What about the director in the west???
What about the director in the west???
What's the lab director's salary? Lab managers? Lab Supervisors?
What's the lab director's salary? Lab managers? Lab Supervisors?
What about the director in the west???
Liar LB is left trying to make things work with her extensive history of sales direction. Let's look at her history. AE, fail. RSM, fail. Half Director, fail. Decent human being, fail. Sociopaths lie like she does and have no remorse.
Liar LB is left trying to make things work with her extensive history of sales direction. Let's look at her history. AE, fail. RSM, fail. Half Director, fail. Decent human being, fail. Sociopaths lie like she does and have no remorse.[/
Is she a good liar? Hmm. What has she lied about? I never have gotten that feeling from her, maybe I have missed something.
Please dont start any rumors about LB or you may be fired. You know how she is about the "Rumor Mill". What an inexperienced bunch of ass clowns running AIT!
Why does this company have so many professional level job positions unfilled? Seems odd considering the pool of available people in Indianapolis. Why so many CT positions? I'm been looking at other lab companies, and this level of job should be easy to fill.
Why no reasonable responses to this question? Sounds like a legitimate one to me. Seems as if the list of open positions at AIT grows. Many of those positions have been there for a long time. Why aren't they filled yet? This is usually seen in company's that have an unpleasant working environment. I think I will look elsewhere.
And yet, you ass clowns attempt to police the "Internet message board". And which persona do you fit in, bitter ex or another lab? Because according to you only two types of people patrol these boards.