
Amazing. You saw what a mess it was just from an interview. You should try to work for them. Worst place I have ever seen![/QUOTE
got hired/ was put on a pip 30 days after hired, written warning after another 15, 30 days later a final...all due to sales numbers. New start-up....what company does not give employees at least a quarter to proves themselves. Was top performer with previous employers. They spent a fortune training me but wouldn't not give me sufficient time to get things going...Decision was left up to an inexperience VP that did not have enough backbone to get in thereand fight for his rep. Hard to get the business when we have no contracts, cannot only accept Traditional Medicare which is disappearing rapidly. My advice to any rep looking at employment here....
Run....This place is a nightmare...You are set up to fail from the beginning....working here is the worst. The President Bill Borne has a great philosophy, unfortanetly the individuals underneath him do not share his vision. I don't think he has a clue what is going on. The lower level supervisors only care about one thing the numbers. That and advancing their own careers. They are ruthless.
The ten guidlelines Amedisys is supposed to follow is a farce. Save yourself do not come here no matter how much money is offered. Most reps don't make it a year.

Amazing. You saw what a mess it was just from an interview. You should try to work for them. Worst place I have ever seen![/QUOTE
got hired/ was put on a pip 30 days after hired, written warning after another 15, 30 days later a final...all due to sales numbers. New start-up....what company does not give employees at least a quarter to proves themselves. Was top performer with previous employers. They spent a fortune training me but wouldn't not give me sufficient time to get things going...Decision was left up to an inexperience VP that did not have enough backbone to get in thereand fight for his rep. Hard to get the business when we have no contracts, cannot only accept Traditional Medicare which is disappearing rapidly. My advice to any rep looking at employment here....
Run....This place is a nightmare...You are set up to fail from the beginning....working here is the worst. The President Bill Borne has a great philosophy, unfortanetly the individuals underneath him do not share his vision. I don't think he has a clue what is going on. The lower level supervisors only care about one thing the numbers. That and advancing their own careers. They are ruthless.
The ten guidlelines Amedisys is supposed to follow is a farce. Save yourself do not come here no matter how much money is offered. Most reps don't make it a year.

I heard that everyone under 100% of agency budget in the company was getting ready to start being put on PIP's. Some reps say 100% and some say 80%, but whatever it is, nobody in upper management is accepting the fact that with three separate federal agencies investigating them and Medicare lowering payments, there might be a reason why reps can't maintain a high census and agency budget. Any employer that will throw their reps under the bus, takes their potential for bonuses away, and doesn't realize that the trend in any market for anyone in healthcare is an ebb and flow of patients, isn't worth working for. Enough said.

This would not surprise me. I am in the Northeast and just taking straight medicare is a losing proposition. Will have to wait to see what comes out of the manager's meeting this week but I am preparing for the worst.

I heard that everyone under 100% of agency budget in the company was getting ready to start being put on PIP's. Some reps say 100% and some say 80%, but whatever it is, nobody in upper management is accepting the fact that with three separate federal agencies investigating them and Medicare lowering payments, there might be a reason why reps can't maintain a high census and agency budget. Any employer that will throw their reps under the bus, takes their potential for bonuses away, and doesn't realize that the trend in any market for anyone in healthcare is an ebb and flow of patients, isn't worth working for. Enough said.

Bad news...100 percent of do they justify spending months on recruiting, then training someone and then canning them before they can even get some thing going...expensive and incompetent practice....when they do can you they are using an outside entity to fight your unemployment .....can you say screwed...

Bad news...100 percent of do they justify spending months on recruiting, then training someone and then canning them before they can even get some thing going...expensive and incompetent practice....when they do can you they are using an outside entity to fight your unemployment .....can you say screwed...

ditto...happened to me too....on top of that they are giving out bad references....sad...I was dumb enough to take this used, miss used and abused....lost my job because of unrealistic fired...was denied unemployment...then receive bad references...Amedisys has ruined my reputation...working here was the biggest mistake...

Guess this is Ric's new incentive program....intimidation....can I hear a lawsuit for hostile workplace....

My favorite ten amedisys commandment be to issues complaints without fear of reprisal...what a doo was turning do almost everything I brought in the door and when I complained I was told that I was the problem...canned shortly after....

I had no idea!!! This is the biggest mistake I have ever made...I bought into it all and discovered very quickly ;no managerial support, no contracts, desperate to find another job...and with the last few responses...feeling like there is no hope.And then to discover that you are let go..they fight your unemployment..and you are left with nothing in this economy...!
I guess they can talk the Christianity talk...but not the walk... I am very disillusioned.

I had no idea!!! This is the biggest mistake I have ever made...I bought into it all and discovered very quickly ;no managerial support, no contracts, desperate to find another job...and with the last few responses...feeling like there is no hope.And then to discover that you are let go..they fight your unemployment..and you are left with nothing in this economy...!
I guess they can talk the Christianity talk...but not the walk... I am very disillusioned.

Get out not wait...

I had no idea!!! This is the biggest mistake I have ever made...I bought into it all and discovered very quickly ;no managerial support, no contracts, desperate to find another job...and with the last few responses...feeling like there is no hope.And then to discover that you are let go..they fight your unemployment..and you are left with nothing in this economy...!
I guess they can talk the Christianity talk...but not the walk... I am very disillusioned.

You should hear what happened to me....ended up off with major surgery....when I left my very Christian supervisor told me not to worry about anything except getting better...I was off for weeks with no pay....the day I came back they fired me...I am also a christian but my old supervisor doesn't understand that talking about being a christian isn't is what you do as a christian that is are what you wonder why so many people don't hold christianity in high regard with representatives like sow what you reap...

My AVP-BD loves to thump the Bible and quote scripture when he thinks it will impress people...but then he will take lunch breaks at Hooters and get hammered when at Leadership and other conferences. He also loves to make inappropriate sexual comments about female employees...LOL... He is the picture of hypocrite and typical Amedisys leader.

Id like to thank Amedisys for firing me as the number one rep in my region and confirming that indeed they are the most ignorant HHC in the nation. After 4 ass busting years with the company seeing 35 reps com and go within that time period I am free of the stress and micromanaging of this once great company. I have seen the stock go from 30 dollars a share up to almost 90 and now stands at 27 a share! Maybe your stock holders AKA employees are sending you a message! I have seen the leadership crumble from the resignation of the awesome Larry Graham to the wanna bee ceo Mike Snow. Bill Borne you dad cheif would roll over in his grave if he saw what has become of Amedisys which was born with his money!!! Your lack of concern for employees who have emailed you for help with no reply just goes to show your heart is not in it anymore! Neither are any of your employees! You have destroyed the bonus structure! You have taken away any motavation your reps have and have brought in horrible leadership! I hope every Amedisys employee reads this! Seeing how you wont confront this at leadership next year! Go back to selling your protein powder!

Id like to thank Amedisys for firing me as the number one rep in my region and confirming that indeed they are the most ignorant HHC in the nation. After 4 ass busting years with the company seeing 35 reps com and go within that time period I am free of the stress and micromanaging of this once great company. I have seen the stock go from 30 dollars a share up to almost 90 and now stands at 27 a share! Maybe your stock holders AKA employees are sending you a message! I have seen the leadership crumble from the resignation of the awesome Larry Graham to the wanna bee ceo Mike Snow. Bill Borne you dad cheif would roll over in his grave if he saw what has become of Amedisys which was born with his money!!! Your lack of concern for employees who have emailed you for help with no reply just goes to show your heart is not in it anymore! Neither are any of your employees! You have destroyed the bonus structure! You have taken away any motavation your reps have and have brought in horrible leadership! I hope every Amedisys employee reads this! Seeing how you wont confront this at leadership next year! Go back to selling your protein powder!


I want to say AMEN to ALL the post I have read. I worked for a GREAT co. THEN
Amedisys bought it & I got screwed, went from salary to pay per. Went from 32-40 visits a week to 4 because my PT quit. For a yr I was told hang in there, then they hired a BUNCH of therapy people & I still got screwed. OH OH & DONT let me start on that BFL program, talk about a bunch of crap with ALL the visits! Once the issue is cleared give the pt a HEP & let em go, if that was the only issue. I could do this all day, fortunately I have to go to work for another co!