
They tried to hire a contract company for Endo. Amneal does not pay enough on Endo to make it profitable for a Contract Company to take the job. The irony is that the sales force USED to be all contract but got rolled into Amneal for the Rytary launch

The Endo team rolled over in 2019 from d Syneos. Nothing to do with Rytary

The Endo team rolled over in 2019 from d Syneos. Nothing to do with Rytary

The OG Rytary team rolled over from InVentiv when it was launched. (There are still a few around). I don’t know the history of Unithroid other than my all accounts MT was a great person to work for. I do know that when Helen the Hun took over they looked at a contract force to replace Endo. But in the end they’d have to pay the contract Endo reps more than they are paying current Endo reps so the plan was scrapped for now.

Corporate employees/ We need to know what is going on! We are only being told what they want us to know!!!

Everybody knows what is going to happen, at this point, you have to ask yourself if you are ready to accept it. They are bringing in contracts full force. IPX will not do what is nearly expected, if it even gets approved. Amplity will sell what Amneal has left starting in 2025. JR is already looking. HK will most likely be let go soon, given the mounting discriminatory statements she has said. Marketing will most likely be the only ones left. Nobody is close to goal. The shop is sadly closing..very sad.

Amneal did it to themselves. They created a hostile work environment with agism insults from a wonan Hk was is a complete ignoramus,she was brought here by an unsavory character Joe who is incompetent to cover his lies and scams.Shame on the greedy owners.

if what I am reading is true and I have also heard similar from reputable sources storiess that are absolutely egregious. i have my own that I have not shared with anyone other than family. i do want justice for all of us who have been wronged in too many ways. i'm not famliar with anything regarding employment laws but i know what has been going on cannot be legal. if there are enough of us that come forward then maybe we have a case????

Everybody knows what is going to happen, at this point, you have to ask yourself if you are ready to accept it. They are bringing in contracts full force. IPX will not do what is nearly expected, if it even gets approved. Amplity will sell what Amneal has left starting in 2025. JR is already looking. HK will most likely be let go soon, given the mounting discriminatory statements she has said. Marketing will most likely be the only ones left. Nobody is close to goal. The shop is sadly closing..very sad.

If what you post is true and not speculation then why are they still hiring outside reps? What about the ENDO team?

Amneal did it to themselves. They created a hostile work environment with agism insults from a wonan Hk was is a complete ignoramus,she was brought here by an unsavory character Joe who is incompetent to cover his lies and scams.Shame on the greedy owners.

Firing Helen will not prevent a class action law suit…. Ageism, hostile work environment, retaliation, off label promotion, compliance violations. Get ready to write a check Amhell.

Helen isn’t going anywhere. So if that’s what you are counting on I’d encourage to rethink that.

Helen or Joe, I bet that’s what you thought over at Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals too until they had to pay that huge fine that pushed them over the edge. You would think the Patel brothers would have known better to hire either of you but playing golf can fix anything including pricing to the federal government.

Listening to this town hall shows how out of touch the brothers are to Specialty. They stayed flat out untrue statements about ipx and ‘the compt inhibitor’. So all you waiting for them to wake up and realize that our leadership is dysfunctional will be waiting a long time. Speaking of Government why no mention of the DoD/VA initiative? Would have been a perfect opportunity
Why wasn’t JR there? Not a good look
If they are this clueless about Speciality what parts of the other business are they clueless about?

Listening to this town hall shows how out of touch the brothers are to Specialty. They stayed flat out untrue statements about ipx and ‘the compt inhibitor’. So all you waiting for them to wake up and realize that our leadership is dysfunctional will be waiting a long time. Speaking of Government why no mention of the DoD/VA initiative? Would have been a perfect opportunity
Why wasn’t JR there? Not a good look
If they are this clueless about Speciality what parts of the other business are they clueless about?

What DOD imitative? BC is helping train new reps. JR was probably interviewing.

What about the bs about reimbursement specialists?
This HK is the biggest conartist going! SHE should be let go as she is 50,no spring chicken,but everyone her age or older is too old to work at Amneal.? Pathetic!