
She was outstanding. Smart girl for leaving. There are many great companies out there with better pay, better products and most of all no Helen.
We all should have known once all the lies started then the age thing and erasing any past awards from those that have been here for some time. They just erased our entire tradition and heritage for what? This great new culture?

We all should have known once all the lies started then the age thing and erasing any past awards from those that have been here for some time. They just erased our entire tradition and heritage for what? This great new culture?
Spot on! They knew many employees from former Impax had awards from prior years. Wiped them off the slate! Now they can say you have no awards on record when they put you on a plan.

Spot on! They knew many employees from former Impax had awards from prior years. Wiped them off the slate! Now they can say you have no awards on record when they put you on a plan.
That is insanity! All the while they are pocketing the money for themselves that reps and managers would normally make. Their “tactics” covered them legally. SMH

That is insanity! All the while they are pocketing the money for themselves that reps and managers would normally make. Their “tactics” covered them legally. SMH
It's call corruption and greed. Many illegal tactics have been witnessed and experienced by many. Any attorney should be able to identify and assess. I have personally spoken to recruiters and they have heard it all from a large number of reps and managers, so there was nothing for me to say, as I didn't even need to explain the "why" behind leaving this shitty company I could no longer be proud to represent. Do you really think they care about patients? If Amneal thinks they won then they are sorely mistaken. The truth always surfaces no matter how long it takes.

Amneal has a worse reputation than a year ago. They have always been know for paying less than the market. They are now known for wrongful termination and age discrimination. A good attorney would be glad to file a class action lawsuit. So many good employees have been let go. I know BC had to be in shock. He’s at COE one week living it up and comes home, and HK cut him loose. What does that tell all of you who suck up to the 3 amigos? You are just a number and a liability. Do not be naive.

Amneal has a worse reputation than a year ago. They have always been know for paying less than the market. They are now known for wrongful termination and age discrimination. A good attorney would be glad to file a class action lawsuit. So many good employees have been let go. I know BC had to be in shock. He’s at COE one week living it up and comes home, and HK cut him loose. What does that tell all of you who suck up to the 3 amigos? You are just a number and a liability. Do not be naive.
Wait until you hear about next waive of those leaving you will be shocked. I was a reference for many of them some for more money and some for less but all to improve their sanity and a better culture with no micro management and better leadership at the top. Right before the launch of IPX. Enough said.

Wait until you hear about next waive of those leaving you will be shocked. I was a reference for many of them some for more money and some for less but all to improve their sanity and a better culture with no micro management and better leadership at the top. Right before the launch of IPX. Enough said.
IPX is gonna be such wreck they’re gonna need Crash Test Dummies to sell it

IPX is gonna be such wreck they’re gonna need Crash Test Dummies to sell it
Great marketing team but IPX will be too expensive to pay for when Rytary goes generic. They will have high expectations if it does 210 mill I would be shocked after 2 years on market. Get ready for plans metrics and more plans with little incentive.

The company is banking on IPX having a successful launch. Reps. feel it will not sell. Unithroid has helped in the past but with the Walgreen’s issue that product could be dead in the water. Specialty pharmacy for Unithroid will erode profits. What’s your plan Fernando?

The company is banking on IPX having a successful launch. Reps. feel it will not sell. Unithroid has helped in the past but with the Walgreen’s issue that product could be dead in the water. Specialty pharmacy for Unithroid will erode profits. What’s your plan Fernando?
More action plans. This company has many disgruntled employees who are hoping for failure so they can get a buyout or severance to get out. I heard CVS has now been notified about the Walgreen situation by a former employee. Maybe they will just jack up the price remember Amneal is known for providing many with affordable meds. That is about as good as we are all family. Man if Kelly would have only taken that Google job there would be no call plan, action plans or watching her melt on stage. Uncomfortable for all. Poor girl.

More action plans. This company has many disgruntled employees who are hoping for failure so they can get a buyout or severance to get out. I heard CVS has now been notified about the Walgreen situation by a former employee. Maybe they will just jack up the price remember Amneal is known for providing many with affordable meds. That is about as good as we are all family. Man if Kelly would have only taken that Google job there would be no call plan, action plans or watching her melt on stage. Uncomfortable for all. Poor girl.
It was HK who purported that she could get a job with Google. It went something like this: "My girlfriend said to come over to work for Google." Helen says, "Why would I work for Google when I could work for Amneal?" LOL At the time, I thought that was a very bizzare comparison but looking back we all know exactly how she got the job at Amneal. Nobody will hire HK on her own accord because she brings zero, zip, zilch talent to any organization. Skills: Lying, manipulation, multiple personality disorders (narcissistic PD/borderline PD), backstabbing, drinking, gossiping, flirting. Not much going on upstairs. I have seen it all. This woman is untrustworthy. They all are. Kelly is simply following HK orders like a puppet. What other choice does she have? That said, they are a pretty good match for one another in terms of personality. JR is a whole other trainwreck of a person. Do not trust him.

Many of you have called me for advice. Start looking now. If your numbers are good or you have a recent COE win even better. They are going to run this company in the ground. Helen and her 3 amigos will get golden parachutes. The rest of you won’t even get severance. RUN!