Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

End of year numbers are NOT looking good for us. Not even close. What's going to happen after year end? I've read everything on here for over a year now... But NOW I am genuinely worried. We, as a division, haven't made a DIME for KS. Are they actually going to keep us around? I truly hope they do, but from a company perspective, I can't imagine any reason why they would. Fingers crossed!

That is the Million Dollar Question? Probably only Charlie and/or Mrs. Storz knows the answer!

End of year numbers are NOT looking good for us. Not even close. What's going to happen after year end? I've read everything on here for over a year now... But NOW I am genuinely worried. We, as a division, haven't made a DIME for KS. Are they actually going to keep us around? I truly hope they do, but from a company perspective, I can't imagine any reason why they would. Fingers crossed!

Yep, The numbers suck and who knows what is in store for the Airway Team in 2013, however our beloved Presidente, Charlie & his henchman - BW & ML are gonna spend millions for a National Sales Meeting in Orlando. Maybe Mickey Mouse & his crew need to join our management team and make the new home office in Fantasy Land.

I agree, who cares where we are going for a NSM. Management & Marketing will spend millions on a BS Meeting where they will spotlight the few successes a minority of the salesforce had in 2012 and then gloat how great they did their jobs to everyone, every chance they get. We will have to sit through boring presentations from Charlie & Bill and finally hear the great plan for 2013.

Instead of wasting all this money & time, why not give everyone a 10k raise and call it a day!

Happy Holidays to all my fellow Airway Representatives......Many Santa bring you some holiday joy!

As for our beloved Airway Management & Marketing Team, I hope Santa leaves you all a lump of coal in your xmas stockings to show that you just plain suck!

Happy Holidays to all my fellow Airway Representatives......Many Santa bring you some holiday joy!

As for our beloved Airway Management & Marketing Team, I hope Santa leaves you all a lump of coal in your xmas stockings to show that you just plain suck!

I am physically sick this holiday. Last year I did fairly well to quota, this year there has been very few accounts to sell to. Very grim time for my family, regretting a lot right now. Nothing worse than having a sick feeling in my stomach this time of year... To think that I left my last company to make "double" with Storz, yet I am making $10k LESS this year than my last sales gig. Egg on my face is an understatement. Merry Christmas, all.

I am physically sick this holiday. Last year I did fairly well to quota, this year there has been very few accounts to sell to. Very grim time for my family, regretting a lot right now. Nothing worse than having a sick feeling in my stomach this time of year... To think that I left my last company to make "double" with Storz, yet I am making $10k LESS this year than my last sales gig. Egg on my face is an understatement. Merry Christmas, all.

I have been on either Pepto-Bismo and / or Zantac since leaving Airway trainning due to all the lies my Region Manager & Mike L told me during my interviews. Unfortunately, many of the recruiters know the deal here at KS Airway and I very little space to spin my own story on why I am leaving even with making my quota.

I have a few companies that are interested in me and hopefully will have an offer in early Q1. I will keep this job because I need the $$$ & benefits for my family. You can't regret what decisions you made with KS Airway because we were all told a bunch of lies. I just want to get out and start somewhere fresh so that I can make a decent living for my family.

If there truly was a Santa, I would wish for him to tell Mrs Storz to fire Mike L and his crappy marketing team who doesn't support the sales team or know how to market any type of airway product.

I am physically sick this holiday. Last year I did fairly well to quota, this year there has been very few accounts to sell to. Very grim time for my family, regretting a lot right now. Nothing worse than having a sick feeling in my stomach this time of year... To think that I left my last company to make "double" with Storz, yet I am making $10k LESS this year than my last sales gig. Egg on my face is an understatement. Merry Christmas, all.

So the last of my accounts (that I was throwing all my hopes and dreams on), said that they may have some extra capital dollars for the end of the year. Just like last year, those dollars were taken by the surgeons and the O.R. I'm so sick of this crap, Anesthesia NEVER gets any money in the hospitals... Only hand-me-downs from more important departments. So I'm officially left with nothing and nowhere to sell. I have officially visited EVERY account this month, no stone left unturned. Zero opportunity. One account, though, did have the dollars. And what happened? They wanted a C-Mac, but the SURGEONS in the OR made the decision what Anesth was going to use... And chose GS. The end.

So the last of my accounts (that I was throwing all my hopes and dreams on), said that they may have some extra capital dollars for the end of the year. Just like last year, those dollars were taken by the surgeons and the O.R. I'm so sick of this crap, Anesthesia NEVER gets any money in the hospitals... Only hand-me-downs from more important departments. So I'm officially left with nothing and nowhere to sell. I have officially visited EVERY account this month, no stone left unturned. Zero opportunity. One account, though, did have the dollars. And what happened? They wanted a C-Mac, but the SURGEONS in the OR made the decision what Anesth was going to use... And chose GS. The end.

Same ole story. I gave up two weeks ago. Broken Promises.....GS still kicking my ass and marketing is probably smiling at their desks because they think they did a great job in 2012.

Read some older posts that suggested a letter writing campaign to Mrs. Storz. After this crappy year, I am going to sit down and write a long, whistleblower letter to Mrs. Storz
exposing everything especially our horrendous sales management & marketing teams.

I would advise all my fellow Airway Representatives to do the same. Something needs to be done because if we let sleeping dogs lie, the airway division is doomed for 2013.

Same ole story. I gave up two weeks ago. Broken Promises.....GS still kicking my ass and marketing is probably smiling at their desks because they think they did a great job in 2012.

Read some older posts that suggested a letter writing campaign to Mrs. Storz. After this crappy year, I am going to sit down and write a long, whistleblower letter to Mrs. Storz
exposing everything especially our horrendous sales management & marketing teams.

I would advise all my fellow Airway Representatives to do the same. Something needs to be done because if we let sleeping dogs lie, the airway division is doomed for 2013.

If you want to write letters than do so, however my question is that Mrs. Storz is the CEO of our company. One would think she would be in connstant communication with Charlie & his management teams with various reports on how each division is doing & why. If Airway is doing so poorly, I would think Mrs. Storz would be aware of the situation. Yes, she is probably only getting one side of the story from Mike L, but in the present, she sees there is a problem.

All of you airway reps complain about so many issues in this division. Us previous uppers sold the sub par product line before the cmac rarely worked with one video blade. You come in with salaries and take the real only disposable income we had(flex scope repairs) and all you do is complain. In fact my airway rep just rides the previous business I created as a upper. This entire division should be dissolved including the idiots who created it....

You really ruined a good career we had. Us uppers used to be the red headed step children to the lowers but now we are just orphans

All of you airway reps complain about so many issues in this division. Us previous uppers sold the sub par product line before the cmac rarely worked with one video blade. You come in with salaries and take the real only disposable income we had(flex scope repairs) and all you do is complain. In fact my airway rep just rides the previous business I created as a upper. This entire division should be dissolved including the idiots who created it....

You really ruined a good career we had. Us uppers used to be the red headed step children to the lowers but now we are just orphans

Go cry to someone who cares.....At the Regional Meetings we had in the start of 2012, you "Core Reps" were given marching orders to help the Airway Team make connections and work together on large deals. Since that time, 98% of you "uppers" truly ignored your airway counterparts. We were willing to help you, but it goes two ways in respect to TEAMWORK.

Remember Attitude is a reflection of leadership & your attitude stunk from Day #1.

Go cry to someone who cares.....At the Regional Meetings we had in the start of 2012, you "Core Reps" were given marching orders to help the Airway Team make connections and work together on large deals. Since that time, 98% of you "uppers" truly ignored your airway counterparts. We were willing to help you, but it goes two ways in respect to TEAMWORK.

Remember Attitude is a reflection of leadership & your attitude stunk from Day #1.


I agree you amars ruined a good career for many of us and for that I hope you all fail.

Don't you mean that Mrs. Storz and Charlie ruined it for you? Self-Admittedly because you Core reps weren't selling Anesth products? Don't blame us for being hired. Most of you Core reps were hired DIRECTLY out of college, so don't act like you worked your way up some ladder... You just graduated college BEFORE us. At the very least, I'm glad you "Core" lottery winners are getting your cheese cut by 50% with the new Gyn reps, lmao! Time for you to get humble and realize that you'll NEED to leave the house at least once a week now. Work is a funny ethic, we know & you're GOING to know it. Haha

Don't you mean that Mrs. Storz and Charlie ruined it for you? Self-Admittedly because you Core reps weren't selling Anesth products? Don't blame us for being hired. Most of you Core reps were hired DIRECTLY out of college, so don't act like you worked your way up some ladder... You just graduated college BEFORE us. At the very least, I'm glad you "Core" lottery winners are getting your cheese cut by 50% with the new Gyn reps, lmao! Time for you to get humble and realize that you'll NEED to leave the house at least once a week now. Work is a funny ethic, we know & you're GOING to know it. Haha

Core Reps only know how to do one thing.....bring in coffee & bagels. They don't sell, they just replace & repair items that many of the ORs have bought. They walk into these OR 1 deals because the hospitals are competing with one another to show the public that they can be hi-tech. That is why you will see many of the smaller hospitals purchase a robot for the OR so that they can advertise and bring in more business.

We Airway Representatives sell the product, we struggle everyday to provide information, service and build relationships. There has been a ton of times I have heard various hospital personnel ask me where my "Core Rep" is. I know that he is probably at the diner drinking coffee and eating donuts.

Like the above author said, the Airway Division was created, be you wonderful Core Reps FAILED at selling the CMAC.

Core Reps only know how to do one thing.....bring in coffee & bagels. They don't sell, they just replace & repair items that many of the ORs have bought. They walk into these OR 1 deals because the hospitals are competing with one another to show the public that they can be hi-tech. That is why you will see many of the smaller hospitals purchase a robot for the OR so that they can advertise and bring in more business.

We Airway Representatives sell the product, we struggle everyday to provide information, service and build relationships. There has been a ton of times I have heard various hospital personnel ask me where my "Core Rep" is. I know that he is probably at the diner drinking coffee and eating donuts.

Like the above author said, the Airway Division was created, be you wonderful Core Reps FAILED at selling the CMAC.

In Plain English.....Core Reps are worthless!!

If you want to write letters than do so, however my question is that Mrs. Storz is the CEO of our company. One would think she would be in connstant communication with Charlie & his management teams with various reports on how each division is doing & why. If Airway is doing so poorly, I would think Mrs. Storz would be aware of the situation. Yes, she is probably only getting one side of the story from Mike L, but in the present, she sees there is a problem.

Happy New Year.....KS is still a crappy company and there is no change in sight!

All of you airway reps complain about so many issues in this division. Us previous uppers sold the sub par product line before the cmac rarely worked with one video blade. You come in with salaries and take the real only disposable income we had(flex scope repairs) and all you do is complain. In fact my airway rep just rides the previous business I created as a upper. This entire division should be dissolved including the idiots who created it....

You really ruined a good career we had. Us uppers used to be the red headed step children to the lowers but now we are just orphans

You Core Reps are the only ones to blame. You had the whole portfolio to sell and you were "sub par" or in other words, YOU FAILED.

We were hired to take your crappy sales into the black. Though we have our struggles, we are out there each & every day, working the ORs, establishing relationships and getting sales. Unfortunately, we don't have great management or marketing who can sell sand to a thirsty man in the desert....Oh well, we'll keep doing what we know how to do .....SELL

You Core Reps are the only ones to blame. You had the whole portfolio to sell and you were "sub par" or in other words, YOU FAILED.

We were hired to take your crappy sales into the black. Though we have our struggles, we are out there each & every day, working the ORs, establishing relationships and getting sales. Unfortunately, we don't have great management or marketing who can sell sand to a thirsty man in the desert....Oh well, we'll keep doing what we know how to do .....SELL

I am a Core rep and I do see your perspectives. The fact of the matter is that we DID have anesthesia in our bag, but I gotta tell you that Flexibles were a shoe-in, as well as Davi Carts (I'm sure you saw plenty of those when you entered your position). We got those in after doing OR1 deals, it was easy small cash while we were doing big deals. CMACS have always been a novelty. We gave those things away and bundled them as "free gifts" when doing certain ENT deals. Those weren't worth our time... Surely not worth anyone's time to sit in a trial for BS money. So we bundled them in for Anesthesia just to seal the big deals. Bonfils? Hell, nobody uses those... Never will. Blades and handles? Yeah right. Maybe a big deal somewhere, still not worth the sales time. We feel bad for you guys, but you need to accept that we don't give a crap about your thoughts on us. Better yet, everybody knows that you have the worst job in the company. Deal with it, put in your time and get a better position! One Airway guy moved up, use him as an example on how to succeed.

I am a Core rep and I do see your perspectives. The fact of the matter is that we DID have anesthesia in our bag, but I gotta tell you that Flexibles were a shoe-in, as well as Davi Carts (I'm sure you saw plenty of those when you entered your position). We got those in after doing OR1 deals, it was easy small cash while we were doing big deals. CMACS have always been a novelty. We gave those things away and bundled them as "free gifts" when doing certain ENT deals. Those weren't worth our time... Surely not worth anyone's time to sit in a trial for BS money. So we bundled them in for Anesthesia just to seal the big deals. Bonfils? Hell, nobody uses those... Never will. Blades and handles? Yeah right. Maybe a big deal somewhere, still not worth the sales time. We feel bad for you guys, but you need to accept that we don't give a crap about your thoughts on us. Better yet, everybody knows that you have the worst job in the company. Deal with it, put in your time and get a better position! One Airway guy moved up, use him as an example on how to succeed.

Thanks for your honesty, but remember, we don't give a crap about you as well. Have fun when you go into Gyn/Uro and learn how to sell again. I think your attitudes will change because you will be exactly where we are

Go cry to someone who cares.....At the Regional Meetings we had in the start of 2012, you "Core Reps" were given marching orders to help the Airway Team make connections and work together on large deals. Since that time, 98% of you "uppers" truly ignored your airway counterparts. We were willing to help you, but it goes two ways in respect to TEAMWORK.

Remember Attitude is a reflection of leadership & your attitude stunk from Day #1.

Amen....I was at the Jersey City Meeting where both Charlie & Bill gave marching orders for the "Core Reps" to assist the Airway Team. I would expect that our entire senior management is fully aware that the Core Team failed at this task and hopefully some type of reprocussions are coming since lest than 10% of the Airway team made their number. Charlie & Bill are smart enough to see a cause & effect situation between Core & Airway!