
I wished that all of the previous posts were just cafe pharm rheteric but unfortunately for those like me who got caught in the suck, this is true...all of it. The company is a disorginized tail chasing disaster. What the hell would compel a company to open a start up in a small community with no market and expect year end results comparible to those in non compete markets? This company has 1 M.O. Micromanage you with complete incompetance and pip you right out the door in a few short months. Those who survive are miserable to the core and in most cases won't leave only because they have nowhere to go. Shame on you BB and your weak leadership team for screwing with good people and their well being. How on earth do you in good conscious sleep at night thinking your taking care of the sick and dying when the people around your feet are sick and dying!

I have an interview and this board is scaring me. Did I read correctly that they now pay bonus once a year? Are you saying that it is a sales job that is just salary for an entire year? If this is true I am not interested in this job. I am a sales person. Sales people work for bonus and commission.

Are you a fucking moron?? You say you have to compete with your own Hospice. Don't you think that the same accounts you call on may have patients with a terminal diagnosis. At least us Hospice reps have to actually try and sell the docs. HH reps walk in and bullshit with the nurses and walk out with 5 referrals for your "balanced for life" program. Give me a break. Ask any HH rep and they wouldn't want to sell Hospice because its a million times harder to talk dying and end of life instead of whether or not someone has balance or speech issues. If you can't hit your goal its because you suck ass. My market is rural and I beat the hell out of the bigger city based markets.

Uh, I think the poster said he was in Hospice sales too. So you think it's fair that another Amedisys Hospice agency is calling on his (Amedisys) hospice agency's accounts?

I have an interview and this board is scaring me. Did I read correctly that they now pay bonus once a year? Are you saying that it is a sales job that is just salary for an entire year? If this is true I am not interested in this job. I am a sales person. Sales people work for bonus and commission.

Bonus once a year only *IF* your agency meets it's NIFO numbers and hardly any agencies do. So basically you have no control over whether or not you will bonus. Run from this company...they are morons....and run really fast if you are interviewing in WV!

Agree! Not to mention raises have been frozen and our 401 K has been dropped down to a company contribution of 37.5 worries are very real here. There is very little hope for the majority of us to make a commission check yet the pressure to make the agency number is very real and you are held to the number being met. Keep is one thing to be under this stress and make bonus..but that does not happen here. Lots of employees on pips and action plans..seems like every six months there is a house cleaning....very low morale here.

This comapny is a joke!!! They fired the AE where I worked and put in place some young kid with NO sales experience. And the office closed. DOO and BOM are losing people left and right-they constantly piss off staff and upper management are stupid bitches and dumb ass bastards. They are either old shit for brains or dumb young ass broads.
Being investigated by the DOJ and Medicare for fraud.

I have an interview and this board is scaring me. Did I read correctly that they now pay bonus once a year? Are you saying that it is a sales job that is just salary for an entire year? If this is true I am not interested in this job. I am a sales person. Sales people work for bonus and commission.

No, no, no!!! PLEASE--DON'T DO IT!!! I know how tempting it can be especially if you are in need of a job but trust everyone on this board--this really is no joke. We know of what we speak and are just trying to warn anyone else heading in that direction.

Good luck to you!

I don't recommend Amedisys. They have a tendency to paint their interviews with pictures of fairies and sugar plumbs when they know dang good and well that it's a lie. Making a bonus is near impossible. I have worked with this company since 2005. As an RN they had me on call all the time. I am very efficient in my work but the amount of documentation is not really compensated for pay. I could admit three people and end up working until 10pm at night counting work at home. The morale is typically terrible. The managers are so stressed their negative energy brings down the employees. Amedisys is purely about the numbers. I have had to turn down multiple Patients to admit because of non homebound status. AEs bring in referrals and automatically think since they have a referral the Patient is homebound. Managers sent another nurse out to admit a Patient I clearly stated was not homebound. Yea it's a numbers game. I will never refer anyone to work for Amedisys. I am now working part time for them because it's the only way I can deal with them. Since working for the company the work load had been so bad that it led to the need for medications just to cope. They are working on keeping more LPNs in the field thus stressing out and stretching RNs to the limits. LPNs are not allowed to do a lot of work regarding recertifications, admits, and required to be supervised. More work and more mileage makes for a very small paycheck. They require of the employees to embrace change but they don't take embracing change well when it comes to mileage compensation. It sucks. Insurance is pricey. Amedisys has a thing for snakes. They know how to place one in the spot of DOO. Constantly putting more work on the RNs to do a Physical Therapy admit which is bullcrap. Therapist go in to a visit and are there for a short time and make big bucks. Nurse provides twice the care, spends twice the time and energy and gets paid a 3rd of Physical Therapy. Amedisys is always popping out new forms. When I started admits in 2005 it took me two hours. Now with the computer- and I am very versed with a computer and proficient typer, it takes 3-4 hours. The continuous cockamaimy programs they keep concocting only make it harder for us to do our jobs. Balance for life is a joke. What next Amedisys. The employees don't have enough on their plate already.

I don't recommend Amedisys. They have a tendency to paint their interviews with pictures of fairies and sugar plumbs when they know dang good and well that it's a lie. Making a bonus is near impossible. I have worked with this company since 2005. As an RN they had me on call all the time. I am very efficient in my work but the amount of documentation is not really compensated for pay. I could admit three people and end up working until 10pm at night counting work at home. The morale is typically terrible. The managers are so stressed their negative energy brings down the employees. Amedisys is purely about the numbers. I have had to turn down multiple Patients to admit because of non homebound status. AEs bring in referrals and automatically think since they have a referral the Patient is homebound. Managers sent another nurse out to admit a Patient I clearly stated was not homebound. Yea it's a numbers game. I will never refer anyone to work for Amedisys. I am now working part time for them because it's the only way I can deal with them. Since working for the company the work load had been so bad that it led to the need for medications just to cope. They are working on keeping more LPNs in the field thus stressing out and stretching RNs to the limits. LPNs are not allowed to do a lot of work regarding recertifications, admits, and required to be supervised. More work and more mileage makes for a very small paycheck. They require of the employees to embrace change but they don't take embracing change well when it comes to mileage compensation. It sucks. Insurance is pricey. Amedisys has a thing for snakes. They know how to place one in the spot of DOO. Constantly putting more work on the RNs to do a Physical Therapy admit which is bullcrap. Therapist go in to a visit and are there for a short time and make big bucks. Nurse provides twice the care, spends twice the time and energy and gets paid a 3rd of Physical Therapy. Amedisys is always popping out new forms. When I started admits in 2005 it took me two hours. Now with the computer- and I am very versed with a computer and proficient typer, it takes 3-4 hours. The continuous cockamaimy programs they keep concocting only make it harder for us to do our jobs. Balance for life is a joke. What next Amedisys. The employees don't have enough on their plate already.

This is a dead on post that applies to probably 98% of Amedisys agencies.

Amedisys is a great company to work for. On any side of it BD or Ops, you get out of what you put into it. I am on the BD side and formerly a clinician in the field. I have had great success at both because I work hard and and try to do my best. It is obvious others don't share my work ethic and expect everything handed to them. You can tell unsuccessful people from the negative rhetoric they spew. These people will never be successful at anything they do. Again, you get out of it what you put into it. Negativity will always return to the source. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had my Amedisys experience and look forward to my future with this company. All positive people welcome, and help with the continued success with this company. All others I hope you find your way in the darkness.

Amedisys is a great company to work for. On any side of it BD or Ops, you get out of what you put into it. I am on the BD side and formerly a clinician in the field. I have had great success at both because I work hard and and try to do my best. It is obvious others don't share my work ethic and expect everything handed to them. You can tell unsuccessful people from the negative rhetoric they spew. These people will never be successful at anything they do. Again, you get out of it what you put into it. Negativity will always return to the source. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had my Amedisys experience and look forward to my future with this company. All positive people welcome, and help with the continued success with this company. All others I hope you find your way in the darkness.

you are a clinician-ok nurse rachet...if one person was complaining that is one thing.. Look at the overall turnover in the company. 40% on the BD side. It is like rats jumping from a sinking ship. This company is like the WalMart of HHC. Continued success with the company. Are you fucking serious? This shit company lost over 40% of it's stock value from Larry Graham's over promising ideas to Wall St. Billy Bob(raggin cajiin) is a crazy boy that has eatin to my crawdads in his time. Maybe it the tanted oil ladden shrimp from the Gulf. Go screw yourself with your self righteous attitude...

you are a clinician-ok nurse rachet...if one person was complaining that is one thing.. Look at the overall turnover in the company. 40% on the BD side. It is like rats jumping from a sinking ship. This company is like the WalMart of HHC. Continued success with the company. Are you fucking serious? This shit company lost over 40% of it's stock value from Larry Graham's over promising ideas to Wall St. Billy Bob(raggin cajiin) is a crazy boy that has eatin to my crawdads in his time. Maybe it the tanted oil ladden shrimp from the Gulf. Go screw yourself with your self righteous attitude...
Post #191 is in COMPLETE denial! It's crazy how some people can't get their head out of the sand. Also, in regards to turnover, I thinkl your percentage number is low. Actually, about 58% of BD & Clinical combined are gone within the first 12-18 months of joining the company. That should tell you something about this company! Furthermore, I must admit, the Walmart analogy is on point and hilarious!

This company only cares about one thing & that is the all mighty dollar. They spew things about quality of care & then they get rid of the only staff that give them quality care. If you make waves you are gone. They don't care if it is legit or not just give them the medicare dollars & they are happy. It doesn't matter if they meet eligibility or not. & check out the latest. MERIT INCREASES ARE FROZE BUT MIKE SNOW & TIM BARFIELD JUST GOT $100k RETENTION BONUSES. THIS IS HILARIOUS THAT YOU WOULD PAY TO KEEP PEOPLE WHO ARE CLEARLY INCOMPETENT!

Above poster spot on...same thing on the home health care side. No managed care contracts, competing Amedisys agencies calling on the same facilities and very little respect or recognition for how hard the ae's were working to get business. When Amedisys fundamentally fails to provide the tools: managed care contracts,letter of agreements,regional contracting personnel, advertising (print/radio/tv), etc... well Walmart can and would do a better job as a home health care company as far as driving consumers to seek them out. It's one thing to have a ctc in the facilities it's another getting word out to physician offices,group practices,community health centers,senior centers,councils on aging,support groups for diabetes,never mind all the pay for service private companies(block time,visiting angels..etc) that could be partnered with.So much possibility if the contracts and due dilligence were in place. Good luck to all...I was closed this week and still no word on when the official date is and what severance.


I wished that all of the previous posts were just cafe pharm rheteric but unfortunately for those like me who got caught in the suck, this is true...all of it. The company is a disorginized tail chasing disaster. What the hell would compel a company to open a start up in a small community with no market and expect year end results comparible to those in non compete markets? This company has 1 M.O. Micromanage you with complete incompetance and pip you right out the door in a few short months. Those who survive are miserable to the core and in most cases won't leave only because they have nowhere to go. Shame on you BB and your weak leadership team for screwing with good people and their well being. How on earth do you in good conscious sleep at night thinking your taking care of the sick and dying when the people around your feet are sick and dying!

Thank you for stating how I feel...Wish I had never come in contact with this company...what a nightmare...Won't even put my time here on my resume...I don't what a link ....I will come out of this with the excellent skills I brought with be to this atrocity.

Amedisys is a great company to work for. On any side of it BD or Ops, you get out of what you put into it. I am on the BD side and formerly a clinician in the field. I have had great success at both because I work hard and and try to do my best. It is obvious others don't share my work ethic and expect everything handed to them. You can tell unsuccessful people from the negative rhetoric they spew. These people will never be successful at anything they do. Again, you get out of it what you put into it. Negativity will always return to the source. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had my Amedisys experience and look forward to my future with this company. All positive people welcome, and help with the continued success with this company. All others I hope you find your way in the darkness.


you are a clinician-ok nurse rachet...if one person was complaining that is one thing.. Look at the overall turnover in the company. 40% on the BD side. It is like rats jumping from a sinking ship. This company is like the WalMart of HHC. Continued success with the company. Are you fucking serious? This shit company lost over 40% of it's stock value from Larry Graham's over promising ideas to Wall St. Billy Bob(raggin cajiin) is a crazy boy that has eatin to my crawdads in his time. Maybe it the tanted oil ladden shrimp from the Gulf. Go screw yourself with your self righteous attitude...

To assume that people who post are lazy or don't want to succeed is rather short-sighted of the above poster. It is also very short-sighted to assume that because people have had issues with the company, they weren't doing something right. And I am an employee, currently. I am positive, motivated, a very hard worker, very educated, and a top performer (Chairman's Club) but the postings are correct. I have seen the company change since I have been here, and it is very sad. I have put in MANY years of service. It's not appreciated or acknowledged, and that's the bottom line. 401K cut in half, bonus potential taken away from the BD staff, Tele Nav to follow the BD team around, TSD, and now the new "Smart Book" rolling out. Only educated people would sit back and wonder if it is worth it to trust anything that comes from corporate, anymore. Shouldn't be a hater!

To assume that people who post are lazy or don't want to succeed is rather short-sighted of the above poster. It is also very short-sighted to assume that because people have had issues with the company, they weren't doing something right. And I am an employee, currently. I am positive, motivated, a very hard worker, very educated, and a top performer (Chairman's Club) but the postings are correct. I have seen the company change since I have been here, and it is very sad. I have put in MANY years of service. It's not appreciated or acknowledged, and that's the bottom line. 401K cut in half, bonus potential taken away from the BD staff, Tele Nav to follow the BD team around, TSD, and now the new "Smart Book" rolling out. Only educated people would sit back and wonder if it is worth it to trust anything that comes from corporate, anymore. Shouldn't be a hater!

Whatever nurse rachet. On the contrary, I beleive I am not short sighted as you say. I only speak the truth. The truth is this company is a group of lying, cheating, fools and you my friend, are a fool as well if you are still with this company. Shouldn't be a poser. If you are not satisfied move on! By the way, deflat that ego a bit! I have worked for 3 fortune 100 companies in the past and won a variety of awards.

Whatever nurse rachet. On the contrary, I beleive I am not short sighted as you say. I only speak the truth. The truth is this company is a group of lying, cheating, fools and you my friend, are a fool as well if you are still with this company. Shouldn't be a poser. If you are not satisfied move on! By the way, deflat that ego a bit! I have worked for 3 fortune 100 companies in the past and won a variety of awards.

I was actually responding to post #191, not yours. And what is a "nurse rachet"? The short-sidedness is about the poster in #191 implying that if you are unhappy, it must have been because you were lazy, unappreciative, or something was wrong with you. If you read the response the whole way through, you would see that I said that the changes were sad. I understand people being hateful, just like you, the changes that they have made in the past two years have been unsettling and sad. But just because people leave the company, it doesn't make them bad at their jobs.