
His problem was that he was too confident. Not cocky but he knew what he was doing. He had a lot of good ideas and questions and that made leadership uneasy Remember he was the guy who asked the Patels why we were splitting and cutting our sales force right before we were (supposedly) going to launch a new product? I heard he asked several questions about promoting Lyvispah as well. He worked his ass off trying to do what was right but he just intimated a lot of insecure people
The above post is spot on. The majority of employees we put on plans made the company or leadership team uneasy. They questioned when things were not right and refused to go outside of compliance. Unfortunately, this company wants employees who will follow without questions or concerns. This is the 20th century and employees are now empowered to ask Why, When, Where. Until the company catches up with the times or gets rid of the corrupt senior leadership team PIPs will continue. Resignations will continue. Good reps. are leaving and that should be a wake up call, but sadly it is not. Senior leadership will say it’s a manager problem. That’s the way it works here.

The above post is spot on. The majority of employees we put on plans made the company or leadership team uneasy. They questioned when things were not right and refused to go outside of compliance. Unfortunately, this company wants employees who will follow without questions or concerns. This is the 20th century and employees are now empowered to ask Why, When, Where. Until the company catches up with the times or gets rid of the corrupt senior leadership team PIPs will continue. Resignations will continue. Good reps. are leaving and that should be a wake up call, but sadly it is not. Senior leadership will say it’s a manager problem. That’s the way it works here.
They are just bad leaders. I heard there was a rep that they tried to promote to RBM but to their credit turned it down due to not wanting to have to lie, work under such poor leadership and ruin their career by being associated with them. Smart move. Now that is true leadership. Remember they underestimate how close we all are and they (the new leadership) will never be a part of it no matter the title or power. We will be successful despite them not because of them. No money in the world is worth ruining your reputation. They just do not care and prove it daily. Wake up Chirag before your family name is trashed. What Guy, Scott and Sheri taught us all is our culture and who we are. That will never change and bringing back past awards and accomplishments just proves that. Great job Joe for bringing back past accomplishments and finally starting to control and show the leadership wanted over the mess your hire HK has created. Bravo

They are just bad leaders. I heard there was a rep that they tried to promote to RBM but to their credit turned it down due to not wanting to have to lie, work under such poor leadership and ruin their career by being associated with them. Smart move. Now that is true leadership. Remember they underestimate how close we all are and they (the new leadership) will never be a part of it no matter the title or power. We will be successful despite them not because of them. No money in the world is worth ruining your reputation. They just do not care and prove it daily. Wake up Chirag before your family name is trashed. What Guy, Scott and Sheri taught us all is our culture and who we are. That will never change and bringing back past awards and accomplishments just proves that. Great job Joe for bringing back past accomplishments and finally starting to control and show the leadership wanted over the mess your hire HK has created. Bravo
No one told our region that past awards are going to be recognized. We were told 2019 to date.

Yes Joe is stepping in to put Helen in her place. Thank god, Scott and the past leadership had a great thing going. To ruin that culture for this is criminal.
I’m calling BS on this. IF they are restoring acknowledgement of awards won prior to 2019 that has nothing to do with HK. Heck HK may have even changed her mind. This is far from ”putting Helen in her place’. These people change their minds with the wind. If Helen is REALLY being reigned in then it will be apparent in Q3 and The Plans. If this Plan Initiative fades away then you have proof. If it doesn’t you also have proof. Don’t let JR fool you. He’s not the brightest bulb and being lead around from below the waist. IMVHO this is just business as usual.

I’m calling BS on this. IF they are restoring acknowledgement of awards won prior to 2019 that has nothing to do with HK. Heck HK may have even changed her mind. This is far from ”putting Helen in her place’. These people change their minds with the wind. If Helen is REALLY being reigned in then it will be apparent in Q3 and The Plans. If this Plan Initiative fades away then you have proof. If it doesn’t you also have proof. Don’t let JR fool you. He’s not the brightest bulb and being lead around from below the waist. IMVHO this is just business as usual.
Do not let this group deminish your self worth or how valuable you are. Make them meet your expectations and not the other way around. They have run off and gotten rid of some outstanding people. Why because of their incompetence and insecurities. They know best not. Scott lives in what took years to build. Joe Helen Kelly and Fernando could not even carry Scott’s, Guy or Sheri’s backback. That is what Amneal is and always will be. Not this version. Just remember the greatness. And not this. Reflect and you will smile about the great times. Those are gone for good. Sad.

Do not let this group deminish your self worth or how valuable you are. Make them meet your expectations and not the other way around. They have run off and gotten rid of some outstanding people. Why because of their incompetence and insecurities. They know best not. Scott lives in what took years to build. Joe Helen Kelly and Fernando could not even carry Scott’s, Guy or Sheri’s backback. That is what Amneal is and always will be. Not this version. Just remember the greatness. And not this. Reflect and you will smile about the great times. Those are gone for good. Sad.
All of them lead by fear and intimidation. That is their leadership style. Why do you think Myra left? She did not want her reputation trashed by this bunch of low life’s.