 intubation scopes you sold in your 20 year tenure at Storz?

Oh wait. It was really just 1 intubation scope. The two you sold as bronchoscopes to ENT's to fill your airway quota don't count. I guess that means you need to start bitching on the ENT board too....