Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

Nope just a fellow rep who gets it done. Tired of the crybabies with all the excuses. This job depends on you and only you. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be. Do not rely on or look for help from anyone but yourself. You would make a great teammate in a pharma POD where you could put the blame on everyone but yourself. Have fun interviewing for the associate position with Olympus . What a step back!!

Where have you been Mr. Author. There aren't that many of us that are getting things done here unless you had sales handed to you like PG in Boston. He will probably be representative of the year, but his 2013 quota will be outrageous.

Nope just a fellow rep who gets it done. Tired of the crybabies with all the excuses. This job depends on you and only you. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be. Do not rely on or look for help from anyone but yourself. You would make a great teammate in a pharma POD where you could put the blame on everyone but yourself. Have fun interviewing for the associate position with Olympus . What a step back!!

That is completely untrue and you know it. This job is dependent on a number things... Not just the rep. It is the same case with other specialties, including CORE, so don't post on here like you are some superman rep that is not affected by anything. If you were so good, you CERTAINLY wouldn't be stuck in the Airway division. Ha

That is completely untrue and you know it. This job is dependent on a number things... Not just the rep. It is the same case with other specialties, including CORE, so don't post on here like you are some superman rep that is not affected by anything. If you were so good, you CERTAINLY wouldn't be stuck in the Airway division. Ha

Amen & thank you!

Lay off PG. He's a solid guy and he works hard for his success.

No one is ragging on PG.....Just saying he walked into a great opportunity and next year his quota will be outrageous.....Nothing bad about him at all.

Maybe if Airway Marketing got off their butts, maybe we all would have a better year in 2013.

No one is ragging on PG.....Just saying he walked into a great opportunity and next year his quota will be outrageous.....Nothing bad about him at all.

Maybe if Airway Marketing got off their butts, maybe we all would have a better year in 2013.

Forget about that....ML, MW, PD, SD & LP are worthless and lets hope my letter to Mrs. Storz brings some winter cleaning to our house. I would recommend others to do the same. Remember, we are a team & together( without marketing) we will survive......

Forget about that....ML, MW, PD, SD & LP are worthless and lets hope my letter to Mrs. Storz brings some winter cleaning to our house. I would recommend others to do the same. Remember, we are a team & together( without marketing) we will survive......

We all agree that both management & marketing sucks. I am close to making my #, however with all the commission from new sales & repairs, I am not even close to the 150K I was promised during my initial interview. This division blows. If we had the tools like our competitors have, I would make $$$$. To this day, I don't understand why we don't advertise in the major journals/publications. Everytime I go into an Anesthesia/OR Lounge, I see tons of clinical journals loaded with advertising from Verathon, King, etc

I don't see how our division will survive if it isn't making their number in the black after three years of trying.

Who has two thumbs and works as an Airway Rep? This guy. Question #2, who has 2 thumbs and now is, not only selling Storz Airway, but ALSO selling Ambu? THIS guy! I tried getting a better job over the last 3 months, but this is the ultimate! No need to change jobs :) I think this is now working perfectly!

I actually thought of that a while back. Keep this gig and also be a 1099 rep on the side. Hittin the same call points (or different call points) but keeping this gig for insurance and a paycheck. Definitely something to look back into.

I actually thought of that a while back. Keep this gig and also be a 1099 rep on the side. Hittin the same call points (or different call points) but keeping this gig for insurance and a paycheck. Definitely something to look back into.

Hey, it only takes me 2 days a week to do this job since I have little movement on our products. I am in the hospitals anyway. so maybe with a 1099 job I could make the money I was promised originally by KS.

We all agree that both management & marketing sucks. I am close to making my #, however with all the commission from new sales & repairs, I am not even close to the 150K I was promised during my initial interview. This division blows. If we had the tools like our competitors have, I would make $$$$. To this day, I don't understand why we don't advertise in the major journals/publications. Everytime I go into an Anesthesia/OR Lounge, I see tons of clinical journals loaded with advertising from Verathon, King, etc

I don't see how our division will survive if it isn't making their number in the black after three years of trying.

Hey, I worked really hard this year and recently made my #, however it mainly came from 40% new business, 40% repairs & 20%( Competitive Trades). So if you add it all up, I made less than 80K. That isn't close to what my RM told me I would make. I have spoken to many of my fellow Airway Colleagues, some who have made their # & some who haven't. We are all disgusted with Karl Storz - fake promises, no marketing & poor management. We know that this company isn't going to change, so we are all going to re-evaluate our positions, revise our resumes and try to find a new job with a real medical device company.
This "R" Plan is going into effect today.

Hey, I worked really hard this year and recently made my #, however it mainly came from 40% new business, 40% repairs & 20%( Competitive Trades). So if you add it all up, I made less than 80K. That isn't close to what my RM told me I would make. I have spoken to many of my fellow Airway Colleagues, some who have made their # & some who haven't. We are all disgusted with Karl Storz - fake promises, no marketing & poor management. We know that this company isn't going to change, so we are all going to re-evaluate our positions, revise our resumes and try to find a new job with a real medical device company.
This "R" Plan is going into effect today.

Who really cares about your freaking plan & why would you advertise it on here. If you want to leave, just do it. The rest of us will keep pounding the pavement and work together to make KS Airway a better place in the future.

Who really cares about your freaking plan & why would you advertise it on here. If you want to leave, just do it. The rest of us will keep pounding the pavement and work together to make KS Airway a better place in the future.

LOL, "Pounding the Pavement". Sounds like you are being directed by a Marketing Manager, ha

Okay, Pauline. Easy for you to say... you already bailed this shi**y gig.

Lmao, that's EXACTLY what I thought. That had PB written ALL OVER that post! PB, this board is for "Sales Reps", NOT for p**sies that couldn't succeed and took a corporate "Marketing" gig... And I use the term Marketing lightly. Sell out. Weak.

Lmao, that's EXACTLY what I thought. That had PB written ALL OVER that post! PB, this board is for "Sales Reps", NOT for p**sies that couldn't succeed and took a corporate "Marketing" gig... And I use the term Marketing lightly. Sell out. Weak.

Waaaaaaaaaah...Stop your bitchin you lazy idiots! Do you want mommy to tuck you in every night and read you a story on how to be a winner? People get promoted because of the hard work & success they acheive at KS. If you are so unhappy, leave!!

Waaaaaaaaaah...Stop your bitchin you lazy idiots! Do you want mommy to tuck you in every night and read you a story on how to be a winner? People get promoted because of the hard work & success they acheive at KS. If you are so unhappy, leave!!

Hey Marketing - ( MW, PD, SD & LP) ..Go take a long walk on a long pier. If you did your freakin jobs, we wouldn't be bitching so much on this blog. Remember, all the failures of the airway division will lead right back to you!

Waaaaaaaaaah...Stop your bitchin you lazy idiots! Do you want mommy to tuck you in every night and read you a story on how to be a winner? People get promoted because of the hard work & success they acheive at KS. If you are so unhappy, leave!!

Marketing is a PROMOTION??? Lol! Lets take a cubicle job and subtract COMMISSION. Yep, sounds like a promotion to me, hahaha.

Marketing is a PROMOTION??? Lol! Lets take a cubicle job and subtract COMMISSION. Yep, sounds like a promotion to me, hahaha.

Ha, seriously. I heard MW was a field rep and sucked, so she got "placed" into Marketing. Multiple sources, so I know it's solid. I would never take that walk of shame, even if I am short on Sales.

Ha, seriously. I heard MW was a field rep and sucked, so she got "placed" into Marketing. Multiple sources, so I know it's solid. I would never take that walk of shame, even if I am short on Sales.

Take any Device company you've worked for. Who actually ends up in Marketing? One hit wonders that have no business lined up for the following year. All of the sudden they are "experts" on the products, lol. I know the Marketing ladies fairly well... Although they are easier to to talk to than BB, they are far less effective than him. They never answer the phone, I always end up calling other reps. Marketing peeps are ALWAYS "in meetings". I would love to know what these meetings are about, because they seem to take place every day ALL day, yet no progress with even the friggin INTERNET advertising!