
It is important to consider why nothing has been done about DC on the endo side. JP is her good friend

I work on the Endo team. DC has done better than others even with less reps. She was an original Uni RBM and won many COE awards before they realigned. They fucked her over when they gave FL to the new Manager from PD. Don’t hate someone who really has been mistreated by the company. I am surprised she hasn’t quit.

It is important to consider why nothing has been done about DC on the endo side. JP is her good friend

Don’t hate DC. She was an original Uni RBM who won numerous COE awards. She was not done right by the company when the expansion was done. She lost FL to the new PD manager. DC built the business in FL with her sales team from the ground up!

HK is just outstanding as leader look how great both ENDO and Rytary are doing in 2024 it takes about 6 months to show results. Wow this is all her direction and leading this team.Maybe an action plan is coming for HK where she will call Joe weekly to review her routing messaging and mindset. Kelly and Fernando as well reviewing with HK routing DME spend and mindset and their calendars I have never witnessed someone take a company to the depths that we are at. Run and run fast.only going to get worse when you are led by someone that is an emotional leader who preaches how everyone should get out of their comfort zone. Well she has accomplished that.EVERYONE IS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with the direction and future HK has pathed. Big swing and a miss for Joe maybe Joe should hire a contract person to replace her and all leadership

Based on performance of sales of Rytary and ENDO for 2024 I assume HK on action plan calling Joe weekly to review her upcoming weekly schedule messaging and mindset as HK said at NSM get out of comfort zone get uncomfortable. Well she has accomplished that everyone is uncomfortable with her in that position
Joe please wake up you are losing great people and they are needed to reach goal
We do not have a training department
We have a launch upcoming
Field force morale all time low no high after all that money spent at NSM
Everyone looking to leave and not focused on the business
Losing top talent
Endo and Rytary not performing well or exceeding goal
Placing people on action plans based on territory they have never covered before

Your measssge is falling flat. Actions are louder than words. Jugglers, a violinist and dude with drones is a huge miss when we need direction, vision and true leadership.

YEAH. The absolute worst I’ve seen in all of my career. My guess is that she tried to get hired by Google and they passed. Lacks so many qualities needed to be effective. WTF is wrong with this company?

Remember, she is only here because of Joe’s past biz relationship. She reported to him at Mallinckrodt (Google company who was fined millions by the government for shady dealings).

Joe and Helen worked with Dave Okimoto at Mallinckrodt also.

Jennifer Kimmel worked with and recommended Kelly.

Nothing else should surprise us.

Oh i remember she was on stage and said that her friend wanted her to work for a Google, and then said, why would I want to work for Google when I could work for Amneal She’s so full of shit

As I roll home today we end Week 2 of Plan-pocolypse Those who were initially upset have already left. I can see some of those on PIPs being fired before their PIP Pergatory is over. But I don’t see too many people leaving until the end of the next 2 weeks. This on Action Plans will ace has to find new jobs or will be upset enough to quit when their Action Plan is extended another 30 days. This dystopian era will come to a crescendo in May. Thats when everyone on a PIP will be removed and those initially on Action Plans will have been rolled over into PIPs and fired. So between the start of Plan-pocolypse and Memorial Day we will lose around 20 reps. That’s my rough guess on how many are on one type of plan or another. That’s 20 people in 90 days. That’s what HK wants to achieve. That’s what she wants to be proud of. This is what she has built. Which makes you wonder what Business school teaches this? We are in a launch with Ong and it’s going off the rails. We are getting ready to launch our make or break drug and we will have to train up all these replacements. No matter how bad these reps supposedly were, it’s not like they are gonna be replaced by the best and the brightest. Amneal has never paid enough to attract top talent. And we still have a leaderless training team so good luck to them training all of these newbies.
If upper management thinks we are falling short now, wait until we have all these openings and the new hires try to figure it out.

As I roll home today we end Week 2 of Plan-pocolypse Those who were initially upset have already left. I can see some of those on PIPs being fired before their PIP Pergatory is over. But I don’t see too many people leaving until the end of the next 2 weeks. This on Action Plans will ace has to find new jobs or will be upset enough to quit when their Action Plan is extended another 30 days. This dystopian era will come to a crescendo in May. Thats when everyone on a PIP will be removed and those initially on Action Plans will have been rolled over into PIPs and fired. So between the start of Plan-pocolypse and Memorial Day we will lose around 20 reps. That’s my rough guess on how many are on one type of plan or another. That’s 20 people in 90 days. That’s what HK wants to achieve. That’s what she wants to be proud of. This is what she has built. Which makes you wonder what Business school teaches this? We are in a launch with Ong and it’s going off the rails. We are getting ready to launch our make or break drug and we will have to train up all these replacements. No matter how bad these reps supposedly were, it’s not like they are gonna be replaced by the best and the brightest. Amneal has never paid enough to attract top talent. And we still have a leaderless training team so good luck to them training all of these newbies.
If upper management thinks we are falling short now, wait until we have all these openings and the new hires try to figure it out.

The company is over 2.5 billion in debt. That should be all the information you need to know on whether or not anyone knows what they are doing…

If the company is in financial trouble then why not just have a layoff? Why put employees on PIPs and drag this thing out? Twenty reps and several managers getting severance would pull the bandaid off and let people get back to work. No one is focused so productivity is low. The poster is right. A potential launch is coming and PD won’t be ready. I wish someone from corporate had the balls to post what the plan is. Most of the people posting here are probably from the field.

Sum up this situation. HK loves mixing things up she has an image of what someone should be like look like act like to be on her team. Period some on plans do not this and RBM did go in and change using RLS to get you out some she stuck with due to having poor numbers which should never be used to fire someone if you make it off plan you will still feel the wrath of HK Fern and KCS. If you have involved HR you done pushed back you done HK is an emotional leader and thinks she knows best Fern and KCS will never challenge her right or wrong or anyone to keep job something in HK life happened to make her this way image is everything to her she does not know our business is average looking but wants to be with in crowd we call insecure she will not be here long the one true quality needed she does not have. This is LEADERSHIP. So if you want to stay never challenge and do as she says or you are done never have an opinion or observation they never want to be proved wrong natural for HK and KCS not Fern he stuck and has sold his sole he is miserable being here but given sit is trying his best and getting paid well good luck trust the data that is wrong oops did I just say that

If the company is in financial trouble then why not just have a layoff? Why put employees on PIPs and drag this thing out? Twenty reps and several managers getting severance would pull the bandaid off and let people get back to work. No one is focused so productivity is low. The poster is right. A potential launch is coming and PD won’t be ready. I wish someone from corporate had the balls to post what the plan is. Most of the people posting here are probably from the field.

This is an easy answer. Having a layoff is not a good look to Wall Street and the industry as a whole Secondly if there is a layoff Reps and RBMs will do the exact opposite of what you claim. Those of us that remain will be looking for another job (which most of us are doing already) because we don’t know what’s going to happen next. I agree with you both that the current actions and behaviors of HK and KCS are setting us up for failure of the IPX launch. It was brought up last year and apparently leadership wasn’t paying attention. Last year a guy stood up and asked why we were reducing headcount (Lyvispah launch) on the eve of the launch of our make or break product (IPX). Leadership couldn’t give an answer. Now, a year later we are not only continuing to reduce headcount we are absolutely destroying the motivation and morale of those who remain.

It is posted above that HK wants her team to have a certain image or you are kicked out. She needs a new mirror because she has not aged well. She acts like a college coed at a fraternity party where beer bongos and shots rule. That type of behavior is not becoming to a female at her age and in her position. It’s not that employees never saw this coming. What has shocked everyone is the outright workplace discrimination that is happening right in front of our eyes. This behavior should make everyone uncomfortable because it is wrong and illegal. I hope everyone can catch their breath and find another job. This environment is not healthy for anyone whether you are young, middle age, or older. How dare this female tear this company apart employee by employee!

It is posted above that HK wants her team to have a certain image or you are kicked out. She needs a new mirror because she has not aged well. She acts like a college coed at a fraternity party where beer bongos and shots rule. That type of behavior is not becoming to a female at her age and in her position. It’s not that employees never saw this coming. What has shocked everyone is the outright workplace discrimination that is happening right in front of our eyes. This behavior should make everyone uncomfortable because it is wrong and illegal. I hope everyone can catch their breath and find another job. This environment is not healthy for anyone whether you are young, middle age, or older. How dare this female tear this company apart employee by employee!

The behavior she exhibited in Nashville, San Antonio and NSM would have gotten a Male in the same position fired for sexual harassment.

[QUOTE ="anonymous, post: 6860974"]The behavior she exhibited in Nashville, San Antonio and NSM would have gotten a Male in the same position fired for sexual harassment.[/QUOTE

It’s obvious who she salivates for. It’s disgusting to see “them” knock each other out of the way to get their nose up her ass. Undoubtedly “they” can’t succeed on their own contributions. That must be the Amnealian way.

They are so stupid that they never assumed that people would talk. It’s almost no secret who is on a plan aka PIP. Helen talks about it openly whether she’s drunk at the time who knows? If you are smart you won’t sit around and wait for your number to be up.
The people they have fired were all good employees. How do you go from being a good employee to a PIP’d employee just because of management change? Karma is a BITCH.

HK is just outstanding as leader look how great both ENDO and Rytary are doing in 2024 it takes about 6 months to show results. Wow this is all her direction and leading this team.Maybe an action plan is coming for HK where she will call Joe weekly to review her routing messaging and mindset. Kelly and Fernando as well reviewing with HK routing DME spend and mindset and their calendars I have never witnessed someone take a company to the depths that we are at. Run and run fast.only going to get worse when you are led by someone that is an emotional leader who preaches how everyone should get out of their comfort zone. Well she has accomplished that.EVERYONE IS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with the direction and future HK has pathed. Big swing and a miss for Joe maybe Joe should hire a contract person to replace her and all leadership