AIT Laboratories

Liar LB is left trying to make things work with her extensive history of sales direction. Let's look at her history. AE, fail. RSM, fail. Half Director, fail. Decent human being, fail. Sociopaths lie like she does and have no remorse.

Liar LB is left trying to make things work with her extensive history of sales direction. Let's look at her history. AE, fail. RSM, fail. Half Director, fail. Decent human being, fail. Sociopaths lie like she does and have no remorse.

I think she was a good RSM, way better than friggin Stan, that guy doesn't have a clue. As for her being an AE you probably didn't work at AIT when she was an AE. Unless you are one of the original AE's as she was when they elevated them to the RSM role, there are only about 3 or 4 of those people around AIT anymore. As for her failing at director I don't know, I am on the other side of the country and got to watch Constantine run off every high performing AE while Lesli seemed to hang on to her high performing reps with better success.

So I would say that you don't have the knowledge to speak of her AE past, in my opinion she did a good job as an RSM and I can't make a solid determination on her time as a director since, as I stated before, am on the other side of the country.

Regardless of opinions on Management...AIT is far from what it was a few years ago when most really enjoyed working here because of the success the company was enjoying.

Liar LB is left trying to make things work with her extensive history of sales direction. Let's look at her history. AE, fail. RSM, fail. Half Director, fail. Decent human being, fail. Sociopaths lie like she does and have no remorse.[/

Is she a good liar? Hmm. What has she lied about? I never have gotten that feeling from her, maybe I have missed something.

Why does this company have so many professional level job positions unfilled? Seems odd considering the pool of available people in Indianapolis. Why so many CT positions? I'm been looking at other lab companies, and this level of job should be easy to fill.

Please dont start any rumors about LB or you may be fired. You know how she is about the "Rumor Mill". What an inexperienced bunch of ass clowns running AIT!

I know! Only an inexperienced assclown of a manager would dare fire an lie spreading, gossiping, morale damaging employee! They should instead be promoted and rewarded for their douchebaggery! I'll get on the phone with LB and let her know this sea change is about to occur!

Thanks random disgruntled dumbass for this awesome piece of advice! Keep 'em coming!

Why does this company have so many professional level job positions unfilled? Seems odd considering the pool of available people in Indianapolis. Why so many CT positions? I'm been looking at other lab companies, and this level of job should be easy to fill.

Why no reasonable responses to this question? Sounds like a legitimate one to me. Seems as if the list of open positions at AIT grows. Many of those positions have been there for a long time. Why aren't they filled yet? This is usually seen in company's that have an unpleasant working environment. I think I will look elsewhere.

Why no reasonable responses to this question? Sounds like a legitimate one to me. Seems as if the list of open positions at AIT grows. Many of those positions have been there for a long time. Why aren't they filled yet? This is usually seen in company's that have an unpleasant working environment. I think I will look elsewhere.

You're looking to an anonymous message board full of haters for answers to your "legitimate" questions? If you want legitimate answers, why go to a legitimate source of answers... AIT!

If you haven't noticed, this isn't their official Q/A board for job seekers. This is an anonymous board generally populated by bitter former employees and/or haters in general (e.g., competitors).

Why not apply for the job, go to an interview, and make an informed decision using your own brain? Seems like a more legitimate process than basing your career decisions on Internet message boards.

And yet, you ass clowns attempt to police the "Internet message board". And which persona do you fit in, bitter ex or another lab? Because according to you only two types of people patrol these boards.

Hey LB:

Why are you policing an internet forum when you could be assigning random busywork or figuring out how to keep employees from talking to eachother?

While we're asking questions, why has every single top performer left/been dismissed and replaced with $30K/yr hires from friggin' Out of jealousy or is it b/c our former exec "managed" away $11 million?

If it weren't for the horrible economy and the million reps out there looking for work I'd quit right now. I actually enjoy seeing my worst docs more than I do getting directives from the "management" team these days.

LB stop playing high school cheerleader on a message board and work on hiring a competant management team for Indy. Please.

Car sales for Constantine. Figures! He'll feel better being around all the other slime balls that sell used cars. I wonder if he will cheat on his wife with any of his fellow employees over there too?