
Yes they do not want anyone that knows more about the business or challenges them. If you are liked more than them that is not good. Silly little girls.
Trust me when I tell you they will all be held accountable individually for everything they have done and are doing. I will make sure of it. They do not scare me and I hope they are reading this forum. They are nobody's trying to be somebody's and the funny thing is they don't have the control over ppl's lives /livelihood like they think they do. They do not have as much power as they portray. They will eventually have to answer legally for the decisions they have made and anyone else who followed their orders instead of standing up and doing the right thing will also be held accountable and named individually. You all are just as guilty as JR, HK, CP who gave the orders to their soldiers.

Trust me when I tell you they will all be held accountable individually for everything they have done and are doing. I will make sure of it. They do not scare me and I hope they are reading this forum. They are nobody's trying to be somebody's and the funny thing is they don't have the control over ppl's lives /livelihood like they think they do. They do not have as much power as they portray. They will eventually have to answer legally for the decisions they have made and anyone else who followed their orders instead of standing up and doing the right thing will also be held accountable and named individually. You all are just as guilty as JR, HK, CP who gave the orders to their soldiers.
You forgot Kelly and Fernando

All of them! They are the "soldiers"
The lawyers will protect them and that is why they do not care. GOD will hold them accountable. You just can not treat people the way they have and expect all to be free in his eyes. That will stay with them for rest of their lives. They have to live with that knowing they have done wrong onto others. Just a business decision is not in the Bible.

Yes they do not want anyone that knows more about the business or challenges them. If you are liked more than them that is not good. Silly little girls.
I think that’s what happened to BH. He was very popular on every team he was on. He was one of the best field trainers they had. Obviously knew more about Rytary than they did. So they put him on Endo. Where I heard he was very well respected in a short time. Honestly though you look at any of the reps who have left or been forced out you see they were all well liked, well respected and knew the business. Things the Botox Barbies will never accomplish

I think that’s what happened to BH. He was very popular on every team he was on. He was one of the best field trainers they had. Obviously knew more about Rytary than they did. So they put him on Endo. Where I heard he was very well respected in a short time. Honestly though you look at any of the reps who have left or been forced out you see they were all well liked, well respected and knew the business. Things the Botox Barbies will never accomplish
What is interesting about the PD reps who were moved to Endo is they were placed on a PIP based on their lyvispah numbers. How does this make any sense. These reps. were on a target list with others who Helen, et al did not want at Amneal. One Lyvispah RBM was moved back to Endo and one was promoted. HR including the head of H.R. approved the list. That is called corruption.

What is interesting about the PD reps who were moved to Endo is they were placed on a PIP based on their lyvispah numbers. How does this make any sense. These reps. were on a target list with others who Helen, et al did not want at Amneal. One Lyvispah RBM was moved back to Endo and one was promoted. HR including the head of H.R. approved the list. That is called corruption.
No that is called a good court case against Amneal.

Helen is not leaving without Joey. Why should she? Never heard of a nurse without any sales experience getting a VP of Sales job making this kind of money. She also has free rein to do as she pleases. Remember, Helen thinks she is the cat’s meow. A pussy she is not. She would push her best friend off a cliff if it benefited her.
Calm down. It is the time of year for concerts. I wish you would stop posting because I am trying to enjoy my life.

Silly little girls. Who says that?
I could use Ding Bats, Botox Bozos, Sorority Bimbos, Clueless Classless …, Worthless Witches, Airhead Angels, Bleached Blonde Bit.hes, Horrible Leaders, Failed Face Surgeon Swingers, High School Honeys, Frankin Face Flunkees, Trailer Trash, Dumb Drunks, Defendants, Liars, Insecure Sluts, Loser Leaders, No Friend Fluzzies, Loveable Losers, Clearly Incompent, Contract Couple or Silly Little Girls. They all apply. You pick one?

Silly little girls. I am always one step ahead of your poor ability to motivate and lead as well as paint a great vision of what Amneal will be in the future. Facts and truth will win out every time.

How are those mid year reviews coming along? Let’s be honest it doesn’t matter what you put down. If the Botox Barbie’s don’t like you then they will go in and change your rating. HK did it with year end reviews so she will do it again.
For those of you under 90% the last 2 quarters get ready for a Plan. If you haven’t hit 100% the last 2 quarters I’d still be worried. The bottom line is our ‘leadership’ absolutely hates the Sales Force. They don’t know what we do but think they can do it better. They don’t attempt to understand because they obviously know better. The amount of disdain and utter contempt they have for the people they oversee and ‘lead’ is like nothing I ever seen before. Fortunately I’m close to being out so I won’t have to deal with it anymore. And I am going to copy and paste last years mid year review and resubmit it. They won’t care

The above post is almost 100% true. If you didn’t make 100% to goal when you look at Q1 and Q2 you get not on track. You are at risk of a plan. If they don’t like you they will also give you a not on track for rise, or lead, or succeed so that they absolutely can put you on a plan. They did this in 2023 so why stop now? You can make all the supporting comments you want to but it will not matter!

The above post is almost 100% true. If you didn’t make 100% to goal when you look at Q1 and Q2 you get not on track. You are at risk of a plan. If they don’t like you they will also give you a not on track for rise, or lead, or succeed so that they absolutely can put you on a plan. They did this in 2023 so why stop now? You can make all the supporting comments you want to but it will not matter!
What happens to the Amplity contract reps? Favorite reps such as the very young? Gross.

They are cheap and easy. Kinda like leadership at the bar
No risk with Amplity reps. Helen knows IPX will be a bust and they will need to cut. You can cut them with little risk. They make as much as many of you. Ongentys is a flop as well. Remember Helen does not know how to run a sales force but she does know reimbursement and knows few will be able to get IPX or afford it. It will lead to action plans and PIPs because they can not afford severance while closing down markets. With Amplity you can get rid of at anytime no risk. Silly little girl. She will be fine. You will not. What a culture and bright future. If they would just be honest and be better toward everyone no more lies, plans, lack of empathy and stop the threats everyone one there will understand and rise to the occasion. Now that is true leadership that is needed.

I think that’s what happened to BH. He was very popular on every team he was on. He was one of the best field trainers they had. Obviously knew more about Rytary than they did. So they put him on Endo. Where I heard he was very well respected in a short time. Honestly though you look at any of the reps who have left or been forced out you see they were all well liked, well respected and knew the business. Things the Botox Barbies will never accomplish
His problem was that he was too confident. Not cocky but he knew what he was doing. He had a lot of good ideas and questions and that made leadership uneasy Remember he was the guy who asked the Patels why we were splitting and cutting our sales force right before we were (supposedly) going to launch a new product? I heard he asked several questions about promoting Lyvispah as well. He worked his ass off trying to do what was right but he just intimated a lot of insecure people