AIT Laboratories

x-employee here..
labs make money but not what you think, Medicare cut all our line items; Medicaid hardly paid at all; self pays were the bulk of what ended up being the biggest headache; when they did make money they did give it back to the employees, i know because I cashed a few of those big checks. In the end the management was the main reason I left. Getting promoted was nearly impossible. Men pretty much ran the place and what women had power was limited. CEO was a nice guy don't listen to the crack head that said he had buck teeth. The guy that took his place...not so sure about him. Too many with MBA's that did not earn the paycheck.

HR was great and had their hands full!
they possibly had some real issues that need people that had degrees, some departments that were minimally important had no one with higher education, those that did were overpaid. Lots of HS grads; and people who attempted to get certifications, don't know if they ever finished or got the certs.

It was obvious after jobs dried up and salaries were not what was projected for those with degrees, or those that got them, after the bonus program was stopped it was no different than any other job. Instead of belly aching I left. It was hard to go into another recession and try to get a job, but I do have my holy IT degree now, it shouldn't be all that hard.

If you want to work your butt off for not what you are worth, and find your self wondering how to move forward, you may have to do what many have done, move on to other health care related companies. The experience was good, when we got training, it was ok, but there wasn't much they could teach me since education levels were un-proportional to the work base, the grunt work that keeps the company going was not that hard just too much for the staff available with the elements provided to complete the work within compliance, which not sure if what was done was or not, it was ISO 9000, and CAPS, they had other National Lab certs, or they wouldn't be in business at all, how long I don't know.

As for all the rude comments, I worked there a long time, when I got the job I was out of work a long time so it was a blessing, after the huge hiring happened it changed, as workplaces do. Make sure anyone else that comments watch out who's toes you are stepping on you know big brother is watching and so it this company, they have an aggressive marketing department, surely they know about this website! If you hated working there oh well, I hated leaving, I hate looking for work, more over I hate belly acher's that can't be happy no matter where you work, or the work you get is not a skate and you actually have to WORK, then that might be why you are bad mouthing AIT. Get over it!

AIT Laboratories Now Selling Pain meds?

So AIT is now partnered with a pain med manufacturer, Neura Therapeutik. And their sales force will now sell the pain drugs and the testing for compliance?

So how does the AIT Labs and the Neura Therapeutik alliance enhance the other's business? Are the salespeople at Neura going to start selling compliance testing?

No one knows how it really is a benefit. Smoke and mirrors, maybe? Plus Neura doesn't actually make anything. They essentially deal with licensing drugs, etc.

No one knows how it really is a benefit. Smoke and mirrors, maybe? Plus Neura doesn't actually make anything. They essentially deal with licensing drugs, etc.

I got that same impression about Neura Therapeutik after reviewing their website. Pretty vague and non-specific about what specific services or products they deliver. Whenever I see the word "partnering" as a primary description of what a company does I immediately become suspicious.

I got that same impression about Neura Therapeutik after reviewing their website. Pretty vague and non-specific about what specific services or products they deliver. Whenever I see the word "partnering" as a primary description of what a company does I immediately become suspicious.
NT is not a research Pharma Co. NT will take a generic compound ( oxycodone ), and put it in NT's delivery system and promote for a small window of time. Pharmacies wont stock b/c it is a branded generic and will have 3rd tier coverage meaning high copay to patients.

How does the partnership with NT help AIT's sales and overall revenue generation?
It will help AIT only in Indiana and a few surrounding states. No PBM will put the drug on preferred formulary status over generic, looking at 3rd tier status. There is no way a physician write DSW on prescription pad.

It will help AIT only in Indiana and a few surrounding states. No PBM will put the drug on preferred formulary status over generic, looking at 3rd tier status. There is no way a physician write DSW on prescription pad.

So as I understand it, Neuro Therapeutiks recommends to physicians those drugs that NT offers and AIT tests for? Will NT "sell" the testing services as well if they can get the physicians to prescribe it?