
PLEASE get a life and a new line already! that's all you post throughout the Amedisys Boards and we are all sick of hearing it, you definitely need to read a book for new material
Go screw yourself. A mess it is sucks. You will be standing in the unemployment line
Bill b sucks
Pass me the crawdads son.

It's true the offices were just told no christmas party this year amedisy is not paying for any christmas this year they can't even pay for christmas that's how bad things are

Yes our DOO said we cannot do a Xmas party this year. The company usually gives us 10.00 per person for a party.

How you extrapolate that there will be layoffs is beyond me. Where is your proof? Is it because we cannot have a Xmas party? That's your proof? I'm not saying we will have or not have layoffs, I just want real facts. Did you hear it from the VP? Or is it just rumors at are started at a care center? Because thereis a difference? Either way we will find out in 30 days if you talk is just real.

Yes our DOO said we cannot do a Xmas party this year. The company usually gives us 10.00 per person for a party.

How you extrapolate that there will be layoffs is beyond me. Where is your proof? Is it because we cannot have a Xmas party? That's your proof? I'm not saying we will have or not have layoffs, I just want real facts. Did you hear it from the VP? Or is it just rumors at are started at a care center? Because thereis a difference? Either way we will find out in 30 days if you talk is just real.

This was said by amedsiy CEO ON NOV12 when they said they were closing 20 more offices and lost money in the 3 quarter. While some employees will be transferred to new care centers, there will be an undisclosed number of job losses, the company said.
What more do you need
They are NOT making money in fl and other states and there is a bid from someone to buy some offices but if they buy them they will close them and just keep who they need and move the census over to their own offices this is going to happen by the end of the 4 th quarter

WOW so sad they can even pay 10.00 per person to give their workers a christmas party some
Offices only have 5 people working in them they can't come up with 50.00 to give a party that should tell you it's time to get out

This was said by amedsiy CEO ON NOV12 when they said they were closing 20 more offices and lost money in the 3 quarter. While some employees will be transferred to new care centers, there will be an undisclosed number of job losses, the company said.
What more do you need
They are NOT making money in fl and other states and there is a bid from someone to buy some offices but if they buy them they will close them and just keep who they need and move the census over to their own offices this is going to happen by the end of the 4 th quarter
I was on that call too. 3rd quarter = July August September and they did close offices and consolidate care centers. The conference call said they "did" close centers not "they are going to". Meaning it is competed. BTW... It is now November and it is the 4th quarter of the year. Consolidation and reorganization is over. so stop spreading more false rumors.

I was on that call too. 3rd quarter = July August September and they did close offices and consolidate care centers. The conference call said they "did" close centers not "they are going to". Meaning it is competed. BTW... It is now November and it is the 4th quarter of the year. Consolidation and reorganization is over. so stop spreading more false rumors.

No this was just said again on nov 12 and again the other day in the office on a call and they did close offices in fl and people lost their jobs and more offices are closing and more jobs are going to be lost they said on a call early this week offices in fl are closing all the news about them is true and just came out in the last few weeks

I was on that call too. 3rd quarter = July August September and they did close offices and consolidate care centers. The conference call said they "did" close centers not "they are going to". Meaning it is competed. BTW... It is now November and it is the 4th quarter of the year. Consolidation and reorganization is over. so stop spreading more false rumors.

Maybe this will help this is just some of what is going on

I was on that call too. 3rd quarter = July August September and they did close offices and consolidate care centers. The conference call said they "did" close centers not "they are going to". Meaning it is competed. BTW... It is now November and it is the 4th quarter of the year. Consolidation and reorganization is over. so stop spreading more false rumors.

It said Tuesday that it will be shutting down or consolidating 19 operations to cut costs.
This was just said on nov 12 this has nothing to do with the other office they closed a few months ago in fl they name the office in fl that were closing in the call we had this week no offices in fl are making money thet are getting out of fl wake up

They are closing the Williamsport PA office at the end of November. This is fact. All other offices on the "watchlist" are at risk. You watchlist centers know who you are. If you don't improve your margin by end of Q1 2014 (or sooner), Amedisys cannot afford to keep you open.

Does anyone know which offices in Florida are on the hot list?

Is it more North, Central or South? Anyone know specific centers? Do tell!!!!

Yes it is true amedsiy is sold in Texas all the offices were sold and the new fl based home care company who are the new owners are nurse on call there are layoffs they are keeping only a few workers and I am one of them the amedisy name is gone in Texas .
Keep a look out fl your next and when it comes they are closing the offices and will be keeping who they need they will do the same thing they are doing here in Texas. They don't want the offices they don't need them it all about taking the amedisy name out of the picture
Amedsiy wants out of fl and other states were they are losing money you need to go out and find other jobs before they let you go don't listen to any thing they say the told us in Texas that it was just rumors not to listen to them and it was all lies amedisy is a bad company get out

Can we use proper grammar on this site? For the yahoo that keeps posting about Texas, your message is lost due to your inability to articulate it. Please slow down when posting your thoughts.

They are closing the Williamsport PA office at the end of November. This is fact. All other offices on the "watchlist" are at risk. You watchlist centers know who you are. If you don't improve your margin by end of Q1 2014 (or sooner), Amedisys cannot afford to keep you open.

Amessitis posted a net loss of 91M for q3. Yikes!