
I was looking to apply. Is it really that bad? A lot of drama I'm guessing from the threads. I'm not desperate but neurology sounds interesting and rewarding.

Unfortunately it is that bad. Dozens of reps have left in the last year or so. And it’s not a big company to begin with! JR is bringing his whole crew over from his time at MK. That wasn’t exactly an industry trend setter when he was there. In fact it kinda failed miserably. So he appears to be repeating the process here.

All the remaining “Hunter” suck ups should be worried. Never count on one person for your status. When your person is gone…….

They should have been worried the moment Hunter got kicked out. Most of Hunter’s lackeys were inept and any other company wouldn’t have promoted them anyway. He wasn’t as great of a leader as people seem to think. He doesn’t even have the ability to help anyone who got fired because he didn’t exactly land on his feet in a position of importance. He no longer has the ability to hire his former lackeys because he barely has a job himself.

The rest of us should be worried because it doesn’t look like they are going to keep sales around much longer. At the very least many jobs will be cut. You don’t cut training and a bunch of marketing jobs when there is a launch on the horizon a future for salespeople.

They should have been worried the moment Hunter got kicked out. Most of Hunter’s lackeys were inept and any other company wouldn’t have promoted them anyway. He wasn’t as great of a leader as people seem to think. He doesn’t even have the ability to help anyone who got fired because he didn’t exactly land on his feet in a position of importance. He no longer has the ability to hire his former lackeys because he barely has a job himself.

The rest of us should be worried because it doesn’t look like they are going to keep sales around much longer. At the very least many jobs will be cut. You don’t cut training and a bunch of marketing jobs when there is a launch on the horizon a future for salespeople.

Last I heard, they were in the process of replacing sales reps sales that either resigned or were terminated. Have not heard of any marketing cuts either? IDK but I hope you're wrong. Things like this happen at most companies looking to elevate their current status. It's an arduous process. I could be wrong but that's my perception.

Last I heard, they were in the process of replacing sales reps sales that either resigned or were terminated. Have not heard of any marketing cuts either? IDK but I hope you're wrong. Things like this happen at most companies looking to elevate their current status. It's an arduous process. I could be wrong but that's my perception.

Your above comments do not make sense. Looking to elevate? Elevate what? They are going to replace the executives they just canned. It looks like they brought HK in as a hatchet person. That’s why it didn’t matter that she has never sold a product or managed a sales team. Everyone is at risk. There have been a lot of meetings at corporate. Probably deciding who is next on the chopping block.

Last I heard, they were in the process of replacing sales reps sales that either resigned or were terminated. Have not heard of any marketing cuts either? IDK but I hope you're wrong. Things like this happen at most companies looking to elevate their current status. It's an arduous process. I could be wrong but that's my perception.

I hope I’m wrong as well. There has been some upheaval though.

it is worrying that they gutted training. It should tell you something.

I’d love for elevation but they’ve been consolidating and cutting for awhile now. So many who don’t understand reality will be left shocked when they are let go. Just ask the people who recently got fired out of the blue…

I'm fairly certain as to why the two from training were let go. Training has been terrible for a very long time. I'm sure that they will be replaced with individuals who are more equipped.

I'm fairly certain as to why the two from training were let go. Training has been terrible for a very long time. I'm sure that they will be replaced with individuals who are more equipped.

More than two were let go I thought?

Training had been terrible for forever. I am not sad to see them gutted. Just hoping it is for the right reasons and not because they are slowly shutting things down.

Oh, yes! PD training was the absolute worst. Very unqualified, highly uneducated, ineffective dudes, and shouldn't have been in those roles in the first place. Like one poster stated, Hunter was the reason they landed in those positions. One of them was a true narcissist who enjoyed failing as many as he could. His sidekick must be SUPER LOST. CH is super worthless and they'll realize it sooner or later bc she is nothing without her insecure MM (Hunter's guy) by her side. Ugh, nobody likes her. As someone else said, it would be funny if it weren't so sad. The other trainer was a nice enough dude but not a quality trainer.

Oh, yes! PD training was the absolute worst. Very unqualified, highly uneducated, ineffective dudes, and shouldn't have been in those roles in the first place. Like one poster stated, Hunter was the reason they landed in those positions. One of them was a true narcissist who enjoyed failing as many as he could. His sidekick must be SUPER LOST. CH is super worthless and they'll realize it sooner or later bc she is nothing without her insecure MM (Hunter's guy) by her side. Ugh, nobody likes her. As someone else said, it would be funny if it weren't so sad. The other trainer was a nice enough dude but not a quality trainer.

Training had way too much power. It has all been taken away now. It is never a good idea to make it at a company because you have a sponsor. When your sponsor goes you either survive on your own or drown. Look around and you will see Hunter’s crew latching on to coattails of others for protection. They are not strong enough to stand on their own.

Training had way too much power. It has all been taken away now. It is never a good idea to make it at a company because you have a sponsor. When your sponsor goes you either survive on your own or drown. Look around and you will see Hunter’s crew latching on to coattails of others for protection. They are not strong enough to stand on their own.

Exactly, training had way too much power and they weren’t up to the task. They aren’t qualified to be at that level. Hope they enjoyed it while it lasted! Gone now!

Some sponsors do move and take their lackeys with them. It happens quite a bit. The thing is Hunter didn’t get another big role. His current job is of his own making and I’m dubious of any success. He isn’t bringing anyone anywhere but to the breadline.

If your sponsor turns out to be a dud, and you yourself aren’t up to the task… get ready for unemployment. Shocking they weren’t even smart enough to leave on their own.

I can’t speak to the coattails bit, but I don’t doubt it.

Exactly, training had way too much power and they weren’t up to the task. They aren’t qualified to be at that level. Hope they enjoyed it while it lasted! Gone now!

Some sponsors do move and take their lackeys with them. It happens quite a bit. The thing is Hunter didn’t get another big role. His current job is of his own making and I’m dubious of any success. He isn’t bringing anyone anywhere but to the breadline.

If your sponsor turns out to be a dud, and you yourself aren’t up to the task… get ready for unemployment. Shocking they weren’t even smart enough to leave on their own.

I can’t speak to the coattails bit, but I don’t doubt it.

Hunter was close to retirement anyways. He stated that he wanted to launch IPX before he did. That guy was certainly a lot of things, a nightmare at Home Office, petty and emotional but you cannot argue that he did his best to look out for the sales staff. He’s doing a ‘consulting’ gig now as just something to do. Plus his partner just released a book so they have that to promote. I don’t think too many people are shedding tears that AD and MM are gone. Interestingly AD and Hunter were bitter enemies. AD hooked his wagon to Gustavo. Which is why we have the current mess we do. MM on the other hand was absolutely Hunters guy. Meeting will be different without seeing he and CH joined at the hip and other parts. As for Lackeys, you have to look no further than our own home office. Everyone being brought in is a JR lackey From HK to the new Ops guy. Just wait as more and more positions are filled. They will all be from JR’s groupies. It’s just the way the World works. Up next? Well, my Spasticity friends tell me there is a hiring freeze now on that team so….. Lay offs for the sales force at the 1st of the year. I’d say about a 20% reduction in force total and combining again into one team. We are after all ‘One Amneal’

CH + MM. Bonded at the hip and zero talent. CH reminds me of nothing more than a secretary with a fancy title. No personality, rude as fck, full of herself, stuck up (don't know why) and treats people like they're beneath her. Very similar to MM. So glad I'll never see his face again. They most certainly complimented one another. What will she do? LMAO - KARMA BABY. KARMA.

Hiring freeze? That’s absolutely a HUGE sign of cuts. Wonder if they will keep it under the threshold for warn.

IT will be different at meetings without MM… his work GF might not be as lonely as some think?

Hiring freeze? That’s absolutely a HUGE sign of cuts. Wonder if they will keep it under the threshold for warn.

IT will be different at meetings without MM… his work GF might not be as lonely as some think?

The lady out East who got passed over for the position CH holds was by far more qualified. She’s run so many calls on how all our systems work etc I thought she was a shoe in But as time unfolded I think we all figured out why one got the job and the qualified one did not.
HK and JR are being coy about lay offs. They won’t lay off the whole sales force but cutting 1/2 (about 10-12) of Lyvispah team and reintegrating them into PD just makes obvious sense. Selling Ong and the new DHE will be a lighter version of our Rytary and Zomig days.