Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

Take any Device company you've worked for. Who actually ends up in Marketing? One hit wonders that have no business lined up for the following year. All of the sudden they are "experts" on the products, lol. I know the Marketing ladies fairly well... Although they are easier to to talk to than BB, they are far less effective than him. They never answer the phone, I always end up calling other reps. Marketing peeps are ALWAYS "in meetings". I would love to know what these meetings are about, because they seem to take place every day ALL day, yet no progress with even the friggin INTERNET advertising!

So true, I tried emailing MW & PD a few weeks ago and it took several emails for them to answer me. It is like they are the invisible marketing team. They need to make the sales force a priority. I wish BB was back, he did more in his marketing position than all the ladies combined.

Marketing is a PROMOTION??? Lol! Lets take a cubicle job and subtract COMMISSION. Yep, sounds like a promotion to me, hahaha.

Let's compare paychecks....I bet that marketing's salaries are significantly higher than the one I receive. As far as commissions, if we aren't selling anything due to your incompetence, there is no commission. My 5% repair $$$ doesn't help at all.

Let's compare paychecks....I bet that marketing's salaries are significantly higher than the one I receive. As far as commissions, if we aren't selling anything due to your incompetence, there is no commission. My 5% repair $$$ doesn't help at all.

Just forget about it. The ladies in marketing only blame the airway sales teams for their own failures. Nothing ever gets better at KS. Same ole story. The amount of effort & the results our marketing department brings to the table is a big fat ZERO.

Just forget about it. The ladies in marketing only blame the airway sales teams for their own failures. Nothing ever gets better at KS. Same ole story. The amount of effort & the results our marketing department brings to the table is a big fat ZERO.

I hope everyone is having a a nice holiday weekend. I am thankful that I have a job, but with the way the Airway Division is going, who knows what will happen in 2013.

I hope everyone is having a a nice holiday weekend. I am thankful that I have a job, but with the way the Airway Division is going, who knows what will happen in 2013.

Here's a hint... Our 3 years are up. Happy New Year. Anyone wanna take a guess at how far out of the RED we are as a division? Answer: not even close. We were slated 3 years to be productive and revenue-generating. We're dust.

We are not dust. Finally getting the products we need to gain market share. My territory is profitable and growing .

Really??? The Five Scope is a big FAT ZERO Scope in my territory. Too big to use as a general intubation scope. The other addition is a bandaid for our BBs & CMAC disposable portfolio.

Maybe 25/90 will make their #s........=28%. How many of us are making over $150k like we were promised......maybe 5%??? We have no true disposable income like Glidescopes....Heck they even have a line of ET Tubes that brings $$$ back to their reps.

I have held off looking around for another gig, thought things would get better. I just see this division sinking deeper every day- No Leadership, No Marketing, NO NOTHING!!

More excuses from a terrible rep. A big fat zero for the five scope laughable. Of course you have shown it to everyone in your territory in every department about it right. Seems to me like you won't be happy with whatever you are selling . Please leave if you can find another person to make the mistake of hiring you. Btw just a rep but not like you because I can sell . If verathon is so great go work for them there will an opening in your area in a few months always is

More excuses from a terrible rep. A big fat zero for the five scope laughable. Of course you have shown it to everyone in your territory in every department about it right. Seems to me like you won't be happy with whatever you are selling . Please leave if you can find another person to make the mistake of hiring you. Btw just a rep but not like you because I can sell . If verathon is so great go work for them there will an opening in your area in a few months always is

This must be a response from the Marketing Ladies or our useless Region Managers. I guess you are realizing how big a failure you are to this division.

More excuses from a terrible rep. A big fat zero for the five scope laughable. Of course you have shown it to everyone in your territory in every department about it right. Seems to me like you won't be happy with whatever you are selling . Please leave if you can find another person to make the mistake of hiring you. Btw just a rep but not like you because I can sell . If verathon is so great go work for them there will an opening in your area in a few months always is

Stop your name calling!! This must be ML or PW bitchin again. Give us some products we can
sell...real products that our customers want rather than the ones that are easy to bring to market. Do your job already and give us the support we deserve!

This forum is like watching a boring, never-ending tennis match. Back and forth, back and forth. Storz haters to Storz lovers.

Can we ALL take a breather for minute?.... WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!
(Well Kissimmee but close enough)

This forum is like watching a boring, never-ending tennis match. Back and forth, back and forth. Storz haters to Storz lovers.

Can we ALL take a breather for minute?.... WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!
(Well Kissimmee but close enough)

Who cares where we are going....I am a Karl Storz Airway Representative......Even though I barely made my # ( thanks to a ton of repair dollars), I have to agree with one of the previous posters that the FIVE Scope isn't the scope our customers want or need. I am some interest from my territory, but Anesthesia / OR Departments aren't banging down my door or calling my Iphone every minute to say " Let's do a trial or send me a quote".

As for 2012 #1 Representative, it has to be be PG in Boston. I can believe he has been with KS for this long. He has worked hard to make his territory work. I really don't see my territory do that well in the next 5 years.

Who cares where we are going....I am a Karl Storz Airway Representative......Even though I barely made my # ( thanks to a ton of repair dollars), I have to agree with one of the previous posters that the FIVE Scope isn't the scope our customers want or need. I am some interest from my territory, but Anesthesia / OR Departments aren't banging down my door or calling my Iphone every minute to say " Let's do a trial or send me a quote".

As for 2012 #1 Representative, it has to be be PG in Boston. I can believe he has been with KS for this long. He has worked hard to make his territory work. I really don't see my territory do that well in the next 5 years.

I agree, who cares where we are going for a NSM. Management & Marketing will spend millions on a BS Meeting where they will spotlight the few successes a minority of the salesforce had in 2012 and then gloat how great they did their jobs to everyone, every chance they get. We will have to sit through boring presentations from Charlie & Bill and finally hear the great plan for 2013.

Instead of wasting all this money & time, why not give everyone a 10k raise and call it a day!

I agree, who cares where we are going for a NSM. Management & Marketing will spend millions on a BS Meeting where they will spotlight the few successes a minority of the salesforce had in 2012 and then gloat how great they did their jobs to everyone, every chance they get. We will have to sit through boring presentations from Charlie & Bill and finally hear the great plan for 2013.

Instead of wasting all this money & time, why not give everyone a 10k raise and call it a day!

If they gave everyone 10k you would complain that 10k isn't enough.

If they gave everyone 10k you would complain that 10k isn't enough.

$10k would be a smart use of incentive for employees. Hearing talk AT us during an NSM? No. Not so much. $10k bonus to us would make me respect our management more, knowing that they are not just blowing money on a lavish bs event where we fly Germans in... That we cannot understand!?!?!

All I want for christmas is to see management and marketing lose their jobs like us sales people in the Airway divison. ML and his management is too blame for our huge failure and hopefully he doesn't con his way into staying on in another role.

All I want for christmas is to see management and marketing lose their jobs like us sales people in the Airway divison. ML and his management is too blame for our huge failure and hopefully he doesn't con his way into staying on in another role.

Especially Melanie W & Pauline D......They are the biggest Marketing Idiots in the industry!

Anything is better than nothing!

End of year numbers are NOT looking good for us. Not even close. What's going to happen after year end? I've read everything on here for over a year now... But NOW I am genuinely worried. We, as a division, haven't made a DIME for KS. Are they actually going to keep us around? I truly hope they do, but from a company perspective, I can't imagine any reason why they would. Fingers crossed!