I work for Amedisys and I have to agree this is not the company I want to work for any longer, to answer your questions
you are required to have at least 5 -6 patients a day, but for the most part you have 7-10 a day, and if by luck you are done early you are required to be available to work from 830am to 5pm, no ifs ands or buts, my lowest millage for a day is 54.8, the highest was two hundred,I work anywhere from 5-7 days a week, help out on weekends I am not scheduled to work and then get into trouble for having overtime, which is a joke we get paid 14 dollars an hour over time, you get paid per client and only if you see them and they sign (if not home you don't get paid at all), they send you all over the territories under the complaint that the nurse in that area is out sick or what ever, or no other nurse is available, then come to find out they did not even ask the nurse that lives 2 miles from the patient, I cover at least 5 counties in one day, I don't get paid millage to the first client or home from the last even if the client lives 55 miles away from me, them send you on late night IV cases that take hours to administer with no additional pay. They don't supply enough information to admit a patient let alone treat one properly, your lucky to get the correct name address and phone number. They will have you do a discharge on a patient that you have never seen, or a phone discharge on a patient that you may have seen months ago or not at all. I could go on and on but I am sure you all get the picture so if you have somewhere else you can go.. I beg you take the other JOB and stay clear of Amedisys!!!