I don't usually post on these boards because I feel like its just a place for angry people to vent. However, I have been a DOO in the Western Region for nearly 3 yrs and I LOVE my job, my staff, and the pts. I have not had one employee quit in almost 3 years for dissatisfaction with their job. As far as marketing, I have an AE that is actually a "professional salesperson"... here at 8a, organized and ready to go by 9a, out to see her accts, doesn't "buy" her way through the day but finds a way to become an integral part of the physicians office (shows them how to use to Merc Doc, how to bill for their time, makes their day easier, communicates with the office, and answers her phone when her accts call). It sounds like a lot of you are out of your comfort zone as a marketer and expecting more than you deserve (we've been on BD calls at 10a when the dogs are barking in the background, kids are crying, one man literally snoring,....) My AE makes a great salary, works HARD for her bonus, and I try to move her up every chance I get because we wouldn't be one of the largest HH companies in the West without her.
As far as the company, it IS the largest in the nation for a reason...Bill Borne is a compassionate person doing the best he can under the scrutiny of CMS, the watchful eye of the DOJ, etc. and is always a target for people like many here that are looking for an easy way thru life (work an hr, run your errands, feel rejected at end of day if you didn't get a referral, & then try to find a reason to sue a man who DESERVES the money he makes). I bet there's very few on this board that have EVER worked as hard or sacrificed as much as Bill Borne (and he blames nobody when he does wrong). Hold yourselves accountable, work hard, quit bitching (and following the mob mania), and find something positive to say every day.... 90% of marketing is whether people like you or not.. I'm not sure I would want to see such negative people in my office either. Its YOUR fault if you fail, don't blame others. Amedisys IS a great company. Sure they make mistakes, move people around trying to make it work, but YOU try managing 15,000 employees- many of you probably can't mange your own homes or 1 kid. You're just out of your league... Coach Nick Saban said "mediocre people don't like high achievers... and high achievers don't like mediocre people". If you're not a salesperson, don't apply as one. If you want more money, EARN it. If you want to put someone down, look in the mirror.. guaranteed you don't see the sweat & tears of a successful, hard-working person...its an unhappy person (w LIFE)- Find a way to better yourself, be positive, do something to make someone else smile, be grateful for what you have, & hold yourself accountable.... people will naturally be drawn to you. And THEN... apply for a sales position. PS. For any that are clinicians...If I were sick or in the condition some of our pts are.. I wouldn't want you're negativity either as a caregiver. All the best (to those that TRY to be their best). Don't be a victim...
This broad is drinking BB's special brew kool-aide! I've NEVER seen the turnover I've seen at this God forsaken company. Great people getting screwed, and it's not just local- it's national.
Keep you enlarged arse in that seat in your office, Ms. DOO. You have no idea what you're talking about. AEs get no support from the care centers. Care centers are the utmost in unprofessionalism. This company is a laughing stock in the industry.