Amgen Onc RML's

Everyone listen up. This is a very good company with an extremely bright future. We all have a rewarding and stable job. Nobody should be interviewing elsewhere!!

Or at least until I find a new job first.

Everyone listen up. This is a very good company with an extremely bright future. We all have a rewarding and stable job. Nobody should be interviewing elsewhere!!

Or at least until I find a new job first.

Better find that job soon, when I spoke with another recruiter today, he said he sure has been working with a lot of Amgen employees recently!

I was just on the phone today with another recruiter also today make that 3 of them and there are plenty of jobs. I love how some of these posters of the Oncology RMLs keep on talking about needing more bonus and salary. Whomever they are have never had a real job besides industry. This job guys is cake compared to real pharmacy jobs. I mean real cake. All you cry babies keep on asking about more money don't even realize how good you have it. And you will be the ones that will not get jobs because of that.
You also need to remember my young RMLs that any company doesnt owe you crap. No company is loyal to anyone.
We are so well rewarded. On a national call there were people that actually asked about bonuses for next year. Incredible. Morons.
We will be ok for today and my friends keep looking. Senate stood up for Amgen today but the Renal Ad Board is next week on September 11th and I dont ever remember anything good happening on September 11th in the past.

Ah, the old days of the PLC! When Bill became director the very first thing he did was put a silver bullet into the PLC. The last thing he was interested in was hearing anything from a group with "Leadership Council" in their moniker. What's happened to most of the PLC former team members...

The real question with Bill A is who he is blowing now that John L is gone to secure his V.P. position. He and H.Y are jockeying for position so the one who swallows first will win.

So what good advice do you have for someone considering to join your group. Aside from the Amgen's financial problems, cut backs, management, etc, there has to to something positive at least.

From perusing Amgen's website I see a strong oncology pipeline..., let me know what your thoughts are on the strength of the pipeline and if this should be factored into considering a position at Amgen.

And just a little advice for those who jump ship thinking its better on the other side, it is not always greener, trust me I've been around. There is always other kinds of issues that present, the key is adaptability......

Amgen will have no company growth for at least 3 to 5 years. Minimal bonuses, if any! You will be treated like an off label selling machine with no respect. But, most of all, it's likely that there will be additional lay offs and a substantial RML staff reduction in the near future. Amgen is in shambles with a marginal balance sheet with a lot of debt and sharks and bafoons everywhere. The RML Directors are puppets for CS and JD and only care about saving their cushy jobs. RML training is filled with misinformation and spin. They will say or do anything to sell their drugs, regardless of higher mortality rates on RCT with Amgen products. Denosumab is a desperate attempt to increase revenues by 6 B, annually! What a joke and sad for the shareholders. RUN in the other direction, before they ruin your professional and personal life. I'm actually thinking of going back to working in a hospital pharmacy. At least it's honest work that can really help patients.

Amgen has a lot of molecules, but marketing makes all of the decisions. Therefore, Amgen does not know how to clinically develop their pipeline. Two examples are Vectibix and Kepivance. What a tragedy!

Being here now as a oncology RML I do have to agree with the post that marketing does run our initatives. I have been with 3 other drug companies and the other poster is correct, the grass is not always greener on the other side things are still alright here. Territories are of reasonable size although we have immature people asking about raises and bonuses because they are young you still make a good buck. Sure you can join another company at a higher base and sign on bonus but alot of the companies do NOT have products yet on the market. Need to remember this.
I love also when we are looking for people to new hires so many people are worried about oncology experience. I think that there is more than half of the medical liaison group in oncology has NOT practiced with patients or let alone compounded chemotherapy for oncology patients.

I think that there is more than half of the medical liaison group in oncology has NOT practiced with patients or let alone compounded chemotherapy for oncology patients.[/QUOTE]

Yep, and that's the problem!

So what good advice do you have for someone considering to join your group. Aside from the Amgen's financial problems, cut backs, management, etc, there has to to something positive at least.

From perusing Amgen's website I see a strong oncology pipeline..., let me know what your thoughts are on the strength of the pipeline and if this should be factored into considering a position at Amgen.

And just a little advice for those who jump ship thinking its better on the other side, it is not always greener, trust me I've been around. There is always other kinds of issues that present, the key is adaptability......

Strong oncology pipeline??? Better think again on that one. Our pipeline is in serious trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if we sold a few dogs.

Bill Aurora, Matt Youseffi along with the other RML managers should be all fired for allowing for off label selling by oncology RMLs and driving our department into a chaotic, unproductive state. Forums are okay, but where are the changes in our POA? Do they even have any authority over the RML department or is it just one big sham?

BA is not concerned with selling off label. The word is his focus is building a hostile workplace like getting rid of people like EF Didn't he get a reprimand for that one? Maybe JL gave him a get out of jail free card on that. The word on BA is while he is talking to you he is looking over your shoulder to see who's bigger ass is out there he can kiss.

BA is not concerned with selling off label. The word is his focus is building a hostile workplace like getting rid of people like EF.

I agree. With the Oncology RML group, the issue is not about off label selling, or whether they have PharmD or PhD, etc. It is simply the bad management of BA. He has systematically driven away good employees because he is threatened by them.

He applied the screws to TY. portraying him as a poor performer. Where is he now? VP at Vice President, Medical Affairs, Onyx Pharmaceuticals. Same story for BM. Now Vice President, Global Medical Affairs, Baxter. EF wanted a transfer. That might make BA look bad, so time to drive her away. BS, standing in for JL, simply did not have the balls to make the right call, despite knowing what happened in Chicago. Another good one gone.

It is not a place where good work is rewarded and it is not a happy work force. BA's direct reports are lap dogs either polishing their powerpoint presentations (Norm) or buried in work (Matt). All of the good liasons are sleepwalking through the job, keeping their heads low and collecting a pay check, knowing that anybody with initiative is targetted.

The bad news is that upper management is very much aware of what has been going on and has stood behind BA and encouraged this behavior. This is why there are a dozen open positions and announcements of more leaving each week. It is simply not a good place to work -- if you are good, that is.

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