
Thank you for your input RR and DC. Your dramatic analogy of the sinking ship and holding onto it has bee duly noted. The company is not going down, per se. Just bad managers. The whole karma is a mean...with a long memory...What does that mean?
Dear gentle readers,

Would someone please explain why this poster is so obsessed with RR and DC? It is quite a mystery. Move on already

Dear gentle readers,

Would someone please explain why this poster is so obsessed with RR and DC? It is quite a mystery. Move on already
Very important. How many quality employees will Amneal lose. In time you will only have Fernando and Helen and Kelly hires left. They have never had success and do you want them bringing in folks like them. I think not. They are a terrible judge of leadership and what is needed for sure.

Very important. How many quality employees will Amneal lose. In time you will only have Fernando and Helen and Kelly hires left. They have never had success and do you want them bringing in folks like them. I think not. They are a terrible judge of leadership and what is needed for sure.
Very true and so sad for Amneal. They are not a good fit for our culture.

She knew more and was smarter than Fernando. Last year he created a very hostile environment for her. She went to HR. This is a big no no. Do as they say not as they do! Everyone that leaves here leaves due to Helen, Kelly and Fernando. They all need some training or help.
Never assume you know everything that a person is going through in their lives. Don’t be judgement able. My friend would not share much about her situation, but I knew she was in pain and was treated unfavorably. We should all remember this sweet lady in our prayers and hope she can move forward.

The lack of congrats and likes on LinkedIn provides you your answer. Now, time will tell. Best of luck to you all!
Congrats to all the pressure that will be placed on everyone. Most territories will struggle with this drug. Zero coverage and high out of pocket cost. Expectations way too high. It will never even get to where Rytary was. The ole bunch that Amneal has purchased will write and hope you have some in your terr. They will evaluate and babysit everyone due to importance of this drug. Those not doing well now will never make it and are buying time. Good for you. You got a slight break until Helen comes after you. May god bless you all.

Congrats to all the pressure that will be placed on everyone. Most territories will struggle with this drug. Zero coverage and high out of pocket cost. Expectations way too high. It will never even get to where Rytary was. The ole bunch that Amneal has purchased will write and hope you have some in your terr. They will evaluate and babysit everyone due to importance of this drug. Those not doing well now will never make it and are buying time. Good for you. You got a slight break until Helen comes after you. May god bless you all.
Correct, giving a new drug to poor leaders will not help but highlight this awful culture where age and retaliation are major issues. Like giving someone who can not handle their alcohol more alcohol. Just does not and will not work. Sure looks great, but from someone who sees it, knows it and lives it daily, just going to shine spotlight on the real issue and horrible culture. Remember their past performance and treatment of others. On a positive, this buy you some time to plan exit.

Let’s ask the financial world what they think about this approval news today. The stock is still down at $6.81 a share. There is your unbiased outlook on Amneal’s approval of a Rytary me-too with a higher price tag. Unithroid is competing with its own generic which are both sold by Amneal. Be smart and proactive Het your resumes out there.