
Re: Amedisys Complaints

I can understand the majority of the complaints about this company, but if you look at any HH in my area, Amedisys is the best. I also went through a horrific ordeal when we got a new DOO. The company I signed up with was becoming something else. "Questionable requests/activities/practices" When these concerns about the direction our office was headed was brought to the forefront, it took more time than I would have preferred, but corp. took care of it. Don't agree with everything they do but my name is not Bill Borne. Now, I love my job again. I work for Amedisys because I chose to, not because I can't find another job.

As far as the bottom line goes and all the money making.....IT'S THEIR JOB!! that is what they are paid to do. You like to be paid, right?

I also must say that patient care is EVERY employees responsibility. I am a clinician and the quality of care delivered is my responsibility, and I hope whichever state you may be in, you share the same belief. And practice in the same manner. And if you don't or you have seen practices that are "questionable" you are obligated to file a complaint, if not because you are a patient advocate then cause you are a human being.

I hope CMS is looking...I hope everyone is looking. I am sure that it is not a violation of any law to provide services at the highest level and to continue to improve the delivery of those services. Local HH agencies in my area have the docs "in there back pocket" which appears to be padded well. I am proud NOT to be a part of those practices. Merc Doc, BFL...that's why Amedisys is the best. I will hope the comparison in cost includes a trip to the hospital for the broken hip from that bad fall. Not to mention the mortality rate following a broken hip.
If you are currently employed by them and there is something that should be better, then start the process to change it. If you are happier because you have moved on to the greener pastures that is great, good luck!!

Thanks for your time! Sorry for the book, something must have hit a nerve!

you must be kissin cousins with old billy bob in the swamps of louser-ville. these guys are crocky as can be and hide behind the southern baptist can you dismiss not one not two but three govt. agencies looking at their books. come on... you can not be that stupid?

Re: Amedisys Complaints

you must be kissin cousins with old billy bob in the swamps of louser-ville. these guys are crocky as can be and hide behind the southern baptist can you dismiss not one not two but three govt. agencies looking at their books. come on... you can not be that stupid?

I agree. Amedisys is NOT the best HH out there but is has the potential to be! If there are those agencies out there that are doing it right, kudos to them! But out of 600+ agencies, those are few and far between.

They do have all the right stuff but don't know how to use it. There is nothing wrong with them making money but earn it--not BEG for it! Get rid of all of the AVP's who do NOT know how to manage people. Having a mantra of "how many referrals did you get today" is not being a manager.

Re: Amedisys Complaints

I agree. Amedisys is NOT the best HH out there but is has the potential to be! If there are those agencies out there that are doing it right, kudos to them! But out of 600+ agencies, those are few and far between.

They do have all the right stuff but don't know how to use it. There is nothing wrong with them making money but earn it--not BEG for it! Get rid of all of the AVP's who do NOT know how to manage people. Having a mantra of "how many referrals did you get today" is not being a manager.

very true-any avp listening in the east? get a clue

I worked for Amedisys as a clinical manager. In the space of a couple of weeks the roof blew off my house and my sister had a radical neck dissection, esophageal reconstruction and permanent trachestomy due to esophageal cancer. I asked for a leave of absence to take care of these issues and it was denied. I had to quit. Believe me, I know how Amedisys takes care of its own.

this is typical for this company-hey billy bob where are the core values and religious services you push down our throats at leadership. I have not seen a more hypocritical group of has been religious zealets in my you have a clue what is going on out here. you and the hatchet man ms...

This company has some major issues. They claim they want to invest in their employees yet their actions do not support this claim. The company is a sinking ship. Lots of negative information with regards to the investigations some of which are probably true. Honestly in the area I was associated with they stayed within guidelines but I'm sure this may differ in other areas. They are totally focused on numbers, how many referrals, many admins.. well not enough so you go on a PIP. Management is saying their hands are tied and it's rolling down hill. Get rid or anyone not making numbers. As with anything you have your high and lows but lets face it the company has done nothing but acquire smaller agencies through the years and then remove the structure that made those agencies successful only to incorporate one that hasn't proven to be. It's been a huge challenge for me professionally, in the sales arena, even with my tight networking. Not to mention the business culture is very different to what I'm use to. I don't see the rational of having revolving people in positions. There is a huge cost associated with this. It's takes time to train people and have them develop relationships in conjunction with the service they are providing. This does not happen overnight, it takes a few months. But instead of investing into the people, creating proper marketing tactics, broadening services and expanding into other insurances other than medicare (Specific counties in Florida) they would rather get rid of one person and if that one doesn't work out toss them out on their butts in 6 - 12 months and start all over again. Talk about eroding the bottom line with unnecessary expense and opportunity costs. Tomorrow is my last day, I'm getting my walking papers. It's been such a stressful 90 days. I'm tired of being under the gun and the hypocritical christian political bull crap that these manager like to toss out. Good luck to them, their investigations and I'm sure the good the Lord will reward those as they should be. At least I can only hope.

amen to that common sense. arizona has been one of the top regions for a while. future not so sunny. the former AVP bimbo was lucky enough to get out before all this crap went down. good timing. almost too good to be true. would like to see how many upper mgt staff sold shares before the dod-doo hit the fan.

no matter - just another bad company in another crazy market in bad times.

get out if you can at least find a job that pays your bills. eliminate the stress while making similar coin. hard to put a price tag on welfare, quality of life. wake up and go to sleep stress-free for a change.

watch office space. more truth than fiction in that flick.

AMEDIFARCE ex-employee

They are doing something right, it's called FRAUD. Over 80% of their business comes from one payer, Medicare. The gov't has already sent out it's bounty hunters to find errors at Amedisys.

Don't walk from this company, RUN!

thank you for stating it so correctly! i pointed out what i believed to be fraudulent activity (ie: requiring the 5 visits in to see a patient prior to discharging them to receive full reimbursement for an episode, requiring o.t. be consulted to have more therapy visits even when the patient refused and it hadn't been ordered by the physician, etc.) and guess what??? i was fired. the reasons for me being "let go" were ridiculous...! In the same sentence i was told "we are letting you go, but you are a wonderful nurse!" I have had patients call and tell me how upset they are because i am no longer working for them, that i was much more productive than the others providing care. While still with the company, i was constantly reminded of how excellent my charting was in comparison with the others (and was able to observe this first hand since i often did chart auditing.) Anyway, long story short ~ I was "black-balled"... and they are fighting my unemployment requests. It is a very sad system, one that i am ashamed to have worked for so long. It is because of companys such as Amedisys that young folk will not have access to any Medicare funding when they are of age because the money will be gone!!!! Anyone working for them should open their eyes.... pay close attention to what is actually going on.... determine if you are happy with scheduling extra visits for patients unethically just so the company doesn't experience a "lupa" so they can get full reimbursement each episode... and if you don't see this happening within the office you are in~be happy you have a job, but don't bash those of us that are unemployed after noticing what was truly going on

How much money you make depends on where you work. If you work in a populated area, the money is OK. If you work in a rural area you may average $7-$8/hour if you are a RN since they pay by the visit. If you are in management then when you first hire on you will be sent to the home office to learn how great the company is and to meet Bill Bourne. You will be dazzled but then when you are finished with orientation everything changes. There are quotas to meet which encourages unscrupulous practices if you need to make a living (such as admitting Medicare patients who are not homebound, etc). I believe in keeping Medicare intact and I believe at least 50% of Medicare payments to Amedisys are unnecessary which is a disgusting factor. I was not fired. I left for another job but I left because of ethical reasons and for the record my DOO did not want me to go. I am not hate bashing Amedisys but I am not fond of the company.
I work for Amedisys as an LPN in a very rural area and the pay is much much better that you are stating. That pay rate is more like what the HHA make not the SN. The rate depends on the visits you see but the type of visit effects the pay. I usually see 6-8 /day sometimes more and with the mileage we average a lot more than you are stating.

You are rude. If you hate your job go, please go. I work for a great location that treats all the coworkers wonderful. Maybe point the finger at yourself.

screw yourself you witch-this company is a joke. How can a company get to a point where they piss off 3 seperate gov't. agencies. They have the balls to say they did nothing wrong! I hope they burn!

I have an interview with this company next week...i currently work with several home health agencies in my current job selling. I'll just say I dont believe anything on here that comes from a pharma rep because well you are exactly that. You cant sell, your job is a joke. However, I've heard all about the GPS which i think is rediculous. Your going to pay me to sell your service, pay me to represent your company, but you dont trust me to do it. I talked with a rep last week that pulled over because her family member was in a car accident and she was upset...within the hour she got a call from corporate...that is a JOKE

Please save yourself, your family and your integrity. Run fast. Having been in home care for 16+ years this was one of the worst experiences ever. I worked in the field as a case manager. 16 hrs days are what you should expect. Tap tap tap on your little black box. Data entry over health care. If you do the math your working for 8.00/hr. Add in a pathetic office staff in our branch who provided no support what so ever. It is just not good. Go work somewhere else.

I have an interview with this company next week...i currently work with several home health agencies in my current job selling. I'll just say I dont believe anything on here that comes from a pharma rep because well you are exactly that. You cant sell, your job is a joke. However, I've heard all about the GPS which i think is rediculous. Your going to pay me to sell your service, pay me to represent your company, but you dont trust me to do it. I talked with a rep last week that pulled over because her family member was in a car accident and she was upset...within the hour she got a call from corporate...that is a JOKE

I am an RN that is TCC and been working in HHC for 7 years. This company treats there ee's like dirt, most avp's of bd do not know HHC and they are being investigated by 3 seperate govt. agencies for medicare fraud. I warned you...