
Clear as day. They are what they are. They hide nothing but are not transparent, they play favorites out in the open, hold some accoun table but not everyone, nurse Betty (Helen)struggles as a leader and if she did not have that title could not lead anyone. I just have never seen a leader ruin a fun productive culture so fast. You can see now just how important experience is. When you hire someone like her with 0.0 experience this is what you get. Joe will learn. That position is very important and you think he would have had higher expectations,. Too much of a big person job to hire a little girl. You reap what you sew. Now we all suffer.

Joe nor the three amigos know how to lead and run their divisions. PD and Endo are both failing. They can create all the hit lists they want and move people on the street but it will not turn the inevitable around. You can smell panic. You know when employees are asked to tighten their belts what is not being said out loud. If you have ever worked for a company that is failing you recognize the signs when you see them again.

It was HK who purported that she could get a job with Google. It went something like this: "My girlfriend said to come over to work for Google." Helen says, "Why would I work for Google when I could work for Amneal?" LOL At the time, I thought that was a very bizzare comparison but looking back we all know exactly how she got the job at Amneal. Nobody will hire HK on her own accord because she brings zero, zip, zilch talent to any organization. Skills: Lying, manipulation, multiple personality disorders (narcissistic PD/borderline PD), backstabbing, drinking, gossiping, flirting. Not much going on upstairs. I have seen it all. This woman is untrustworthy. They all are. Kelly is simply following HK orders like a puppet. What other choice does she have? That said, they are a pretty good match for one another in terms of personality. JR is a whole other trainwreck of a person. Do not trust him.
For some reason, it seems like the same person has been posting several of the past in this thread. Outstanding punctuation and grammar. Purported = perfectly eloquent. Well done.

For some reason, it seems like the same person has been posting several of the past in this thread. Outstanding punctuation and grammar. Purported = perfectly eloquent. Well done.
If you’re gonna criticize someone for grammar and punctuation you probably should get those things right yourself. I did notice you didn’t refute any of the actual points raised. Go back to whichever Barbie Twin you lust after and get new instructions

For some reason, it seems like the same person has been posting several of the past in this thread. Outstanding punctuation and grammar. Purported = perfectly eloquent. Well done.
Really now. Insecure much? You must be one of the losers I mentioned. You're all over the age of 50 so you should know how to write by now. Or is it "no how to right" by now. LOL

Deuces people! Free at last I’m free at last.
pro Tip from a friend who left - put your notice in the first of the month This allows you to accumulate a couple of extra PTO hours and you keep your benefits the whole month.

Deuces people! Free at last I’m free at last.
pro Tip from a friend who left - put your notice in the first of the month This allows you to accumulate a couple of extra PTO hours and you keep your benefits the whole month.
Better yet, go to work for your new employer and then when necessary turn in your notice to Amneal. Double dipping could not happen to a more deserving company. They screw us; we screw them!

Helen is not leaving without Joey. Why should she? Never heard of a nurse without any sales experience getting a VP of Sales job making this kind of money. She also has free rein to do as she pleases. Remember, Helen thinks she is the cat’s meow. A pussy she is not. She would push her best friend off a cliff if it benefited her.

Helen is not leaving without Joey. Why should she? Never heard of a nurse without any sales experience getting a VP of Sales job making this kind of money. She also has free rein to do as she pleases. Remember, Helen thinks she is the cat’s meow. A pussy she is not. She would push her best friend off a cliff if it benefited her.
Helen just a poor leader and Joe for bringing her in. Joe like a big child. Should have known when he posted pic of his fatty self working out and when HK brought her kids to NSM. Kelly has something going on just based on her choice of failed Botox. Fernando just can not talk or effectively communicate. The beauty of Amneal is the people. Still enough left to perform despite this bunch. We really do not need them especially Kelly or Fernando. Worthless unless Helen does not want hands dirty.

Helen is not leaving without Joey. Why should she? Never heard of a nurse without any sales experience getting a VP of Sales job making this kind of money. She also has free rein to do as she pleases. Remember, Helen thinks she is the cat’s meow. A pussy she is not. She would push her best friend off a cliff if it benefited her.

I know of 3
They are happy with the results. Most of them quit right away. That was Helen, Kelly, and Fernando’s plan. Put them on a plan with sales numbers that none could achieve. Here will not be much fanfare when the ones who are left get fired in several weeks. Just remember their plan can start all over wise faces.

They are happy with the results. Most of them quit right away. That was Helen, Kelly, and Fernando’s plan. Put them on a plan with sales numbers that none could achieve. Here will not be much fanfare when the ones who are left get fired in several weeks. Just remember their plan can start all over wise faces.
Yes they do not want anyone that knows more about the business or challenges them. If you are liked more than them that is not good. Silly little girls.