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Amgen Onc RML's

Oh People, People,

Don't we have enough to do besides making wrong assumptions? The Medical Liaison organization at Amgen is tops. And, Oh, BTW, no lay offs in this department AND still filling positions. Says something for/about the group. Everyone thinks its greener on the other side. Same s$%&, Different place. Ninety five percent of those that left in the last 4 months won't be missed! And, never forget EVERYONE can and will be replaced!

most of the people that say that 7 drugs is too much are messed up . It keeps things busy and interesting. Pharmacists have to memorize the top 100 drugs for the pharmacy boards and things are kept interesting for kol engagement. People saying that they can only handle 2 to 3 drugs should cry somewhere else. Things are still good at Amgen.

Spoken like a true Amgen oncology director-- and they wonder why moral problems continue! The best thing that could happen to our group is some massive turnover at the director level

Nope, spoken like a true, and happy RML! Guess some of us are lucky enough to have a good director! If you don't like your job, follow the lead of others....Make like a tree and leave!

most of the people that say that 7 drugs is too much are messed up . It keeps things busy and interesting. Pharmacists have to memorize the top 100 drugs for the pharmacy boards and things are kept interesting for kol engagement. People saying that they can only handle 2 to 3 drugs should cry somewhere else. Things are still good at Amgen.

I like the way you think! True ONCOLOGY RMLS have no problem knowing 7 drugs. Problem is those RMLS that don't have any Oncology experience have to learn the basics! It took me several years to do that. So, most of the whiners and low "moralers" (and yes, before you say it, I know that is not a real word, but you get the point) are those that have little to no knowledge of the world of Oncology.

Why do you think our Managers/Directors would hire oncology RMLs with no oncology experience to establish relationships and educate oncologists on Amgen products? Sounds like they just want brain-washed robots to deliver press releases and off-label messages. What happens when you run out of impactful messages? I'll tell you... round 2 of lay offs. If we were really valuable MSLs, we'd be working on the pipeline and investigator initiated trials, instead of meeting with Aranesp KOLs for the tenth time this year to discuss the CMS decision. Hey guys, my advice to you all let's move on and stop believing in the misinformation and the lies.

Why do you think our Managers/Directors would hire oncology RMLs with no oncology experience to establish relationships and educate oncologists on Amgen products?

You ask a very good question, and one I have been asking myself for a very long time. I agree maybe it is time for people to move on and do what a true Medical Liaison is supposed to do. And in fact, I know many are...

The Medical Liaison organization at Amgen is tops. And, Oh, BTW, no lay offs in this department AND still filling positions. Says something for/about the group.

Interesting take. They cannot retain good people and they have trouble attracting them, and you take this as a sign that Amgen's RML group is "tops". The real truth is that the management of the group is awash in the ugliest forms of petty politics and actively repels effective managers and laisons alike.

Interesting take. They cannot retain good people and they have trouble attracting them, and you take this as a sign that Amgen's RML group is "tops". The real truth is that the management of the group is awash in the ugliest forms of petty politics and actively repels effective managers and laisons alike.

I wouldn't say we lost any good "retainable" people, maybe 1 or 2 here or there, but most of them were worth losing. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!

Personally, I lost the taste for Kool-aid when I was about nine years old. But by all means, enjoy.

All what I have to say is with the Oncology RMLs there are so many of these so called scientists that where hired directly into a RML role WITH NO OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!! Yes that's right our so called clinical experts have no real clinical work experience, I can name at least 7-8 of these folks that might have worked at a Walgreens counting pills for a couple of weeks before getting a oncology RML job, you know what's so funny they reallly think that they know more than others. Messed up.

All what I have to say is with the Oncology RMLs there are so many of these so called scientists that where hired directly into a RML role WITH NO OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!! Yes that's right our so called clinical experts have no real clinical work experience, I can name at least 7-8 of these folks that might have worked at a Walgreens counting pills for a couple of weeks before getting a oncology RML job, you know what's so funny they reallly think that they know more than others. Messed up.

Was that in English?

Was that in English?

No, that was in "Truthspeak". But then too many people have trouble reading that.

The poster is right. Ask around. See how many of the Amgen Oncology RMLs have actually seen a cancer patient. Might surprise you. The one that had have all left or are in the process of leaving. The rest of us just keep our mouths shut. It is very messed up.

No, that was in "Truthspeak". But then too many people have trouble reading that.

The poster is right. Ask around. See how many of the Amgen Oncology RMLs have actually seen a cancer patient. Might surprise you. The one that had have all left or are in the process of leaving. The rest of us just keep our mouths shut. It is very messed up.

I would say there are still some damn good clinicians in the group. Maybe people should quit complaining and enjoy how quiet it is right now....most of the issues are reimbursement related anyway.

Why doesn't someone cancel our subscription to GOLE in order to save money? What an example of a big waste and another dumb ass decision! They should lay off the idiot who supported this project.

I think the RMLs need more Pharm Ds!! There of such high quality and they can be called "Dr.". They all deserve a huge raise and we need more! NOT!

If you are going to rag on someone's education you can at least proof read your own post first. They are or They're of such high quality... I have never been the spelling police (or a PharmD), but I could not past on the irony.

Anyone who isn't looking for another job is a fool! It' a likely that our jobs will either be eliminated in the next round of cuts or we will all be fired and the company fined for off label selling. I think one of the lowest moments was when they had us selling software for computer tablets! I'm sure someone at Amgen got a huge kickback for that initiative and at all of our expense. What a joke!!!

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