I am a Core rep and I do see your perspectives. The fact of the matter is that we DID have anesthesia in our bag, but I gotta tell you that Flexibles were a shoe-in, as well as Davi Carts (I'm sure you saw plenty of those when you entered your position). We got those in after doing OR1 deals, it was easy small cash while we were doing big deals. CMACS have always been a novelty. We gave those things away and bundled them as "free gifts" when doing certain ENT deals. Those weren't worth our time... Surely not worth anyone's time to sit in a trial for BS money. So we bundled them in for Anesthesia just to seal the big deals. Bonfils? Hell, nobody uses those... Never will. Blades and handles? Yeah right. Maybe a big deal somewhere, still not worth the sales time. We feel bad for you guys, but you need to accept that we don't give a crap about your thoughts on us. Better yet, everybody knows that you have the worst job in the company. Deal with it, put in your time and get a better position! One Airway guy moved up, use him as an example on how to succeed.