Walmart of Healthcare.
Can I hear ya.... aaaaameeeen, aaaaameen,etc.
Walmart of Healthcare.
I used to be a AE with this company. I was laid off in '08 during the big RIF. I still have friends who work there, as AEs and in other positions.
The AVP-BD in this territory is a joke! Are you ready for this... he just terminated an AE with 2 weeks notice! Yes, you read that right! He gave the AE a PIP and when he didn't meet the goals, he told him he would be terminated in 2 weeks. In the meantime, he was told to meet with his docs and other contacts and close up loose ends! Can you beleive that?
As far as I'm concerned, this company got way too big way too fast. They aquired many smaller companies and kept a lot of their top management (big mistake). They put people in positions, from Senior VPs to AVPs that didn't have the skills and they lost focus. They are driven only by numbers. And we all know that when you reduce your company to nothing but numbers, you have unhappy and unproductive staff. They do not have a policy of promoting from within. Companies who do that find themselves continually hiring and training.
I also understand the company is being investigated by the OIG, SEC and the DOJ. That alone would make me run away from this company. They started wiht a great vision, but that vision was lost.
Above poster spot on...same thing on the home health care side. No managed care contracts, competing Amedisys agencies calling on the same facilities and very little respect or recognition for how hard the ae's were working to get business. When Amedisys fundamentally fails to provide the tools: managed care contracts,letter of agreements,regional contracting personnel, advertising (print/radio/tv), etc... well Walmart can and would do a better job as a home health care company as far as driving consumers to seek them out. It's one thing to have a ctc in the facilities it's another getting word out to physician offices,group practices,community health centers,senior centers,councils on aging,support groups for diabetes,never mind all the pay for service private companies(block time,visiting angels..etc) that could be partnered with.So much possibility if the contracts and due dilligence were in place. Good luck to all...I was closed this week and still no word on when the official date is and what severance.
This company is HORRIBLE!! AVP-BD in my area is a complete joke...I don't think he has any kind of college degree. He is clueless about homecare and how to sell it. It's all about getting your medicare numbers...but if your office is not taking referrals because of staffing issues you are screwed because you won't get any credit for the referrals that they turn away. Then you get pissed off referral sources because you won't take the business they send you so they stop sending it to you...its a tough situation. If I got credit for every referral that was turned away I would have blown my quota out of the water, but instead I barely made it. I can't believe how this company picks and chooses which referrals it will take. My agency even picks and chooses the medicare...and if your not a medicare referral you have no shot at getting admitted...they usually refuse the referral or will make it a nonadmit.
I worked for Amedisys Hospice for a little over a year. It's one of the biggest jokes of a company I have ever experienced. First off, starting pay is absolutely terrible. I have 6 years of medical sales experiences (device and services) and was started at $45k. I was told that my bonus earnings would be well over $30k a year. I never saw any of it because upon starting I was never told that I would be working for a start-up agency. No Medicare and Medicaid # meant no bonus. No matter what I brought in, I was not paid for it because we techinically couldn't bill for it. This went on for 9 months and I was as patient as I could be. Leadership from upper management did not exist. My region (the Southeast) had 16 total reps and by the time I had left they were down to 7, plus the AVP had resigned as well. They even closed down one agency in my region. My local team was amazing, but unfortunately they don't pay my bonus or salary. There is literally zero support from corporate or your AVP's. Your DOO's attempt to help, but get nowhere either. You're basically on your own. Several times I had to make my own marketing pieces because corporate would drag their feet or get your order wrong. Quotas were so highly unattainable for the reps that weren't working for start-ups that it was virtually impossible to make any money. Ex: They wanted my start-up to bring in 15 admits a month in a small rural territory where there was only 1 hospital and MAYBE 30-35 total accounts. Larger markets in my region, such as San Antonio (8+ hospitals and around 200 accounts), had the SAME quota. I even had to compete in my own territory against a neighboring Amedisys Hospice agency. They would consistently call on my accounts and even after reporting it half a dozen times nothing was ever done.
Nothing ever really added up with this organization. The GPS system was dropped toward the end of 2009 though. As a whole, this job and this company was a complete nightmare. They just need to start respecting their employees and treating them with more dignity. They also need to hire better leadership in the upper management positions. Until then, they'll continue to have an insane amount of rollover and they'll continue to get outsold by their competitors. As one poster on here said, they are the Walmart of Homecare. Empty promises, empty bonuses, and empty paychecks.
I recently began work at Amedisys and I have found just the opposite behaviors. It is the clinician's responsibility to validate the home bound status and continuing needs of the patient. The DOO at our office discourages any attempt to allow non-qualified patient admissions and requires a discharge completed if the patient is not home bound status. I personally found that strict adherance to the Medicare guidelines for admission in place.
The clinicians are ultimately responsible and accountable for the eligibility evaluation, as they are the ones who see the patients. I think the Medicare regulations are self limiting and the finger pointing at a company for not following the guidelines is frequently due to the non-dilgence of the staff.
What a joke. I'm in pharma and was thinking about leaving, however your hr doesn't really screen. Your dm's are inconsiderate and cannot spot a real go-getter when one bites them on the ass.
You have to look at this as a blessing -- trust me. No Pharma rep should walk away from their current gig for this sewer of a company despite his/her circumstances. No employee from any company for that matter. By doing so, you are setting yourself up for a bitter, regretful, nasty, stain on your career, not to mention undue stress, and overall crappy morale with substandard pay. You would have ended up quitting or getting fired for no good reason anyhow - their goal is to hire lameduck reps that can't think for themselves and settle for less.
If you want a refreshing change in your medical career, try to pursue biotech, diagnostics, specialty surgical, even veterinary or dental would be better. Good luck and be happy you're not on board!